Considering the language used in the Untitled story and in t...

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Q3131208 Inglês

“im sorry, its a girl” said the doctor to the father.
“no, im sorry, youre a sexist” said the girl child to the world. 

Adhiraj Singh. Untitled. In: Terribly Tatti Tales. 

        Taken from writer Adhiraj Singh’s parody collection, Terribly Tatti Tales, this story manages to fun at the poor grammar and heavy-handedness of most “Twitterature,” while simultaneously delivering a hilarious and rousing story in and of itself.

Internet: <>.

Considering the language used in the Untitled story and in the previous text, judge the item below.

The Untitled story presents colloquial Internet English, but apart from the absence of apostrophes in contractions, the language is grammatically correct. 
