The sentence that warns about the harmful effects advances i...

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Blockchain: An opportunity for accountants? Or a threat?

(Source: Retrieved on January 25th 2018)
By Ken Tysiac
November 17, 2017

The emergence of blockchain technology has led to a concern in the CPA profession that is perfectly understandable.
Technological advances can threaten people’s livelihoods in any number of professions. The development of the Internet had a devastating effect on newspaper journalists, and some experts say self-driving vehicles may cause huge job losses among truck drivers.
Blockchain, meanwhile, has implications for the accounting profession. Blockchain is a digital ledger on which transactions are recorded chronologically and can be viewed by all who have access. The technology is expected to affect auditing, cybersecurity, and financial planning and analysis.
Erik Asgeirsson, president and CEO of, the technology arm of the AICPA, said that some CPAs have anxiety that blockchain might put audit professionals out of business. But while blockchain is likely to change the way CPAs work, he said, he is telling accounting firm leaders that the accounting profession can continue to thrive through the use of blockchain technology.
“It’s going to be a fantastic, secure database that will have uses,” he said during a panel presentation Tuesday at the Wall Street Blockchain Alliance’s Blockchain for Wall Street education day in New York City. “But it’s not going to put them out of work.”
Large and medium-size CPA firms already are seeing the implications of blockchain for their clients, Amy Pawlicki, CPA, vice president–Assurance & Advisory Innovation for the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants, said during the panel session. Companies are implementing blockchain into their enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, particularly for tasks such as procurement and supplier management.
Blockchain’s ledger-based technology can simplify the procurement process because it enables secure recording of transactions in a way that can lead to unprecedented transparency and increased operational efficiency.
“Our auditors are already auditing transactions in the blockchain,” Pawlicki said.
Blockchain’s transparency gives visibility to all transactions for approved users, and this may decrease auditors’ work with sampling and validating transactions. But this allows auditors more time to focus on controls and investigating anomalies. Meanwhile, opportunities are emerging for CPAs to use blockchain technology as they expand their assurance services to areas such as cybersecurity and sustainability.
“We’ve got a lot of work to do … it’s a great opportunity in an area where CPAs can add a lot of value,” Pawlicki said.
An important next step for the profession in the use of blockchain is accommodations for the technology from standard setters and regulators. SEC Chief Accountant Wesley Bricker, CPA, J.D, said Tuesday that the commission’s Office of the Chief Accountant is investing time in understanding blockchain technologies, and suggested that accounting professionals do the same.
“It is important that those in the accounting profession invest the time to understand new trends and developments in technology and commerce to identify their potential effects on financial reporting to investors,” Bricker said during a speech at a Financial Executives International conference in New York City.
Past developments such as the emergence of computers, ERP systems, and cloud computing have merely changed CPAs’ work instead of making them irrelevant. The same can be true with blockchain, Asgeirsson said.
“Through every phase,” Asgeirsson said, “what’s really happened is that the accountant’s and the auditor’s role has just evolved.”

(Source: ain-opportunity-for-accountants-201717900.html. Retrieved on January 22nd, 2018)

CEO: Chief Executive Officer
CPA: Certified Public Accountant
ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning
AICPA: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
The sentence that warns about the harmful effects advances in technology may bring is:

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A dica para resolução dessa questão, é aplicar a estratégia de leitura scanning, a qual, o candidato deve examinar detalhadamente o texto, selecionando o vocabulário e expressões necessárias para encontrar os detalhes que o levarão à resposta.
A frase que alerta sobre os efeitos nocivos que os avanços da tecnologia podem trazer é:
A) "A tecnologia baseada em razão do Blockchain pode simplificar o processo de aquisição". Errado afirmar que teve um efeito nocivo. Ela causou preocupação  na profissão contábil. The emergence of blockchain technology has led to a concern in the CPA profession that is perfectly understandable. O surgimento da tecnologia blockchain gerou uma preocupação na profissão de CPA que é perfeitamente compreensível.
B ) Os avanços tecnológicos podem ameaçar o sustento das pessoas em várias profissões". Correto afirmar que foi um efeito nocivo.  Technological advances can threaten people's livelihoods in any number of professions. The development of the Internet had a devastating effect on newspaper journalists, and some experts say self-driving vehicles may cause huge job losses among truck drivers. O desenvolvimento da Internet teve um efeito devastador sobre os jornalistas, e alguns especialistas dizem que os veículos autônomos podem causar enormes perdas de empregos entre os motoristas de caminhão.
C)“... o que realmente aconteceu é que o papel do contador e do auditor acabou de evoluir". Errado ao afirmar que foi um efeito nocivo. [...] he is telling accounting firm leaders that the accounting profession can continue to thrive through the use of blockchain technology. [...] ele está dizendo aos líderes de firmas de contabilidade que a profissão contábil pode continuar a prosperar por meio do uso da tecnologia blockchain.
D)“… A profissão de contabilidade pode continuar a prosperar com o uso da tecnologia blockchain". Errado afirmar que isso seja um efeito nocivo. [...] he is telling accounting firm leaders that the accounting profession can continue to thrive through the use of blockchain technology. [...] ele está dizendo aos líderes de firmas de contabilidade que a profissão contábil pode continuar a prosperar por meio do uso da tecnologia blockchain.
E) As grandes e médias empresas de CPA já estão vendo as implicações do blockchain para seus clientes". Errado afirmar que seja um efeito ruim.   Companies are implementing blockchain into their enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, particularly for tasks such as procurement and supplier management. As empresas estão implementando o blockchain em seus sistemas de planejamento de recursos empresariais (ERP), especialmente para tarefas como compras e gerenciamento de fornecedores.
Gabarito do Professor: Letra B.

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Gabarito: B. - "Technological advances can threaten people’s livelihoods in any number of professions”.


The sentence that warns about the harmful effects advances in technology may bring is: ?

A frase que alerta sobre os efeitos nocivos que os avanços da tecnologia podem trazer é:

(A)Blockchain’s ledger-based technology can simplify the procurement process”.

“A tecnologia baseada em livro-razão do Blockchain pode simplificar o processo de aquisição”.

(B)"Technological advances can threaten people’s livelihoods in any number of professions”.

“Os avanços tecnológicos podem ameaçar o sustento das pessoas em várias profissões”.

(C)What’s really happened is that the accountant’s and the auditor’s role has just evolved”.

... O que realmente aconteceu é que o papel do contador e do auditor acabou de evoluir”.

(D) The accounting profession can continue to thrive through the use of blockchain technology”.

“… A profissão de contabilidade pode continuar a prosperar com o uso da tecnologia blockchain”.

(E)Large and medium-size CPA firms are already seeing the implications of blockchain for their clients”.

“As grandes e médias empresas de CPA já estão vendo as implicações do blockchain para seus clientes”.


bringing in the possibility of threats as a byproduct of technological advances bespeaks of the black-pilling tone that percolates such talks that bandy about the supposedly baneful consequences of advances in technology

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