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Ano: 2009 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: TJ-MG
Q1230747 Psicologia
O termo violência doméstica inclui aquela praticada por um parceiro íntimo ou membro da família, em qualquer situação ou forma. O mais comum nesse contexto é a violência do homem contra a mulher.
Analise as seguintes afirmativas concernentes a esse fenômeno e sua abordagem atual.
I.  A hesitação da vítima de violência doméstica em recorrer à justiça retrata a debilidade do sistema penal de nosso país no papel de proteção às mulheres vitimas de violência, já que o sistema atual não consegue prevenir a reiteração da conduta por parte do agressor e assim fecha-se às reais necessidades da vítima no sentido da resolução do conflito.
II.  Esse tipo de violência ocorre num âmbito eminentemente privado, costuma aumentar de intensidade e é normalmente repetitiva, implicando muitas vezes risco de vida constante e crescente para a vítima.
III.  Em caso de violência doméstica, o juiz do Juizado Especial Criminal poderá determinar, como medida de cautela, o afastamento do autor do fato do lar, domicílio ou local de convivência com a vítima.
A partir dessa análise, pode-se concluir que estão CORRETAS
Ano: 2009 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: TJ-MG
Q1230742 Psicologia
Analise as seguintes afirmativas sobre a abordagem clínica da família, a partir da teoria psicanalítica e da terapia familiar - comumente conhecida como terapia ou teoria sistêmica - e assinale com V as verdadeiras e com F as falsas
(    ) De acordo com a literatura psicanalítica, os sintomas apresentados pelas crianças geralmente se relacionam aos sintomas do par parental, o que explica o fato de que muitas vezes os pais retiram as crianças do tratamento analítico quando elas modificam suas posições subjetivas e interferem nas respostas sintomáticas do casal.
(    ) Apesar de ter sido criada com os fundamentos da clínica individual, alguns autores propõem que a psicanálise possa ser utilizada para o atendimento clínico de famílias. A maioria desses autores, no entanto, diferencia a prática clínica individual da prática clínica com famílias, afirmando que os atendimentos com famílias possuem limites e possibilidades de intervenção muito diferentes daqueles que a clínica individual permite, pois, o manejo da situação clínica e, consequentemente, o trabalho com a transferência não correspondem estritamente ao método próprio à psicanálise. 
(    ) Uma das bases epistemológicas do campo clínico conhecido como terapia familiar é fornecida pelo modelo cibernético, que é o estudo dos mecanismos de feedback em sistemas que se autorregulam, pois tal modelo é uma metáfora útil para descrever como as famílias mantêm sua estabilidade.
(    ) A teoria geral dos sistemas influenciou de forma decisiva a prática da terapia familiar ao permitir compreender a organização familiar como um sistema complexo, ou seja, em termos clínicos, a ênfase se desloca do indivíduo para as relações que constituem o grupo familiar e que o mantém em homeostase, com poucas e raras interações com o ambiente exterior e outros sistemas, permitindo a absorção e integração de novos elementos em apenas algumas situações cujas circunstâncias são bastante específicas.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência de letras CORRETA.
Ano: 2013 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte - MG
Q1230584 Inglês
Read this text, taken from a site named My Read: Strategies for teaching reading in the middle years, which supports teachers of underperforming students.      All students can be successful readers    Reading is a complex and challenging process. Yet for all but the 5 - 10% of students who have intellectual, sensory or learning disabilities the issue is one of underperformance rather than ability. For the majority of students reaching the middle years of school, recurrent experience of failure and negative perceptions about themselves as readers will be major obstacles to learning. For these students, performance in reading is likely to be a consequence of a well-learned selfpreservation strategy of non-engagement. 
Underperforming middle years readers must first be motivated to engage and re-engage with texts. Specific reading skills can only develop as an outcome of that engagement. Engagement is an interactive process. It requires teachers to have a close knowledge of students and their reading, and so be able both to provide sufficiently challenging learning experiences as well as the necessary support for those experiences to ensure successful learning. Student engagement can only occur as they recognise that they can be successful partners in this process. 
( Accessed on March 2nd, 2013.) 
Read the sentence: “It requires teachers to have a close knowledge of students and their reading, and so be able both to provide sufficiently challenging learning experiences as well as the necessary support for those experiences to ensure successful learning.” The pronoun ‘their’ here refers to 
Ano: 2017 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: HRTN - MG
Q1230565 Medicina
Numere a COLUNA II de acordo com a COLUNA I associando os diversos tipos de comunicação interventricular (CIV) às suas principais características.
COLUNA I 1. CIV via de entrada  2. CIV perimembranosa  3. CIV por mau alinhamento posterior  4. CIV duplamente relacionada  5. CIV por mau alinhamento anterior 
COLUNA II  ( ) Localiza-se na junção entre o anel aórtico e a valva tricúspide. ( ) Associa-se à herniação da cúspide aórtica coronariana direita.  ( ) Associa-se frequentemente à interrupção do arco aórtico ou coarctação de aorta.  ( ) Melhor visibilizado no corte apical quatro câmaras.  ( ) Associação frequente com defeitos cono-truncais (tetralogia de Fallot). 
Assinale a sequência CORRETA. 
Ano: 2014 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: IF-SP
Q1230534 Administração Geral
Sobre as estratégias de diferenciação da oferta, é CORRETO afirmar que aquela que requer o desenvolvimento de inovações de produto que tenham como base pesquisas de marketing, bem como pesquisa e desenvolvimento de produtos e novas tecnologias, é denominada
Ano: 2015 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: Prefeitura de Itabirito - MG
Q1230480 Direito Financeiro
Sobre o orçamento municipal e o urbanismo, assinale a alternativa INCORRETA
Ano: 2017 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: HRTN - MG
Q1230460 Segurança da Informação
Em relação ao controle de áreas seguras conforme a norma ISO17799, assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.
Ano: 2017 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: HRTN - MG
Q1230447 Banco de Dados
Qual sintaxe de comando deve ser utilizada em TSQL para que um comando SELECT retorne o total de linhas em uma tabela? 
Ano: 2017 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: HRTN - MG
Q1230437 Redes de Computadores
Qual tipo de RAID deve ser utilizado para que se crie um espalhamento de discos em um servidor de arquivos?
Ano: 2013 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: BHTRANS
Q1230417 Administração Geral
Analise as seguintes afirmativas sobre o conceito de vida econômica em substituição idêntica de equipamentos.
I. A determinação da vida econômica consiste em achar os custos ou resultados anuais uniformes equivalentes (CAUE ou VAUE) do ativo para todas as vidas úteis possíveis, sendo que o ano para o qual o CAUE é mínimo ou o VAUE é máximo é o da vida econômica do ativo.
II. Existe o balanço de dois custos: o custo do investimento inicial, que tende a tornar a vida do bem o maior possível, e os custos de operação/manutenção, que tendem a encurtar a vida do bem, já que são crescentes.
III. No caso de equipamentos de produção, pode ocorrer com o tempo uma diminuição da capacidade produtiva com efeito nas receitas, sendo que, nesses casos, pode ser mais conveniente considerar o VAUE em vez do CAUE.
A partir dessa análise, estão CORRETAS as afirmativas
Ano: 2010 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: PRODABEL - MG
Q1230235 Geologia
Sobre o emprego de imagens de satélite de alta resolução em mapeamentos cadastrais urbanos, assinale a afirmativa INCORRETA
Ano: 2009 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: TJ-MG
Q1230206 Psicologia
Analise as seguintes afirmativas concernentes à mediação, suas técnicas e seus objetivos e assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.
Ano: 2013 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: HRTN - MG
Q1230150 Medicina
Em relação à hipocalcemia, assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.
Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: Prefeitura de Lagoa Santa - MG
Q1230134 Inglês
TEXT 2 The taxi, an old Rover smelling of old cigarette smoke, trundled along the empty, country road at an unhurried pace. It was early afternoon at the very end of February, a magic winter day of bitter cold, frost, and pale, cloudless skies. The sun shone, sending long shadows, but there was little warmth in it, and the ploughed fields lay hard as iron. From the chimneys of scattered farmhouses and small stone cottages, smoke rose, straight as columns, up into the still air, and flocks of sheep, heavy with wool and incipient pregnancy, gathered around feeding troughs, stuffed with hay. Sitting in the back of the taxi, gazing through the dusty window, Penelope Keeling decided that she had never seen the familiar countryside look so beautiful. The road curved steeply; ahead stood the wooden signpost marking the lane that led to Temple Pudley. The driver slowed and with a painful change of gear, turned, bumping downhill between high and blinding hedges. Moments later they were in the village, with its golden Cotswold stone houses, newsagent butcher, the Sudeley Arms, and the church – set back from the street behind an ancient graveyard and the dark foliage of some suitably gloomy yews. There were few people about. The children were all in school, and the bitter weather kept others indoors. Only an old man, mittened and scarved, walked his ancient dog. “Which house is it?” the taxi driver inquired over his shoulder. She leaned forward, ridiculously excited and expectant. “Just a little way on. Through the village. The white gates on the right. They’re open. There! Here we are.” He turned in through the gates and the car drew up at the back of the house. She opened the door and got out, drawing her dark blue cape around her against the cold. She opened her bag and found her key, went to unlock the door. Behind her, the taxi driver manhandled open the boot of the car and lifted out her small suitcase. She turned to take it from him, but he held on to it, somewhat concerned. “is there nobody here to meet you?” “No. Nobody. I live alone, and everybody thinks I’m still in the hospital.” “Be all right, will you?” She smiled into his kindly face. He was quite young, with fair bushy hair. “Of course.” He hesitated, not wishing to presume. ‘If you want, I’ll carry the case in. Carry it upstairs, if needs be.’ “Oh, that’s kind of you. But I can easily manage…” “No bother.” He told her, and followed her into the kitchen. She opened the door, and led him up the narrow, cottage stairs. Everything smelt clinically clean. Mrs. Plackett, bless her heart, had not been wasting time during the few days of Penelope’s absence. She quite liked it when Penelope went away, because then she could do things like wash the white paint of the bannisters, and boil dusters, and buff up the brass and silver. Her bedroom door stood ajar. She went in, and the young man followed her, setting her case on the floor. “Anything else I can do?” he asked. “Not a thing. Now, how much do I owe you?” He told her, looking shamefaced, as though it were an embarrassment to him. She paid him, and told him to keep the change. He thanked her, and they went back down the stairs. But still he hung about, seeming reluctant to leave. He probably, she told herself, had some old granny, of his own, for whom he felt the same sort of responsibility. “You’ll be all right, then?” “I promise you. And tomorrow my friend Mrs. Plackett will come. So then I won’t be alone anymore.” This, for some reason, reassured him. “I’ll be off then.’” “No trouble.” PILCHER, Rosamund. The shell seekers. London: Coronet Books, Hodder and Stoughton,1989. p. 9-11.
In the phrase “Only an old man, mittened and scarved”, the two words “mittened” and “scarved” are
Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: Prefeitura de Lagoa Santa - MG
Q1230107 Inglês
TEXT 2 The taxi, an old Rover smelling of old cigarette smoke, trundled along the empty, country road at an unhurried pace. It was early afternoon at the very end of February, a magic winter day of bitter cold, frost, and pale, cloudless skies. The sun shone, sending long shadows, but there was little warmth in it, and the ploughed fields lay hard as iron. From the chimneys of scattered farmhouses and small stone cottages, smoke rose, straight as columns, up into the still air, and flocks of sheep, heavy with wool and incipient pregnancy, gathered around feeding troughs, stuffed with hay. Sitting in the back of the taxi, gazing through the dusty window, Penelope Keeling decided that she had never seen the familiar countryside look so beautiful. The road curved steeply; ahead stood the wooden signpost marking the lane that led to Temple Pudley. The driver slowed and with a painful change of gear, turned, bumping downhill between high and blinding hedges. Moments later they were in the village, with its golden Cotswold stone houses, newsagent butcher, the Sudeley Arms, and the church – set back from the street behind an ancient graveyard and the dark foliage of some suitably gloomy yews. There were few people about. The children were all in school, and the bitter weather kept others indoors. Only an old man, mittened and scarved, walked his ancient dog. “Which house is it?” the taxi driver inquired over his shoulder. She leaned forward, ridiculously excited and expectant. “Just a little way on. Through the village. The white gates on the right. They’re open. There! Here we are.” He turned in through the gates and the car drew up at the back of the house. She opened the door and got out, drawing her dark blue cape around her against the cold. She opened her bag and found her key, went to unlock the door. Behind her, the taxi driver manhandled open the boot of the car and lifted out her small suitcase. She turned to take it from him, but he held on to it, somewhat concerned. “is there nobody here to meet you?” “No. Nobody. I live alone, and everybody thinks I’m still in the hospital.” “Be all right, will you?” She smiled into his kindly face. He was quite young, with fair bushy hair. “Of course.” He hesitated, not wishing to presume. ‘If you want, I’ll carry the case in. Carry it upstairs, if needs be.’ “Oh, that’s kind of you. But I can easily manage…” “No bother.” He told her, and followed her into the kitchen. She opened the door, and led him up the narrow, cottage stairs. Everything smelt clinically clean. Mrs. Plackett, bless her heart, had not been wasting time during the few days of Penelope’s absence. She quite liked it when Penelope went away, because then she could do things like wash the white paint of the bannisters, and boil dusters, and buff up the brass and silver. Her bedroom door stood ajar. She went in, and the young man followed her, setting her case on the floor. “Anything else I can do?” he asked. “Not a thing. Now, how much do I owe you?” He told her, looking shamefaced, as though it were an embarrassment to him. She paid him, and told him to keep the change. He thanked her, and they went back down the stairs. But still he hung about, seeming reluctant to leave. He probably, she told herself, had some old granny, of his own, for whom he felt the same sort of responsibility. “You’ll be all right, then?” “I promise you. And tomorrow my friend Mrs. Plackett will come. So then I won’t be alone anymore.” This, for some reason, reassured him. “I’ll be off then.’” “No trouble.” PILCHER, Rosamund. The shell seekers. London: Coronet Books, Hodder and Stoughton,1989. p. 9-11.
In the phrase “for whom he felt the same sort of responsibility.”, the pronoun “whom” refers to the
Ano: 2013 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: HRTN - MG
Q1230072 Medicina
Constitui causa de acidose metabólica sem aumento da lacuna de ânions:
Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: Prefeitura de Lagoa Santa - MG
Q1230068 Inglês
TEXT 2 The taxi, an old Rover smelling of old cigarette smoke, trundled along the empty, country road at an unhurried pace. It was early afternoon at the very end of February, a magic winter day of bitter cold, frost, and pale, cloudless skies. The sun shone, sending long shadows, but there was little warmth in it, and the ploughed fields lay hard as iron. From the chimneys of scattered farmhouses and small stone cottages, smoke rose, straight as columns, up into the still air, and flocks of sheep, heavy with wool and incipient pregnancy, gathered around feeding troughs, stuffed with hay. Sitting in the back of the taxi, gazing through the dusty window, Penelope Keeling decided that she had never seen the familiar countryside look so beautiful. The road curved steeply; ahead stood the wooden signpost marking the lane that led to Temple Pudley. The driver slowed and with a painful change of gear, turned, bumping downhill between high and blinding hedges. Moments later they were in the village, with its golden Cotswold stone houses, newsagent butcher, the Sudeley Arms, and the church – set back from the street behind an ancient graveyard and the dark foliage of some suitably gloomy yews. There were few people about. The children were all in school, and the bitter weather kept others indoors. Only an old man, mittened and scarved, walked his ancient dog. “Which house is it?” the taxi driver inquired over his shoulder. She leaned forward, ridiculously excited and expectant. “Just a little way on. Through the village. The white gates on the right. They’re open. There! Here we are.” He turned in through the gates and the car drew up at the back of the house. She opened the door and got out, drawing her dark blue cape around her against the cold. She opened her bag and found her key, went to unlock the door. Behind her, the taxi driver manhandled open the boot of the car and lifted out her small suitcase. She turned to take it from him, but he held on to it, somewhat concerned. “is there nobody here to meet you?” “No. Nobody. I live alone, and everybody thinks I’m still in the hospital.” “Be all right, will you?” She smiled into his kindly face. He was quite young, with fair bushy hair. “Of course.” He hesitated, not wishing to presume. ‘If you want, I’ll carry the case in. Carry it upstairs, if needs be.’ “Oh, that’s kind of you. But I can easily manage…” “No bother.” He told her, and followed her into the kitchen. She opened the door, and led him up the narrow, cottage stairs. Everything smelt clinically clean. Mrs. Plackett, bless her heart, had not been wasting time during the few days of Penelope’s absence. She quite liked it when Penelope went away, because then she could do things like wash the white paint of the bannisters, and boil dusters, and buff up the brass and silver. Her bedroom door stood ajar. She went in, and the young man followed her, setting her case on the floor. “Anything else I can do?” he asked. “Not a thing. Now, how much do I owe you?” He told her, looking shamefaced, as though it were an embarrassment to him. She paid him, and told him to keep the change. He thanked her, and they went back down the stairs. But still he hung about, seeming reluctant to leave. He probably, she told herself, had some old granny, of his own, for whom he felt the same sort of responsibility. “You’ll be all right, then?” “I promise you. And tomorrow my friend Mrs. Plackett will come. So then I won’t be alone anymore.” This, for some reason, reassured him. “I’ll be off then.’” “No trouble.” PILCHER, Rosamund. The shell seekers. London: Coronet Books, Hodder and Stoughton,1989. p. 9-11.
The sentence “No. Nobody. I live alone, and everybody thinks I’m still in the hospital.”, if reported will read as:
Ano: 2018 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: Prefeitura de Lagoa Santa - MG
Q1230057 Inglês
TEXT 2 The taxi, an old Rover smelling of old cigarette smoke, trundled along the empty, country road at an unhurried pace. It was early afternoon at the very end of February, a magic winter day of bitter cold, frost, and pale, cloudless skies. The sun shone, sending long shadows, but there was little warmth in it, and the ploughed fields lay hard as iron. From the chimneys of scattered farmhouses and small stone cottages, smoke rose, straight as columns, up into the still air, and flocks of sheep, heavy with wool and incipient pregnancy, gathered around feeding troughs, stuffed with hay. Sitting in the back of the taxi, gazing through the dusty window, Penelope Keeling decided that she had never seen the familiar countryside look so beautiful. The road curved steeply; ahead stood the wooden signpost marking the lane that led to Temple Pudley. The driver slowed and with a painful change of gear, turned, bumping downhill between high and blinding hedges. Moments later they were in the village, with its golden Cotswold stone houses, newsagent butcher, the Sudeley Arms, and the church – set back from the street behind an ancient graveyard and the dark foliage of some suitably gloomy yews. There were few people about. The children were all in school, and the bitter weather kept others indoors. Only an old man, mittened and scarved, walked his ancient dog. “Which house is it?” the taxi driver inquired over his shoulder. She leaned forward, ridiculously excited and expectant. “Just a little way on. Through the village. The white gates on the right. They’re open. There! Here we are.” He turned in through the gates and the car drew up at the back of the house. She opened the door and got out, drawing her dark blue cape around her against the cold. She opened her bag and found her key, went to unlock the door. Behind her, the taxi driver manhandled open the boot of the car and lifted out her small suitcase. She turned to take it from him, but he held on to it, somewhat concerned. “is there nobody here to meet you?” “No. Nobody. I live alone, and everybody thinks I’m still in the hospital.” “Be all right, will you?” She smiled into his kindly face. He was quite young, with fair bushy hair. “Of course.” He hesitated, not wishing to presume. ‘If you want, I’ll carry the case in. Carry it upstairs, if needs be.’ “Oh, that’s kind of you. But I can easily manage…” “No bother.” He told her, and followed her into the kitchen. She opened the door, and led him up the narrow, cottage stairs. Everything smelt clinically clean. Mrs. Plackett, bless her heart, had not been wasting time during the few days of Penelope’s absence. She quite liked it when Penelope went away, because then she could do things like wash the white paint of the bannisters, and boil dusters, and buff up the brass and silver. Her bedroom door stood ajar. She went in, and the young man followed her, setting her case on the floor. “Anything else I can do?” he asked. “Not a thing. Now, how much do I owe you?” He told her, looking shamefaced, as though it were an embarrassment to him. She paid him, and told him to keep the change. He thanked her, and they went back down the stairs. But still he hung about, seeming reluctant to leave. He probably, she told herself, had some old granny, of his own, for whom he felt the same sort of responsibility. “You’ll be all right, then?” “I promise you. And tomorrow my friend Mrs. Plackett will come. So then I won’t be alone anymore.” This, for some reason, reassured him. “I’ll be off then.’” “No trouble.” PILCHER, Rosamund. The shell seekers. London: Coronet Books, Hodder and Stoughton,1989. p. 9-11.
In the sentence “The taxi, an old Rover smelling of old cigarette smoke, trundled along the empty, country road at an unhurried pace”, the words “empty” and “country” are used as
Ano: 2015 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: UNIMED - Belo Horizonte
Q1230037 Medicina
O nome dado à artéria que costumeiramente é o segundo ramo visceral ventral da aorta, possuindo aproximadamente de 5 a 8 mm de diâmetro em sua origem, que se dá a aproximadamente um dedo transverso abaixo do tronco celíaco, ao nível da primeira vértebra lombar, e que irriga parte do pâncreas, todo o intestino delgado, exceto uma parte do duodeno, e o intestino grosso, desde o ceco até próximo à flexura esquerda do colo, é a:
Ano: 2009 Banca: FUNDEPES Órgão: TJ-MG
Q1229989 Psicologia
Em relação à perícia e aos trabalhos de perito e de assistente técnico que o psicólogo é chamado a executar no âmbito do Direito Civil, assinale a afirmativa INCORRETA.
1161: D
1162: D
1163: C
1164: A
1165: A
1166: B
1167: A
1168: A
1169: D
1170: D
1171: A
1172: D
1173: B
1174: A
1175: C
1176: A
1177: B
1178: D
1179: D
1180: A