Learning goals, which are referred to in version 3 of the BN...

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Q2847474 Inglês
Learning goals, which are referred to in version 3 of the BNCC as abilities, are intended to list the basic knowledge to be acquired by students, and to serve as a reference for drafting and updating the regional, state and municipal curricula.
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Available at: https://www.britishcouncil.org.br/sites/default/files/leitura_critica_bncc_-_en_-_v4_final.pdf. [Fragment]. Accessed on May 6, 2024.
   To develop the BNCC ability of identifying what a text is about and recognising its textual organization and cognate words, English teachers are recommended to exploit different textual genres in the language classroom. Examples of such texts range from a menu, a text message or a poem to a book review.
To develop the BNCC ability EF06LI08, which includes identifying what a text is about, an English teacher should make use of