Questões de Concurso Comentadas por alunos sobre pronomes | pronouns em inglês

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Q196264 Inglês
The verb “depends” (l.23) can also be collocated with

Q186882 Inglês
The fragment “It is new, ever-changing, expensive, difficult to master, complex to manage, wide-ranging in its potential, disruptive of existing systems.” (lines 52-54) is illustrative of several language processes that contribute to reading comprehension.

All of the following language features are found in the fragment and could be highlighted by the teacher to help students grasp the form and meaning of this passage, but for

Q186875 Inglês
In terms of reference,
Q185171 Inglês
In “…how much carbon dioxide they can emit,” (line 28), the pronoun ‘they’ refers to

481: B
482: C
483: D
484: C
485: B