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Q2357436 Inglês
Text 4

Unsung hero: how culture influences movies and storytelling

¹ Have you ever been immersed in a film, TV show, or book and thought, "Wow, this feels so Japanese"? (or American, or French, or Chinese…?) There are so many ways our cultures differ when it comes to storytelling! A culture's values and beliefs shape the very foundation of their stories, from their underlying ideas and themes to the individuals who inhabit their worlds.

² Maybe you’re familiar with "The American Dream": the hope of achieving success through hard work, determination, and initiative. Because U.S. culture values self-reliance and personal autonomy, stories often focus on a single protagonist who has to overcome personal challenges and external obstacles to succeed. In the end, the hero is transformed and emerges a stronger, more resilient version of themselves.

³ Even imagining what a hero should be reflects the values and beliefs of each society, and nearly every culture has their own brand of hero! For example, back in Japan, heroes often prioritize the greater good over their own desires, showcasing the importance of duty and self-sacrifice in Japanese culture. In Britain, heroes are often characterized by their honor, chivalry, and intelligence (think: Sherlock Holmes and Hermione Granger). British heroes often showcase their wit, wisdom, and willingness to stand up for what's right. In South Africa, heroes are celebrated for their courage, resilience, and commitment to justice.

Source: Adapted from “Unsung hero: how culture influences movies and storytelling”, by Kate Barker, 2023. Available on:

Examine the following statements about ‘Text 4’:
I. Asking students to identify and discuss who their favorite heroes are and what makes them 'so Brazilian' in Portuguese is a way of valuing students' previous knowledge on the text's theme.
II. Asking students to look at pictures of Brazilian movies' protagonists/heroes and create sentences describing their physical appearance is a way of valuing students' cultural knowledge on the text's theme.
Choose the CORRECT answer:
Q2357435 Inglês

Text 3

Benefits of a Bilingual Brain

¹ Language ability is typically measured in two active parts, speaking and writing, and two passive parts, listening and reading. While a balanced bilingual has near equal abilities in two languages, most bilinguals around the world know and use their languages in varying proportions. But recent advances in brain imaging technology have given neurolinguists a glimpse into how specific aspects of language learning affect the bilingual brain. 

² It's well known that the brain's left hemisphere is more dominant and analytical in logical processes, while the right hemisphere is more active in emotional and social ones, though this is a matter of degree, not an absolute split. The fact that language involves both types of functions has led to the critical period hypothesis. According to this theory, children learn languages more easily because the plasticity of their developing brains lets them use both hemispheres in language acquisition, while in most adults, language is lateralized to one hemisphere, usually the left. If this is true, learning a language in childhood may give you a more holistic grasp of its social and emotional contexts. 

³ Conversely, recent research showed that people who learned a second language in adulthood exhibit less emotional bias and a more rational approach when confronting problems in the second language than in their native one. But regardless of when you acquire additional languages, being multilingual gives your brain some remarkable advantages, such as higher density of the grey matter that contains most of your brain's neurons and synapses, and more activity in certain regions when engaging a second language. The strong workout a bilingual brain receives throughout its life can also help delay the onset of diseases, like Alzheimer's and dementia by as much as five years.

Source: Adapted from “Benefits of a bilingual brain” (Video), by Mia Nacamuli for TED-ed, 2015. Available on: with subtitles.

Examine the following statements:
I. In: "It is impossible for people to recall everything that they have ever done", the underlined word means “repeat”.
II. In: "The theme touched off an argument between the teacher and students", the underlined expression means “began”.
III. In: "She has an issue understanding that people judge her by her conduct.", the underlined word means “management”.
Choose the CORRECT answer:
Q2357432 Inglês

Text 3

Benefits of a Bilingual Brain

¹ Language ability is typically measured in two active parts, speaking and writing, and two passive parts, listening and reading. While a balanced bilingual has near equal abilities in two languages, most bilinguals around the world know and use their languages in varying proportions. But recent advances in brain imaging technology have given neurolinguists a glimpse into how specific aspects of language learning affect the bilingual brain. 

² It's well known that the brain's left hemisphere is more dominant and analytical in logical processes, while the right hemisphere is more active in emotional and social ones, though this is a matter of degree, not an absolute split. The fact that language involves both types of functions has led to the critical period hypothesis. According to this theory, children learn languages more easily because the plasticity of their developing brains lets them use both hemispheres in language acquisition, while in most adults, language is lateralized to one hemisphere, usually the left. If this is true, learning a language in childhood may give you a more holistic grasp of its social and emotional contexts. 

³ Conversely, recent research showed that people who learned a second language in adulthood exhibit less emotional bias and a more rational approach when confronting problems in the second language than in their native one. But regardless of when you acquire additional languages, being multilingual gives your brain some remarkable advantages, such as higher density of the grey matter that contains most of your brain's neurons and synapses, and more activity in certain regions when engaging a second language. The strong workout a bilingual brain receives throughout its life can also help delay the onset of diseases, like Alzheimer's and dementia by as much as five years.

Source: Adapted from “Benefits of a bilingual brain” (Video), by Mia Nacamuli for TED-ed, 2015. Available on: with subtitles.

 Examine the following statements about ‘Text 3’:
I. The word ‘glimpse’ in paragraph 1 means a full view of the matter.
II. The word ‘plasticity’ in paragraph 2 means inconsistency or instability.
III. The word ‘regardless’ in paragraph 3 means with no respect for something.
Choose the CORRECT answer:
Q2357427 Inglês
Text 2

“The teachers are afraid of their pupils”, by Morrisey

There's too many people

Planning your downfall

When your spirit's on trial

These nights can be frightening

Sleep transports sadness

To some other mid-brain

And somebody here

Will not be here next year

So you stand by the board

Full of fear and intention

And, if you think that they're listening

Well, you've got to be joking

Oh, you understand change

And you think it's essential

But when your profession

Is humiliation

Say the wrong word to our children

We'll have you, oh yes, we'll have you

Source: The teachers are afraid of their pupils, as sung by Morrisey, 1995. Available on:
Examine the following statements about ‘Text 2’:
I. In: "There's too many people / Planning your downfall / When your spirit's on trial / These nights can be frightening", there are no end rhymes.
II. In: "And somebody here / Will not be here next year", there are two rhymes with the first ‘here’ in the next verse.
III. It is fundamental to the song genre that words rhyme, in order to create an effect of harmony and rhythm. This concerns the study of prosody.
Choose the CORRECT answer:
Q2346885 Inglês
Lines and Geoglyphs of Nasca and Palpa

(1º§) Located in the arid Peruvian coastal plain, some 400 km south of Lima, the geoglyphs of Nasca and the pampas of Jumana cover about 450 km2 . These lines, which were scratched on the surface of the ground between 500 B.C. and A.D. 500, are among archaeology's greatest enigmas because of their quantity, nature, size and continuity. The geoglyphs depict living creatures, stylized plants and imaginary beings, as well as geometric figures several kilometres long. They are believed to have had ritual astronomical functions.

(2º§) Located in the arid Peruvian coastal plain, some 400 km south of Lima, the Lines and Geoglyphs of Nasca and Pampas de Jumana are one of the most impressive-looking archaeological areas in the world and an extraordinary example of the traditional and millenary magical-religious world of the ancient Pre-Hispanic societies which flourished on the Peruvian south coast between the 8th century BC and the 8th century AD. They are located in the desert plains of the basin river of Rio Grande de Nasca, the archaeological site covers an area of approximately 75,358.47 Ha where for nearly 2,000 uninterrupted years, the region's ancient inhabitants drew on the arid ground a great variety of thousands of large scale zoomorphic and anthropomorphic figures and lines or sweeps with outstanding geometric precision, transforming the vast land into a highly symbolic, ritual and social cultural landscape that remains until today. They represent a remarkable manifestation of a common religion and social homogeneity that lasted a considerable period of time.

(3º§) They are the most outstanding group of geoglyphs anywhere in the world and are unmatched in its extent, magnitude, quantity, size, diversity and ancient tradition to any similar work in the world. The concentration and juxtaposition of the lines, as well as their cultural continuity, demonstrate that this was an important and long-lasting activity, lasting approximately one thousand years. Intensive study of the geoglyphs and comparison with other manifestations of contemporary art forms suggests that they can be divided chronologically from the Middle and Late Formative (500 BC − 200 AD) to the Regional Development Period (200 − 500 AD), highlighting the Paracas phase (400 - 200 BC) and the Nasca phase (200 BC - 500 AD). There are two categories of glyphs: the first group is representational, depicting in schematic form a variety of natural forms including animals, birds, insects, and other living creatures and flowers, plants, and trees, deformed or fantastic figures and objects of everyday life. There are very few anthropomorphic figures. The second group comprises the lines, which are generally straight lines that criss-cross certain parts of the pampas in all directions. Some are several kilometres in length and form designs of many different geometrical figures - triangles, spirals, rectangles, wavy lines, etc. Others radiate from a central promontory or encircle it. Yet another group consists of so-called 'tracks', which appear to have been laid out to accommodate large numbers of people.

(4º§) Criterion (i): The Nasca Lines and Geoglyphs form a unique and magnificent artistic achievement of the Andean culture that is unrivalled in its extension, dimensions and diversity and long existence anywhere in the prehistoric world.

(5º§) Criterion (iii): The Nasca and Pampas de Jumana Lines and Geoglyphs, through its unique form of land use, are an exceptional testimony of the culture and magical-religious tradition and beliefs of the societies that developed in Pre-Columbian South America between the 8th BC and 8th AD centuries.

(6º§) Criterion (iv): The system of lines and geoglyphs, which has survived intact for more than two millennia, evidences an unusual way of using the land and the natural environment that represent a highly symbolic cultural landscape, using a construction technology that allowed them to design large-scale figures with outstanding geometric precision.

(7º§) The Lines and Geoglyphs of Nasca and Pampas de Jumana, with their protection area that extends over 75,358.47 Ha, are well defined and include all physical aspects that convey the Outstanding Universal Value of the property, including its surrounding landscape with which they make up an indivisible unit in a harmonious relationship that has survived virtually unaltered over the centuries.

(8º§) The Pleistocene alluvial terrace, currently with occasional water activity (only during the El Niño Southern Oscillation - ENSO) and the low rainfall rates (the lowest in the world), determine desert climate characteristics and extreme aridity that have favoured the preservation of the Lines and Geoglyphs of Nasca and Pampas de Jumana. Likewise, harmful human activity has caused no severe impact on the property, so the geoglyphs and cultural landscape have remained intact for nearly two millennia, from their design in the 8th century BC to nowadays. The cleaning and preservation works performed have not affected the property's integrity and have promoted their conservation.

(9º§) The construction of the South Pan-American Highway, which directly crosses the property, has caused damages in some lines and figures sectors. However, most of the lines and figures are in fair condition.

(10º§) The authenticity of the Lines and Geoglyphs of Nasca and Pampas de Jumana is indisputable. The method of their formation, by removing the overlying weathered gravels to reveal the lighter bedrock, is such that their authenticity is assured. The creation, design, morphology, size and variety of the geoglyphs and lines correspond to the original designs produced during the historic evolution of the region's and have remained unchanged. The ideology, symbolism and sacred and ritual character of the geoglyphs and the landscape are clearly represented, and their significance remains intact even today.

(11º§) The concentration and overlapping of lines and figures provide a clear evidence of long and intense activity in the territory, reflecting the millenary magical-religious tradition of this activity by pre-Hispanic societies and the historic continuity in Nasca's Rio Grande river basin. The property also shows different social process stages. Several historic sources and researches confirm the property's originality and its original landscape surroundings still preserved in pristine condition and unaltered.

(12º§) Even though there have been some impacts caused by natural and human factors, these have been minimal and the geoglyphs maintain their authenticity and express their high symbolic and historic value even today.

(13º§) The National Constitution (Art 36) and Law Nº 28296, General Law for National Cultural Heritage are the main legal protection tools for the Lines and Geoglyphs of Nasca and Pampas de Jumana,

(14º§) The protection area boundaries are established by Resolution Nº 421/INC as an Archaeological Reserve. However, it has been recommended to redefine those boundaries according to the lines and geoglyphs' real distribution in the field and submit a new proposal to the World Heritage Committee.

(15º§) Since 1941 foreign scientists (notably Dr. Maria Reiche) and the Ministry of Culture have carried out archaeological investigation, conservation, permanent protection and maintenance measures.

(16º§) The management and protection of the Lines and Geoglyphs of Nasca and Pampas de Jumana is the responsibility of the Peruvian Government represented by the Ministry of Culture. Documentation, research, protection and dissemination activities are being performed through the implementation of national and international research projects and civil associations, in the territory of Nasca and Palpa provinces.

(17º§) A management plan "Sistema de Gestión para el Patrimonio Cultural y Natural del territorio de Nasca y Palpa" for the entire area, which is fundamental in the protection of the Lines and Geoglyphs, has been formulated and is being implemented.
What does "unrivalled" mean in the sentence: "[...] unrivalled in its extension, dimensions, and diversity [...]" (4º§)?
91: B
92: D
93: A
94: C
95: D