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Teaching Reading Techniques and Strategies in English Language

1. Skimming is one of the tools that can be used to read efficiently. Skimming refers to looking only for the general or main ideas, and works best with nonfiction (or factual) material. With skimming, the overall understanding is reduced because the reader does not read everything. The reader reads only what is important for the purpose.
2. Scanning means reading slowly and carefully and picking out certain key words or phrases. It allows you to pick out specific information from a text. It does not mean reading word by word, it just means reading carefully. For scanning to be successful, it is needed to understand how the material is structured as well as comprehend what is read so the reader can locate the specific information they need. Scanning also allows to find details and other information in a hurry.
3. Prediction is fundamental to comprehension. According to Duffy (2003), predicting is the strategy most relied upon as we begin reading. Good readers anticipate meaning. They do this by predicting what they think is going to happen in the selection and by revising their predictions as they read. Students rely on previous study and experiences to make educated guesses about material to be read.
FISHER, Ayu Sonia Habibah. Student’s reading techniques difficulties in recount text. Disponível em: https://media.neliti.com/media/publications/192380-ENnone.pdf. Acesso em: 11 jul. 2024. Adaptado.

Considere que um professor deseja desenvolver as habilidades de (1) skimming, (2) scanning e (3) prediction, usando um texto sobre a pandemia de COVID-19. Associe cada habilidade à atividade apropriada:
( ) pedir para os alunos lerem o primeiro e o último parágrafo do texto e indicarem suas ideias principais.
( ) mostrar aos alunos uma imagem sobre a pandemia e pedir para que façam um brainstorm sobre o assunto, antes da leitura.
( ) solicitar aos alunos que identifiquem rapidamente no texto o ano em que a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) declarou a pandemia de COVID-19 no mundo.
( ) pedir para que os alunos encontrem a opinião de um especialista presente no texto.
( ) fornecer o assunto do texto e pedir para que os alunos façam em grupo um mapa mental sobre o tema, de forma a checar posteriormente se as informações trazidas no mapa estão no texto.

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