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Q3206358 Inglês
Celse-Murcia (2013) presents six principles related to a specific teaching methodology. Read the principles below:

I. The point of departure for developing courses and materials is the development of an inventory of learner needs rather than an inventory of phonological, lexical and grammatical items.
II. Learners develop the ability to communicate in a language through using the language rather than studying and memorizing bits of the linguistic system.
III. Learners' own personal experiences are central to the learning process.
IV. There is a focus on learning processes and strategies as well as on language content.
V. Classroom language learning is systematically linked to learning outside the classroom.
VI. Learners are exposed to authentic listening and reading texts.

According to the author, the statements above refer to the methodology known as 
Q3206357 Inglês
According to Celse-Murcia (2013), the theoretical basis for the use of digital technology in the classroom comes from various second language acquisition theories.

The use of _________ in English language teaching and learning can also encourage the development of strategies necessary for modern survival: _________, _________, _________ and _________.

The group of words that best completes the sentence above is
Q3206356 Inglês
The role of vocabulary in L2 Instruction has changed over time. There are 6 historical approaches to vocabulary learning, according to Celse-Murcia (2013), which are:
Q3206355 Inglês
Considering vocabulary learning in L2, there are many words to know and many details to be known about each word.
Celse-Murcia (2013) establishes that word knowledge includes the mastery of its:
Q3206354 Inglês
The way to form possessives in English is to add ‘s to regular singular nouns and noncount nouns and irregular plural nouns not ending in s or to add an apostrophe after the s ending of regular plural nouns and after singular/noncount nouns ending in the sound /s/ to form ‘s.
Celse-Murcia (2013) affirms that, besides possession, the genitive form can indicate: 
Q3206353 Inglês
Celse-Murcia (2013) brings a brief example is a figurative episode where English is taught as a foreign language to beginner students. The teacher has introduced the grammatical topic of question formation explaining that Yes - No Questions are made in English by inverting the subject of a sentence with the operator in the sentence. In this initial lesson, she defines the operator as some form of the verb to be, here ARE. She has provided the class with examples, and she now gives them practice in forming Yes - No Questions. She makes a statement and tells the students to transform it into a question.

Teacher: We are studying English. Students: Are we studying English? Teacher: Yes, we are. We are using a book. Students: Are we using a book? Teacher: No, we aren’t. We are making questions. Students: Are we making questions?

Later in the morning, a girl turns to the teacher and asks:

We are going outside for recess?

The teacher silently takes note of the students' failure to invert the subject with the operator.

According to this example, it is correct to say that for the teacher,
Q3206352 Inglês
According to Celse-Murcia (2013), when using the term “mechanics of writing”, we usually refer to the very early stage of the letter recognition and basic rules of spelling. Just beyond this early stage, we continue to expand the spelling rules, focus on punctuation and capitalization, and cover the comprehension and production of sentences and short paragraphs. The time devoted to developing the mechanism of writing serves the acquisition of both reading and writing.
What is the goal of teaching the mechanism of reading and writing?
Q3206351 Inglês
An effective reading curriculum can be built based on a general set of 9 principles, to assist teachers, material writers, and curriculum developers in translating research findings into instructional practices appropriate for English for Academic Reading.
The correct sequence of True and False statements about Celce-Murcia’s principles for an effective reading curriculum, from top to bottom, is

( ) Integrate reading skills instruction with extensive practice and exposure to print.
( ) Use reading resources that are interesting, varied, attractive, abundant and accessible.
( ) Don't build expectations about reading that occurs in every lesson.
( ) Connect reading to students’ background knowledge.
Q3206350 Inglês
“After students read a text, going back to highlight vocabulary, look at various literacy techniques the author used (as a model for writing) and notice how grammatical structures were used for various purposes can serve as important steps in developing language competence.” (CELSE-MURCIA, 2013).
When teaching L2 literacy, there are many benefits to teaching reading and writing together.
It is possible to establish that the statement above corresponds to
Q3206349 Inglês
The correct sequence of True and False statements, concerning H. D. Brown (2007) concrete principles for teaching speaking skills, from top to bottom, is:

( ) Focusing on both fluency and accuracy. ( ) Providing intrinsically motivating techniques. ( ) Providing appropriate feedback and correction. ( ) Giving students the opportunities to initiate oral communication.
Q3206348 Inglês
Listening skills are acquired abilities that enable a person to listen without great deal of deliberate effort or conscious planning.

Listening strategies are ways of _________ that are _________ and consciously _________ to improve _________ and _________ as well as cope with listening _________.

The words that complete the sentence correctly, from left to right, are
Q3206347 Inglês
English is used as an intranational and international language, rather than as a native language only (B.B. Kachur, 1985). The author’s well known representation of three concentric circles of English is the following:

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

The expanding circle is related to 
Q3206346 Inglês
All teachers have a theory of how teaching assists learning. Teachers may base their teaching on intuitive notions of what works rather than on explicit principles of how they can best promote learning in their students (Celse-Murcia, 2013). Rod Ellis wrote 12 principles of instructed language acquisition to help teachers ___________ their own __________.
The words that complete the sentence correctly are:
1353: A
1354: B
1355: A
1356: C
1357: B
1358: D
1359: A
1360: B
1361: D
1362: B
1363: C
1364: B
1365: A