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Q513087 Direito Constitucional
Leia o enunciado abaixo, analise as afirmativas dando valores, (V) verdadeiro ou (F) valso e, em seguida assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta de cima para baixo.

De acordo com a CF/88, a autonomia gerencial, orçamentária e financeira dos órgãos e entidades da administração direta e indireta poderá ser ampliada mediante contrato, a ser firmado entre seus administradores e o poder público, que tenha por objeto a fixação de metas de desempenho para o órgão ou entidade, cabendo à lei dispor sobre:

(  ) o prazo de duração do contrato.
(  ) os controles e critérios de avaliação de desempenho, direitos, obrigações e responsabilidade dos dirigentes.
(  ) a remuneração do pessoal.
Q513086 Direito Administrativo
Complete as lacunas abaixo com a alternativa correta.

As pessoas ___________ de direito público e as de direito privado prestadoras de serviços _____________ responderão pelos danos que seus agentes, nessa qualidade, causarem a terceiros, assegurado o direito de ______________ contra o responsável nos casos de dolo ou culpa.
Q513085 Inglês
                                                                                                                Clues to How an Electric Treatment for Parkinson’s Work

In 1998, Dr. Philip A. Starr started putting electrodes in people’s brains. A neurosurgeon at the University of California, San Francisco, Dr. Starr was treating people with Parkinson’s disease, which slowly destroys essential bits of brain tissue, robbing people of control of their bodies. At first, drugs had given his patients some relief, but now they needed more help. After the surgery, Dr. Starr closed up his patients’ skulls and switched on the electrodes, releasing a steady buzz of electric pulses in their brains. For many patients, the effect was immediate. “We have people who, when they’re not taking their meds, can be frozen,” said Dr. Starr. “When we turn on the stimulator, they start walking.” First developed in the early 1990s, deep brain stimulation, or D.B.S., was approved by the Food and Drug Administration for treating Parkinson’s disease in 2002. Since its invention, about 100,000 people have received implants. While D.B.S. doesn’t halt Parkinson’s, it can turn back the clock a few years for many patients. Yet despite its clear effectiveness, scientists like Dr. Starr have struggled to understand what D.B.S. actually does to the brain. “We do D.B.S. because it works,” said Dr. Starr, “but we don’t really know how.” In a recent experiment, Dr. Starr and his colleagues believe they found a clue. D.B.S. may counter Parkinson’s disease by liberating the brain from a devastating electrical lock-step. (adapted)

The future form of: “We do D.B.S. because it works, but we don’t really know how.” is:
Q513084 Inglês
                                                                                                                Clues to How an Electric Treatment for Parkinson’s Work

In 1998, Dr. Philip A. Starr started putting electrodes in people’s brains. A neurosurgeon at the University of California, San Francisco, Dr. Starr was treating people with Parkinson’s disease, which slowly destroys essential bits of brain tissue, robbing people of control of their bodies. At first, drugs had given his patients some relief, but now they needed more help. After the surgery, Dr. Starr closed up his patients’ skulls and switched on the electrodes, releasing a steady buzz of electric pulses in their brains. For many patients, the effect was immediate. “We have people who, when they’re not taking their meds, can be frozen,” said Dr. Starr. “When we turn on the stimulator, they start walking.” First developed in the early 1990s, deep brain stimulation, or D.B.S., was approved by the Food and Drug Administration for treating Parkinson’s disease in 2002. Since its invention, about 100,000 people have received implants. While D.B.S. doesn’t halt Parkinson’s, it can turn back the clock a few years for many patients. Yet despite its clear effectiveness, scientists like Dr. Starr have struggled to understand what D.B.S. actually does to the brain. “We do D.B.S. because it works,” said Dr. Starr, “but we don’t really know how.” In a recent experiment, Dr. Starr and his colleagues believe they found a clue. D.B.S. may counter Parkinson’s disease by liberating the brain from a devastating electrical lock-step. (adapted)

The negative form of: “In a recent experiment, Dr. Starr and his colleagues believe they found a clue.” is:
Q513083 Inglês
                                                                                                                Clues to How an Electric Treatment for Parkinson’s Work

In 1998, Dr. Philip A. Starr started putting electrodes in people’s brains. A neurosurgeon at the University of California, San Francisco, Dr. Starr was treating people with Parkinson’s disease, which slowly destroys essential bits of brain tissue, robbing people of control of their bodies. At first, drugs had given his patients some relief, but now they needed more help. After the surgery, Dr. Starr closed up his patients’ skulls and switched on the electrodes, releasing a steady buzz of electric pulses in their brains. For many patients, the effect was immediate. “We have people who, when they’re not taking their meds, can be frozen,” said Dr. Starr. “When we turn on the stimulator, they start walking.” First developed in the early 1990s, deep brain stimulation, or D.B.S., was approved by the Food and Drug Administration for treating Parkinson’s disease in 2002. Since its invention, about 100,000 people have received implants. While D.B.S. doesn’t halt Parkinson’s, it can turn back the clock a few years for many patients. Yet despite its clear effectiveness, scientists like Dr. Starr have struggled to understand what D.B.S. actually does to the brain. “We do D.B.S. because it works,” said Dr. Starr, “but we don’t really know how.” In a recent experiment, Dr. Starr and his colleagues believe they found a clue. D.B.S. may counter Parkinson’s disease by liberating the brain from a devastating electrical lock-step. (adapted)

The interrogative form of: “For many patients, the effect was immediate.” is:
1071: B
1072: C
1073: A
1074: D
1075: C