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Q2379789 Inglês
Teacher asked the following taks to students:

“Imagining that you are a web journalist, your job is to create interesting and engaging news articles about various topics for your online readers. You have been tasked with writing a news article about a recent technological discovery that has the potential to change everyday life.”

In order to create an effective and enticing article for a target audience, which of the following aspects should your students prioritize in their writing?
Q2372584 Inglês
Aeroponics: feeding tomorrow's world? 

Adapted from:
The pronunciation of the {-s} plural suffix of the underlined word in “Fifty percent of all fruit and vegetables going to waste, that is an enormous amount of wastage, and not just in economic terms.” (4th paragraph) is the same that of the underlined word in 
Q2372098 Inglês
Read the following sentences:

I- The restaurant chain has had a very difficult year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, they haven't had to close any of the As a result restaurants.
II- He makes a good salary though the job itself doesn't have much novelty.
III- Sales have decreased this past quarter; therefore, we will not be taking on new employees.

The use of connectors is correct in:
Ano: 2024 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: INPI Provas: CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - INPI - Analista De Planejamento, Gestão E Infraestrutura Em Propriedade Industrial – Área: A3 – Gestão E Suporte – Formação: Contabilidade Ou Ciências Contábeis | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - INPI - Analista De Planejamento, Gestão E Infraestrutura Em Propriedade Industrial – Área: A4 – Gestão E Suporte – Formação: Economia Ou Ciências Econômicas | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - INPI - Analista De Planejamento, Gestão E Infraestrutura Em Propriedade Industrial – Área: A1 – Gestão E Suporte – Formação: Administração | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - INPI - Analista De Planejamento, Gestão E Infraestrutura Em Propriedade Industrial – Área: A2 – Gestão E Suporte – Formação: Direito | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - INPI - Analista De Planejamento, Gestão E Infraestrutura Em Propriedade Industrial – Área: A5 – Gestão E Suporte – Formação: Engenharia Civil | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - INPI - Analista De Planejamento, Gestão E Infraestrutura Em Propriedade Industrial – Área: A6 – Gestão E Suporte – Formação: Engenharia Elétrica | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - INPI - Analista De Planejamento, Gestão E Infraestrutura Em Propriedade Industrial – Área: A7 – Gestão E Suporte – Formação: Arquitetura | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - INPI - Analista De Planejamento, Gestão E Infraestrutura Em Propriedade Industrial – Área: A8 – Gestão E Suporte – Formação: Psicologia | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - INPI - Pesquisador Em Propriedade Industrial – Área: P2- Bioquímica / Imunologia / Biologia Celular E Molecular / Biotecnologia / Microbiologia | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - INPI - Pesquisador Em Propriedade Industrial – Área: P1 - Biologia Celular E Molecular / Bioquímica / Biotecnologia / Enzimologia / Microbiologia / Imunologia / Bioinformática | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - INPI - Pesquisador Em Propriedade Industrial – Área: P5 – Instrumentos E Processos De Medição De Grandezas Físicas, Químicas E Biomédicas/Sensores E Biosensores/Aparelhos De Diagnóstico E Terapia/Biomecânica | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - INPI - Tecnologista em propriedade industrial – área: t1 – formação: qualquer área de formação. | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - INPI - Pesquisador Em Propriedade Industrial – Área: P3 - Redes De Comunicação Sem Fio / Sistemas De Comunicações Móveis / Sistemas E Redes De Comunicação Digital / Protocolos De Comunicação | CESPE / CEBRASPE - 2024 - INPI - Pesquisador Em Propriedade Industrial – Área: P4 – Processamento De Sinais/Processamento De Dados De Imagem, Áudio Ou Voz/Codificação, Compressão E Decodificação De Imagem, Áudio E Voz/Reconhecimento De Padrões |
Q2370837 Inglês

        Using your phone while on the toilet poses significant health risks, as warned by an expert, Dr. Sethi. Despite being a common habit, mindlessly scrolling or using your phone in the bathroom can lead to severe consequences. Dr. Sethi, a Harvard-trained stomach doctor, highlights that this practice, particularly during bowel movements, causes extended sitting that strains the rectum and anus, potentially resulting in hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and rectal prolapse.

Furthermore, using phones in the bathroom makes them a breeding ground for bacteria, surpassing the hygiene levels of a public toilet seat. Dr. Sethi emphasizes the importance of avoiding phone usage while on the toilet or, if unavoidable, suggests disinfecting the phone afterward. Research spanning over a decade has consistently shown that phones harbor a significant amount of germs, including fecal matter.

Despite these health warnings, over 65% of adults take their phones into the bathroom, with Spain having the highest usage rates (nearly 80%) and Germany the lowest (just under 55%). Interestingly, younger age groups, particularly those aged 26-41 and 18-25, are most likely to engage in this unhygienic behavior. Apart from health concerns, there’s the practical risk of dropping the phone into the toilet, with a fifth of respondents in the United States admitting to this mishap.

Internet: <> (adapted). 

Based on the previous text, judge the following item. 

The expression “Apart from” (last sentence of the text) can be correctly replaced by Except for, without changing the original meaning. 

Q2367208 Inglês
Text 9A2-II

     As I was driving, the snow had started falling in earnest. The light was flat, although it was midmorning, making it almost impossible to distinguish the highway. I turned on the radio to help me concentrate on the road ahead; the announcer was talking about the snow. “The state Highway department advises motorists to use extreme caution and to drive with their headlights on to ensure maximum visibility.” He went on. “The state highway supervisor just called to say that one of the plows almost hit a car because the person driving hadn’t turned on his ligths.” I checked, almost reflexively, to be sure that my headlights were on.

      How can information serve those who hear or read it in making sense of their own worlds? How can it enable them to reason about what they do and to take appropriate actions based on that reasoning? My experience with the radio illustrates two different ways of providing the same message: the need to use your headlights when you drive in heavy snow. The first offers dispassionate information; the second tells the same content in a personal, compelling story. The first disguises its point of view; the second explicitly grounds the general information in a particular time and place. Each means of giving information has its role, but I believe the second is ultimately more useful in helping people make sense of what they are doing. When I heard the story about the plow, I made sure my headlights were on.

      In what is written about teaching, it is rare to find accounts in which the author’s experience and point of view are central. A point of view is not simply an opinion; neither is it a whimsical or impressionistic claim. Rather, a point of view lays out what the author thinks and why. The problem is that much of what is available in professional development in languageteacher education concentrates on telling rather than on point of view. The telling is prescriptive, like the radio announcer’s first statement. It emphasizes what is important to know and do, what is current in theory and research, and therefore what you — as a practicing teacher — should do. But this telling disguises the teller; it hides the point of view that can enable you to make sense of what is told.

Donald Freeman. Series Editor’s preface. In: P. R. Moran. Teaching culture: perspectives in practice. Boston (MA): Heinle, 2001 (adapted). 
In relation to the vocabulary and grammatical features of text 9A2-II, choose the correct option.
71: E
72: C
73: A
74: E
75: C