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Q2555350 Inglês
Choose the informal greeting:
Q2555349 Inglês
What is the synonym for "ubiquitous"?
Q2555344 Inglês
The term "ephemeral" most likely means:
Q2553918 Inglês
In the sentence “Here are a few ways these authentic communicative interactions can be practiced in the classroom”, the highlighted expression can be offset, without prejudice to meaning, by: 
Q2553914 Inglês
Choose the option that corresponds to use best sequence to complete the sentences below using the alternatives in parenthesis.

I. This is football game isn’t ________ the last one. (more exciting/as exciting as)
II. This is _________ traffic jam I’ve seen in a long time. (badest/ the worst)
III. They say Mr. Johnson is the _________ man in the city. (wealthiest/ most wealthy)
IV. Soccer is _________ sport I know. (most violent/ the most violent) 
21: B
22: C
23: B
24: C
25: C