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Q2572679 Inglês

Analyze the following sentences and choose the correct meaning of the highlighted words.

- I love sunbathing in the garden.

- Her brother is a clever teacher.

- She looks like her sister.

Q2572677 Inglês
In terms of the use of Past Simple, which sentence is wrong? 
Q2569890 Inglês
English has always been a language that interests its learners and users in many ways. That is because, almost every day, a new word is added to the wide range of vocabulary. Homophones are one of the various interesting factors of the language. Homophones are two or more words that share the same pronunciation, but which have different spellings or meanings. In English classrooms, when students are provided with opportunities to learn homophones, they are more likely to: I) broaden their vocabulary and grammar skills; II) understand the difference between two similar-sounding words; and III) practice and improve their spelling. With that in mind, check the answer whose pairs of words presented may not be considered homophones. 
Q2569886 Inglês
Minimal pairs are words that differ by only one sound. When it comes to minimal pairs, it is important to note that the focus is on sounds, so the spellings of the words may be different. Within the pair, the sounds that differ may occur at the beginning or the end of the words, and the difference may occur between singleton consonants or in one sound in a consonant blend. Minimal pairs can be tricky for some speakers, and this can also impact their written work. When they struggle to differentiate either the sound or pronunciation, it is more likely that this will translate to misconceptions in spelling. That being said, check the answer whose pair of words presented may not be considered minimal pairs. 
Q2568888 Inglês
Read the text below and then answer the question.

Google Says AI-powered System Is Improving City Traffic Flows

Google says an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered system it created is helping improve traffic flow in major world cities. The system, called Project Green Light, is currently in use in 12 cities.

The project aims to save fuel and lessen air pollution, or emissions, from automobiles.

Google first announced the program in 2021, when it was testing the system in four areas of Israel. Since then, the company has kept expanding Project Green Light. Among cities now taking part in the program are Bangalore, Budapest, Jakarta, Manchester, Haifa, Hamburg, Rio de Janeiro, and Seattle.

In an online announcement, Google’s Yossi Matias explained the latest progress. He noted that the system is being tested in areas with severe traffic issues. Generally, this is at major crossings with heavy traffic and complex traffic lights. These areas where vehicles start and stop are known as intersections.

Available at: Accessed on: Oct. 16, 2023.
Consider the following sentences:
I) “The project aims to save fuel and lessen air pollution, or emissions, from automobiles.” II) “Google first announced the program in 2021, (…)” III) “When it was testing the system in four areas of Israel.” IV) “(…) this is at major crossings with heavy traffic and complex traffic lights.”
Based on the verb tenses, select the alternative that presents the CORRECT sequence of verb tenses.
21: C
22: D
23: A
24: E
25: B