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Q1794192 Inglês
The plural of goose, wife, mouse and hero are, respectively:
Q1794191 Inglês
According to Kriedler (1998), If it is hard to say what meaning is, it is fairly easy to show what knowledge speakers have about meanings in their language and therefore what things must be included in an account of semantics. The author says that we have many ways to demonstrate semantic knowledge, EXCEPT:
Q1794189 Inglês
Brown (2001) advocates that a lesson plan model should include, essentially, the following steps:
Q1794188 Inglês
Read the following dialog and mark the ONLY alternative which best completes the blank spaces.
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Bill: Why aren’t you coming out tonight? Zachary: Because I don’t have any money. If I ______, I with you Bill: Well, what about the movies tomorrow? Zachary: It depends. If my parents _____ me some money, ______ I . Bill: You always have an excuse! Why didn’t you come to Josh?s party last week? Zachary: I didn’t come because I lost my wallet and all my money. If I _____ my wallet, of course I _____ !
Q1794187 Inglês
According to Brown (2001), an elementary school teacher once asked her students to take a piece of paper and pencil and write something. A little boy raised his hand and said, "Teacher, I ain’t got no pencil."The teacher, somewhat perturbed by his grammar embarked on a barrage of corrective patterns: "I don’t have a pencil. You don’t have a pencil. We don’t have pencils."Confused and bewildered, the child responded, "Ain’t nobody got no pencils?". This example shows that children of certain age are focused on the here and now, on the functional purposes of language. About that, choose the ONLY alternative which best illustrates a tip for teaching children of such age.
571: D
572: E
573: D
574: A
575: D