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Q1724598 Inglês

Analyze the context below.

But the algorithm itself can't feel shame for how wrong it got my friend, and that's both its advantage and disadvantage.

The underlined item should be corrected as:

Q1724595 Inglês

Observe the sentence below.

The trip to the United States had resulted ____ conversations between Mother Frances and a devout Catholic convert.

Choose the best preposition that follows the verb.

Q1724249 Inglês
Winston Churchill era o Primeiro Ministro Britânico durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Ele proferiu esse discurso na Câmara dos Comuns em 1940, quando uma invasão alemã à Grã-Bretanha era esperada a qualquer momento.
“We shall go __ to the end. We shall fight __ France, we shall fight ___ the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength ___ the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be.
We shall fight ___ the beaches, we shall fight ___ the landing grounds, we shall fight ___ the fields and ___ the streets, we shall fight ___ the hills; we shall never surrender.”
Assinale a sequência de preposições (in/on) que completa corretamente o discurso de Churchill.
Q1723848 Inglês
Choose the alternative that best completes the sentence bellow: “The noise was loud, so I put my hands ______ my ears”
Q1722422 Inglês

Analyze the sentence below.

I - They made her comfortable and put a blanket above her;

II - If you weigh over 100 kilograms, then you may need to start a diet;

III - Do they live in that chalet over the village?


Choose the correct option according to the context.

141: C
142: D
143: A
144: C
145: C