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Q2351134 Inglês

        Businesses are starting to introduce new options for tipping at self-checkout machines, putting even more pressure on customers amid rising inflation costs. Despite having zero interaction with employees during transactions, self-checkout machines at places such as coffee shops, bakeries, airports, and sports stadiums are giving customers the option to leave the typical 20% tip, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal.

        Business owners believe that the prompt for a tip can boost staff pay and increase gratuities — but customers are questioning where and to whom the extra cash is going, considering self-checkout is done by the customers themselves. “They’re cutting labor costs by doing self-checkout. So what’s the point of asking for a tip? And where is it going?” are some of the questions customers ask. But tipping researchers claim this is a way for companies to put the responsibility of paying employees on the customer rather than increasing employee salaries themselves. Self-tipping is viewed by many customers as a way to guilt-trip the person into tipping on something when they typically wouldn’t.

        Many companies told the Journal that these tipping prompts are optional, and the extra gratuity is split between all employees. However, experts say that tips at a self-checkout machine might never even get to an actual employee since protections for tipped workers in the federal Fair Labor Standards Act don’t extend to machines.

Internet: <> (adapted). 

According to the previous text, judge the following item.  

The word “Despite” in the sentence “Despite having zero interaction with employees during transactions” (second sentence of the first paragraph) can be correctly replaced by In spite of, maintaining both the meaning of the fragment and its correction. 

Q2350986 Inglês
Evaluate the following sentences and identify the one that correctly employs the Subjunctive Mood:
Q2350985 Inglês
“I have to work with computers and phones all the time in my work, either sitting in front of a screen or living by the apps on my mobile. I think the number of voice-to-voice phone calls has gone down a lot in the last few years, but with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and so on, I feel sort of chained to technology the entire length of the working week. So when the weekend comes, there’s nothing I like better than switching off the computer, the mobile and the landline and enjoying real peace and quiet. We live near to some fields and open country, and I can listen to the birds sing, go for long walks, maybe drop in at our local pub and have a drink with some of the locals. It’s not exciting, I grant you, but it’s very relaxing and helps me remember I’m a human being, not a part of some computerised machine. Of course, by Sunday night I’m already thinking about the working week ahead, but never mind. I’ve had those two days to recharge my batteries, as they say.”

Teaching English. The British Council, 2016. Adapted.
Which option correctly identifies the verb tense used in the following sentence from the extract?
"I’ve had those two days to recharge my batteries".
Q2349825 Inglês

Leia o Texto 4 para responder a questão.

Texto 4

Brazil is preparing for the biggest heat wave in history, with temperatures above 45°C

Dacio Augustus
November 9th, 2023

     Tired of the extreme heat in Brazil? So it's good to prepare, since according to the institute MetSul Meteorology, starting in the next few days another heat wave capable of breaking temperature records will hit the country.

      According to information from the MetSouth, the heat wave has already begun, affecting mainly the South and Southeast of Brazil, with atypically high temperatures for the month of November, a period that is already historically hot, but which, in 2023, could see records broken.

     Until Friday (10), the most intense heat should be concentrated in the Central-West and in the interior of São Paulo, but from the weekend onwards the mass of hot air increases and the maximum temperatures begin to reach more areas of Brazil, just as it was in September and October. (...)

Disponível em: <

maior-onda-de-calor-da-historia/>. Acesso em: 13 nov. 2023. [Adaptado].

The degree of comparison in the sentence “Brazil is preparing for the biggest heat wave in history, with temperatures above 45°C” is the 
Q2348166 Inglês
     What is agronomy? An agronomist, or crop scientist, studies plants and how they can be grown, modified, and used to benefit society. They use science to carry out experiments that create new techniques for agriculture production. Agronomy has existed and been important for humans since the invention of farming.

Internet: <> (with adaptations).

According to the text, judge the item from.

The last period of the text is in the present perfect tense in which “been” is the past participle of the verb to be.
81: C
82: D
83: C
84: D
85: C