Specialists argue that comprehensive input for listening ta...

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Q2385587 Inglês
      “The procedure for teaching receptive skills generally starts with a lead-in. This is where we engage students with the topic of the reading and we try to activate their schema (plural schemata) (…). This is the knowledge that allows many British, American, West Indian, Pakistani and Indian people (for example) to make sense of headlines like England in six-wicket collapse (a reference to the game of cricket), whereas many Canadians would instantly understand what it means to be sent to the penalty box and why being sent there might give another team a power play (both terms come ice hockey, Canada’s national sport)”.

(HARMER, J. The Practice of English Language Teaching.
4 th Ed. Essex, England: Pearson, 2007, p. 271).

Specialists argue that comprehensive input for listening tasks is vital for language acquisition. Choose the alternative that shows an effective strategy to address language difficulty. 