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I – A desnutrição acomete apenas pessoas que não têm acesso a uma alimentação saudável. II – A desnutrição gera perda muscular, mas não perda de gordura. III – No quadro de desnutrição, o desenvolvimento físico e mental pode ser comprometido.
I – São as formas como as moléculas dos compostos formados por ligações interagem entre si. II – Foram propostas no ano de 1873 por Diderik Van der Walls. III – Na natureza é impossível encontrar uma mesma matéria em diferentes estados físicos.
I – A tecnologia Assistiva é uma área de conhecimento e de atuação que desenvolve serviços, recursos e estratégias que auxiliam na resolução de dificuldades funcionais das pessoas com deficiência na realização de suas tarefas. II – Os recursos tecnológicos podem ser de baixa ou de alta tecnologia. III – Recursos de alta tecnologia são os adquiridos após a avaliação das necessidades do aluno, sob a indicação do professor de AEE.
I – A Educação Infantil é o início e o fundamento do processo educacional. II – A entrada na creche ou na pré-escola significa sempre a primeira separação das crianças dos seus vínculos afetivos familiares para se incorporarem a uma situação de socialização estruturada. III – Nas últimas décadas tem-se consolidado a concepção que vincula educar e punir.
De acordo com o artigo 11 da LDB, os Municípios incumbir-se-ão:
I – baixar normas complementares para o seu sistema de ensino.
II – autorizar, credenciar e supervisionar os estabelecimentos do seu sistema de ensino.
III – exercer ação redistributiva em relação às
suas escolas.
I – Valorizar as diversas manifestações artísticas e culturais. II – Valorizar os conhecimentos historicamente construídos. III – Exercitar a ociosidade intelectual.
I – A escola que acolhe e tira partido das diferenças busca construir coletivamente uma pedagogia que parte das diferenças dos seus alunos como impulsionadoras de novas formas de organizar o ensino. II – Os recursos pedagógicos e de acessibilidade colaboram minimamente para que pessoas com deficiência participem ativamente do processo escolar. III – Os recursos podem ser considerados ajudas, apoio e também meios utilizados para alcançar um determinado objetivo.
I – A educação inclusiva questiona a artificialidade das identidades “normais” e entende as diferenças como resultantes da multiplicidade, e não da diversidade. II – Nas escolas inclusivas, ninguém se conforma a padrões que identificam os alunos como “especiais” e “normais”. III – Nas escolas inclusivas todos se igualam pelas suas diferenças.
I – A inclusão não rompe com os paradigmas que sustentam o conservadorismo das escolas. II – A inclusão questiona a fixação de modelos ideais e a seleção dos eleitos para frequentar as escolas. III – O poder institucional tem papel fundamental na política diferenciadora de “normais” e “anormais”.
O bacteriologista Alexander Fleming
descobriu a penicilina no Hospital St, Mary’s
de Londres, e publicou seu achado em
setembro de 1929 no “British Journal of
Experimental Pathology”. Desde a década de
1920, ele havia mostrado grande interesse pelo
tratamento das infecções produzidas pelas
feridas. Em 1929, depois de voltar de férias,
percebeu que em uma pilha de placas
esquecidas antes de sua partida, onde estivera
cultivando uma bactéria – Staphylococcus
aureus”-, havia crescido também um fungo
num lugar em que havia se inibido o
crescimento da bactéria. É que esse fungo
fabricava uma substância que produzia a morte
da bactéria; como o fungo pertencia à espécie
Penicillium, Fleming nomeou a substância
produzida por ele de “penicilina”. Como pôde
provar em experimentos posteriores, na
“descoberta” de Fleming interveio uma série
de fatores para que se produzissem os
resultados que todos conhecemos: a placa não
foi colocada para incubar em estufa de 37°C –
o crescimento da bactéria teria ultrapassado o
do fungo – e, além disso, a temperatura do
laboratório não foi superior a 12°C. Parece que
houve uma onda de frio em Londres naquele
verão de 1929. A molécula de penicilina era
muito instável e, depois de muito tempo
tentando purificá-la – embora mais tarde se
tenha provado que era muito efetiva só
parcialmente purificada –, Fleming desistiu de
continuar trabalhando nisso. Foi só em 1938
que um grupo de cientistas liderados por Ernst
b. Chain e pelo professor Howard Florey na
Universidade de Oxford deu continuidade a
esses trabalhos com pesquisas posteriores. Os
ensaios clínicos efetuados com o material
parcialmente purificado tiveram um sucesso
espetacular. Naquela época, em plena Guerra
na Europa, a molécula foi levada para os
Estados Unidos, onde foi desenvolvida e
produzida em grande escala. O primeiro ensaio
clínico foi feito em janeiro de 1941 e dois anos
depois começou a produção comercial de
antibióticos nos Estados Unidos. Acabada a
Segunda Guerra Mundial, as empresas
farmacêuticas entraram na produção de penicilina de forma competitiva e começaram
a buscar outros antibióticos. Fleming havia
lhes mostrado a direção correta. Apesar dessa
grande descoberta, os antibióticos não foram
difundidos de maneira igual no planeta. Além
disso, nas sociedades mais industrializadas
existe uma prescrição muito alta de
antibióticos, de maneira que com frequência
eles perdem a eficácia por causa do uso
continuado que fazemos deles. (365 Dias que
Mudaram o Mundo. Planeta. São Paulo: 2014,
p. 550).
Find the mistakes and choose the option that best corrects the sentence:
“The Amazon were the world’s most large
tropical rainflorest. It covers 2.1 million
square miles for land, primarily in Brazil,
Peru, and Colombia.”
Find the mistakes and choose the option that best corrects the sentence:
“Many Pirates in the Caribbean Sea was
sponsored by foreign goverments who
hoped to discrupt the trade empires of
Spain and Portugal’’
Choose the option that is grammatically correct:
1. It take me a long time after college to adapt to life in the office.
2. She cannot stands the thought of losing him
3. What you’re working on besides the research project?
4. We do not want to heard the policies
one more time.
Choose the option that is grammatically correct:
1. Do you have any other questions?
2. I prefer the other one.
3. My boss and your boss really hate one another.
4. We need to think of one other possible
Choose the correct option based on the expressions in bold:
1. Her hopes were dashed when she learnt that she was not selected for the play.
2. Jason was whistling merrily as he walked home from school.
3. She blew her top when she was scolded for no reason.
4. May turned pale with fright as the
snake glided towards her..
5. We _____ it would be fun. 6. _____ I want to go, I really can’t leave right now. 7. I know life is _____, but we survive. 8. The group walked _____ the park.
Choose the best option to complete the sentences using off, out and up:
1. You need to back ____, or the situation could turn ugly.
2. He backed ____ of the garage.
3. Back ____ your documents folder before applying the update.
4. You should be careful. This guy is
backed ____ by the local gang.
Use the following text to answer the question.
The Age of Exploration started in the 1400's. Europeans were desperate to get spices from Asia. Spices were used to preserve foods and keep them from spoiling. Spices, however, were expensive and dangerous to get. European rulers began to pay for explorations to find a sea route to Asia so they could get spices cheaper.
Portugal was the first country that sent explorers to search for the sea route to Asia. After Bartholomew Dias and his crew made it to Africa's Cape of Good Hope, Vasco da Gama and his crew became the first to sail around Africa and through the Indian Ocean to India in 1497. Spain, however, would soon take over the lead in exploration. When Portugal refused to finance Christopher Columbus' idea to sail west to find the shortcut to the Indies, Columbus convinced Spain's King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to finance it. On October 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus and his crew reached the island of Hispaniola. Although Columbus believed he had reached Asia, he had actually discovered the entire continent of North America and claimed it for Spain.
Spain quickly colonized North America. Ponce de Leon discovered Florida, and the first European settlement in the New World was later established at St. Augustine. Hernando Cortes crushed the Aztec empire in Mexico and claimed it for Spain. Francisco Pizarro did the same to the Incan Empire in South America. Other explorers such as Francisco Coronado and Hernando de Soto claimed other portions of North America for Spain. Vasco Nunez de Balboa even claimed the entire Pacific Ocean for Spain. As the Spanish empire grew, explorers forced native populations into slavery and to convert to Christianity. Meanwhile, France began to explore North America. Explorations by Giovanni Verrazano and Jacques Cartier resulted in French claims of much of Canada and the north Atlantic coast. England would soon attempt to make its presence known by financing pirates such as Francis Drake to plunder Spanish settlements and steal gold from Spanish sea vessels. England also established a settlement in North Carolina in 1587. Territorial disputes and constant pirating resulted in a series of major wars between the competing nations. In 1588, the British Army defeated the vaunted Spanish Armada. The British victory proved a serious blow to Spanish influence in the New World.
Although Spain still controlled much of
the New World after defeat, England and
France were able to accelerate their
colonization. England soon established
successful colonies throughout the eastern
portions of the United States, and France had
colonies in Canada and the middle portions of
the United States. By the mid 1700's, new
territorial disputes between England and
France eventually resulted in England gaining
control over much of North America after the
French and Indian War. English colonies
flourished in North America until 1776 when
the colonists declared their independence. The
Revolutionary War ensued and resulted in
independence for the colonists. The United
States of America was formed.
What does the word “throughout” mean on the fourth paragraph?
“... England soon established successful
colonies throughout the eastern portions of
the United States...”
Use the following text to answer the question.
The Age of Exploration started in the 1400's. Europeans were desperate to get spices from Asia. Spices were used to preserve foods and keep them from spoiling. Spices, however, were expensive and dangerous to get. European rulers began to pay for explorations to find a sea route to Asia so they could get spices cheaper.
Portugal was the first country that sent explorers to search for the sea route to Asia. After Bartholomew Dias and his crew made it to Africa's Cape of Good Hope, Vasco da Gama and his crew became the first to sail around Africa and through the Indian Ocean to India in 1497. Spain, however, would soon take over the lead in exploration. When Portugal refused to finance Christopher Columbus' idea to sail west to find the shortcut to the Indies, Columbus convinced Spain's King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to finance it. On October 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus and his crew reached the island of Hispaniola. Although Columbus believed he had reached Asia, he had actually discovered the entire continent of North America and claimed it for Spain.
Spain quickly colonized North America. Ponce de Leon discovered Florida, and the first European settlement in the New World was later established at St. Augustine. Hernando Cortes crushed the Aztec empire in Mexico and claimed it for Spain. Francisco Pizarro did the same to the Incan Empire in South America. Other explorers such as Francisco Coronado and Hernando de Soto claimed other portions of North America for Spain. Vasco Nunez de Balboa even claimed the entire Pacific Ocean for Spain. As the Spanish empire grew, explorers forced native populations into slavery and to convert to Christianity. Meanwhile, France began to explore North America. Explorations by Giovanni Verrazano and Jacques Cartier resulted in French claims of much of Canada and the north Atlantic coast. England would soon attempt to make its presence known by financing pirates such as Francis Drake to plunder Spanish settlements and steal gold from Spanish sea vessels. England also established a settlement in North Carolina in 1587. Territorial disputes and constant pirating resulted in a series of major wars between the competing nations. In 1588, the British Army defeated the vaunted Spanish Armada. The British victory proved a serious blow to Spanish influence in the New World.
Although Spain still controlled much of
the New World after defeat, England and
France were able to accelerate their
colonization. England soon established
successful colonies throughout the eastern
portions of the United States, and France had
colonies in Canada and the middle portions of
the United States. By the mid 1700's, new
territorial disputes between England and
France eventually resulted in England gaining
control over much of North America after the
French and Indian War. English colonies
flourished in North America until 1776 when
the colonists declared their independence. The
Revolutionary War ensued and resulted in
independence for the colonists. The United
States of America was formed.
What does the word “meanwhile” mean on the third paragraph?
“Meanwhile, France began to explore North