In the episode narrated, there were only three people in the...

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Q282913 Inglês
Imagem 006.jpg

Based on the text above, judge the following items.
In the episode narrated, there were only three people in the car.


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wrong- the man on the wheel scanning the static row of cars for an aavailable slot plus his wife a baby son and 5-year old daughter add up to 4 people rather than only 3.

errado- o texto tem 4 personagens: bebê dormindo no carro, o casal e a filha criança.
No: there are four people in the car (the author, his wife and his two children).
he, his wife and the kids (more then one).

Ele pergunta para a mulher se ela quer sair com as crianças do carro. Ou seja, há 4 pessoas no veículo: o pai, a mãe, o bebê e Evangeline.

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