Considering the grammatical and semantic aspects of text I...

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Q3105237 Inglês
Text IV

      In the middle of July, Roger was making his first ministerial speech. I did not need reminding, having drafted enough of them, how much speeches mattered — to parliamentary bosses, to any kind of tycoon. Draft after draft: the search for the supreme, the impossible, the more than Flaubertian perfection; the scrutiny for any phrase that said more than it ought to say, so that each speech at the end was bound, by the law of official inexplicitness, to be more porridge-like than when it started out in its first draft. I had always hated writing drafts for other people, and nowadays got out of it. To Hector, to Douglas, it was part of the job, which they took with their usual patience, their usual lack of egotism: when a minister crossed out their sharp, clear English and went in for a literary composition of his own, they gave a wintry smile and let it stand.

C. P. Snow. Corridors of Power. London: Penguin Books, 1972, p. 31.
Considering the grammatical and semantic aspects of text IV, judge whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E).

The text suggests that, when their original drafts were modified by a minister, Hector and Douglas would stand up to him and insist on retaining the sharp, clear English of the original.  

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The text does not suggest that Hector and Douglas would stand up to the minister to retain the original sharp, clear English of their drafts. Instead, it describes their reaction as one of resignation; they would give a "wintry smile" and let the minister’s modifications stand, accepting the changes without protest or insistence.

O texto não sugere que Hector e Douglas enfrentavam o ministro para manter o inglês claro e preciso de seus rascunhos originais. Em vez disso, descreve a reação deles como de resignação; eles davam um "sorriso gélido" e aceitavam as modificações do ministro sem protestar ou insistir.


O gabarito definitivo consta como ERRADO.

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