There are some Methods of teaching English that are more imp...
English learning in Brazil
Statutory and the National Curricular Guidelines make the teaching of a ......................................... language at elementary and high school ................................... . However, teachers and experts acknowledge that English teaching - both public and private - is unable to provide students with a usable level of English. They identify similar reasons to those that cause other problems in basic education: the lack of language teaching equipment and over-filled classrooms.
There are also fundamental problems with the amount of time set aside for teaching English and it is hard to find adequately qualified teachers. In these conditions English teaching is reduced to the basic rules of grammar, reading short texts and learning to pass multiple choice exams for university admittance. Even government officials admit that English teaching in basic education has many shortcomings. The National Curricular Guidelines (which outline the curriculum for each subject) are well articulated, but cannot be applied fully in practice. Officials have pointed out that there are no language labs in schools as there is little funding available for them.
They feel that this limits oral communication, a problem that many educators have argued is exacerbated by the large number of students in the classroom. Government representatives and teachers alike have bemoaned the poor quality of language teachers working in basic language education. They argue that a bachelor degree in literature coupled with a teaching license does not prepare a language teacher for the reality of the classroom and to effectively teach the language. There is a widely held belief that these teachers are unlikely to have actually had the means to visit English speaking countries and lack the communication practice required to develop the command of a language. Experts have argued that it would be helpful to send teachers to travel to English speaking countries.
The shortcomings of language teaching in Brazil have resulted in a shortage of professionals who can speak English well. That limits contact between professionals, clients and suppliers and restricts international business opportunities. This affects the whole country - if Brazil is to function fully in the global arena it will need professionals better equipped with English.
There are some Methods of teaching English that are more important than others.
Choose the alternative that contains the correct answer.
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Vamos analisar a questão em detalhes para melhor compreensão sobre o ensino de inglês no Brasil, conforme discutido no texto da questão.
A alternativa C é a correta: "The preferred methods of teaching tend to be those that stimulate conversation." Isso se alinha com o que é mencionado no texto sobre a importância da comunicação oral e as críticas ao ensino focado apenas em regras gramaticais. Métodos que estimulam a conversa são geralmente mais eficazes para desenvolver habilidades práticas no idioma.
Agora, vamos justificar por que as outras alternativas estão incorretas:
A - "Grammar is more important than speaking." Esta alternativa está incorreta porque o texto critica justamente a ênfase excessiva na gramática em detrimento de habilidades práticas de comunicação. O ensino focado apenas na gramática não atende à necessidade de comunicação oral eficaz.
B - "Learners prefer classes in English that 'force' the development of the students’ abilities to write." Novamente, esta alternativa não é suportada pelo texto. A crítica principal é a falta de práticas comunicativas e não a ênfase na escrita.
D - "Grammar rules method of teaching is the only effective method." O texto claramente discorda dessa afirmação, apontando as limitações do ensino baseado apenas em gramática e a falta de preparação prática dos alunos.
E - "The best way of practicing writing and reading Methods is to attribute the availability of tools for written tasks." Esta alternativa não se relaciona diretamente com os problemas específicos discutidos no texto, que enfatizam mais a falta de comunicação oral e de professores qualificados.
O texto aborda os desafios do ensino de inglês no Brasil, destacando a importância de métodos que promovam a comunicação oral e a necessidade de professores mais bem preparados. Compreender esses pontos é essencial para a resolução da questão.
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