Maintaining the original meaning of text 18A3-I, the fragmen...
Text 18A3-I
The roar of a waterfall suggests the power of water. Rampaging floodwaters can uproot strong trees and twist railroad tracks. When the power of water is harnessed, however, it can do useful work for humans.
Since ancient times, people have put the energy in the flow of water to work. They first made water work for them with the waterwheel, a wheel with paddles around its rim. Flowing water rotated the waterwheel, which in turn ran machinery that was linked to it. Today, new kinds of waterwheels – turbines – spin generators that produce electricity. Electricity from waterturned generators is known as hydroelectricity.
By building a dam across a river, the natural upstream water level is elevated and a difference in head is created that can be used to drive turbines and generate electricity. A large upstream reservoir may balance seasonal water flow; rain or melted snow can be stored in the reservoir during the wet season to provide electricity during dry seasons.
Waterpower is distributed unevenly among the continents and nations of the world. Europe and North America have developed much of their waterpower. Asia, South America, and Africa have abundant waterpower potential, but while countries such as China and Brazil have become leading hydroelectric producers, much of the waterpower resource on those continents remains undeveloped.
Elizabeth Lachner. Hydroelectricity. Rosen Publishing Group, 2018 (adapted).
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Vamos analisar a questão referente ao texto sobre a energia hidrelétrica.
A alternativa correta é a D: "Nowadays, a new type of waterwheels, known as turbines, spins generators that then produce electricity."
Para entender por que essa é a alternativa correta, vamos decompor o trecho original do texto: "Today, new kinds of waterwheels—turbines—spin generators that produce electricity."
Essa frase explica que as turbinas são uma forma moderna de rodas d'água e elas giram geradores que produzem eletricidade. A alternativa D mantém o sentido original da frase, substituindo apropriadamente o termo "new kinds of waterwheels" por "a new type of waterwheels" e descrevendo que tais turbinas giram geradores que produzem eletricidade.
Agora, vamos analisar por que as outras alternativas estão incorretas:
A: "Actually, the turbines, which are new kinds of waterwheels and spins, generate and produce electricity."
Aqui, a frase está mal estruturada. A expressão "waterwheels and spins" é estranha e confusa, além de "generate and produce" ser redundante.
B: "Today, electricity is produced by spin generators, a new kind of waterwheels also known as turbines."
Esta alternativa troca a ordem da frase, sugerindo que "spin generators" são os novos tipos de rodas d'água, o que não está correto. Na verdade, são as "turbines" que giram os geradores, e não o contrário.
C: "To produce electricity today it is necessary to use a new sort of waterwheel, a turbine, which spins generators."
Embora esta alternativa esteja próxima do sentido original, ela acrescenta um elemento de necessidade ("it is necessary") que não está presente no texto original, alterando o contexto levemente.
E: "New kinds of waterwheels, which are named turbines and spin generators, have the power to produce electricity today."
Apesar de fazer sentido, a estrutura "have the power to produce" adiciona um elemento de potencialidade que não está presente na frase original, que afirma diretamente que as turbinas produzem eletricidade.
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