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Leia o texto abaixo: A Região Hidrográfica Atlântico Nordeste Oriental ocupa 3,4% do território nacional, abrangendo seis estados: Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco e Alagoas. À densidade demográfica da região é cerca de á vezes maior do que a média brasileira. Quase a totalidade de sua área pertence à Região do Semiárido Brasileiro, caracterizada por apresentar períodos de estiagens prolongadas e temperaturas elevadas durante todo o ano. Esta é a região hidrográfica com a menor disponibilidade hídrica do Brasil.
(Disponível em: https:/ Acesso em: 28 de março de 2022)
A Divisão Hidrográfica Nacional, instituída pelo Conselho Nacional de Recursos Hidricos (CNRH), estabelece as Regiões Hidrográficas brasileiras. Assim, assinale a opção correta.
Read text I to answer questions 21 to 24.
Everything to Know About the Beijing Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony
The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics opening ceremony took place on Feb. 4 in a world that has changed dramatically since the last time the Chinese capital held the Olympic Games.
The 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics marked China's “coming out” as a global superpower. One third of the world tuned in to the $100 million event, Some 15,000 performers participated in a production that showcased the best of Chinese history and culture. An estimated 91,000 people, including U.S. President George W. Bush and other world leaders, attended the event, which Steven Spielberg had called the "grandest spectacle of the new milennium.”
Here's what you need to know about the 2022 Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony.
When is the 2022 Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony?
The opening ceremony for the 2022 Winter Games is on Feb. 4. The Beijing Olympics' formal opening began at 7.30 p:m: China Standard Time - or 6:30 am. ET and 3:30 a.m.'PT.
What happened at the Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony?
Beijing's organizing committee assured a “simple, safe and splendid” staging of the Winter Games during the COVID-19. pandemic, and the opening ceremony will reflect that theme.
Internationally acclaimed filmmaker Zhang Yimou, who directed the spectacular launch of the 2008 Summer Olympics, retumed for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics opening ceremony. He promised a “different and unique" opening this time around in an interview with state-run news outlet Xinhua: “China's status in the world, the image of the Chinese and the rise of our national status - everything is totally different now.” With a runtime of 1 hour and 40 minutes and some 3,000 performers joining, the ceremony was scaled down from 2008's extravaganza due to cold weather and the pandemic. It was still held at the National Stadium, dubbed the “Bird's Nest” and Zhang promised an “innovative” cauldron-lighting that will echo China's thrust towards environmental protection.
Who is attending the Winter Olympics this year?
Some 2,900 athletes from over 90 countries are attending the Winter Games in China, close to figures of participating athletes in Sochi, Russia in 2014 and Pyeongchang, South Korea in 2018.
How will China minimize COVID-9 infections during the Winter Olympics?
The Zero COVID policy is the cornerstone of the Beijing Olympics anti-epidemic playbook published last December. China will manage athletes and other inbound participants under a “closed-loop" system. Athletes, coaches and the media will only be allowed to visit designated Olympics venues using special transportation that is separate from Beijing's 21.5 million people. The three zones of Beijing, Yanging, and Zhangjiakou will have their own closed loop systems - barring those inside from having any contact with the wider Chinese population. To transfer from one closed loop system to another, they must take designated trains, or travel on assigned buses which will ply specific routes.
Adapted from: <http://time, com/6141429/bejjing-winter-olympics-opening-ceremony-2022/>
Say if the following statements are T (true) or F (false). Then, mark the correct option.
( ) 15,000 athletes attended The 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics.
( ) Zhang Yimou directed two Olympics opening ceremony in Beijing:
( ) George W, Bush attended the 2022 Beijing Olympics “— Opening Ceremony.
( ) The 2022 Opening Ceremony took place at the same stadium as in 2008.
Assinale a opção que apresenta as consequências que acompanharam o sucesso do Plano de Metas de Juscelino Kubitschek.
Leia o texto abaixo:
A pesquisa Regiões de Influência das Cidades - REGIC define a hierarquia dos centros urbanos brasileiros e delimita as regiões de influência a eles associados. É nessa pesquisa em que se identificam, por exemplo, as metrópoles e capitais regionais brasileiras e qual o alcance espacial da influência delas.
(Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 de março de 2022.)
Em relação à hierarquia dos centros urbanos, Rio de Janeiro e Brasília são caracterizados como:
Read text I to answer questions 21 to 24.
Everything to Know About the Beijing Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony
The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics opening ceremony took place on Feb. 4 in a world that has changed dramatically since the last time the Chinese capital held the Olympic Games.
The 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics marked China's “coming out” as a global superpower. One third of the world tuned in to the $100 million event, Some 15,000 performers participated in a production that showcased the best of Chinese history and culture. An estimated 91,000 people, including U.S. President George W. Bush and other world leaders, attended the event, which Steven Spielberg had called the "grandest spectacle of the new milennium.”
Here's what you need to know about the 2022 Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony.
When is the 2022 Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony?
The opening ceremony for the 2022 Winter Games is on Feb. 4. The Beijing Olympics' formal opening began at 7.30 p:m: China Standard Time - or 6:30 am. ET and 3:30 a.m.'PT.
What happened at the Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony?
Beijing's organizing committee assured a “simple, safe and splendid” staging of the Winter Games during the COVID-19. pandemic, and the opening ceremony will reflect that theme.
Internationally acclaimed filmmaker Zhang Yimou, who directed the spectacular launch of the 2008 Summer Olympics, retumed for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics opening ceremony. He promised a “different and unique" opening this time around in an interview with state-run news outlet Xinhua: “China's status in the world, the image of the Chinese and the rise of our national status - everything is totally different now.” With a runtime of 1 hour and 40 minutes and some 3,000 performers joining, the ceremony was scaled down from 2008's extravaganza due to cold weather and the pandemic. It was still held at the National Stadium, dubbed the “Bird's Nest” and Zhang promised an “innovative” cauldron-lighting that will echo China's thrust towards environmental protection.
Who is attending the Winter Olympics this year?
Some 2,900 athletes from over 90 countries are attending the Winter Games in China, close to figures of participating athletes in Sochi, Russia in 2014 and Pyeongchang, South Korea in 2018.
How will China minimize COVID-9 infections during the Winter Olympics?
The Zero COVID policy is the cornerstone of the Beijing Olympics anti-epidemic playbook published last December. China will manage athletes and other inbound participants under a “closed-loop" system. Athletes, coaches and the media will only be allowed to visit designated Olympics venues using special transportation that is separate from Beijing's 21.5 million people. The three zones of Beijing, Yanging, and Zhangjiakou will have their own closed loop systems - barring those inside from having any contact with the wider Chinese population. To transfer from one closed loop system to another, they must take designated trains, or travel on assigned buses which will ply specific routes.
Adapted from: <http://time, com/6141429/bejjing-winter-olympics-opening-ceremony-2022/>
Read the following sentence:
“(...) they must take designated trains, or travel on assigned buses which will ply specific routes.”
What's the idea expressed by must in the sentence?
Leia o texto abaixo:
A Superintendência do Desenvolvimento da Amazônia (SUDAM), criada em substituição à SPVEA, passa a ser uma autarquia vinculada à Secretaria Especial de Políticas Regionais do Ministério do Planejamento e Orçamento e, em seguida, passou a ser vinculada ao Ministério do Interior. É criada com a finalidade de planejar, coordenar, promover a execução e controlar a ação federal na Amazônia Legal, tendo em vista o desenvolvimento regional.
(Disponível em: https:/ Acesso em: 28 de março de 2022)
Assinale a opção que apresenta a missão da SUDAM.
De acordo com o Manual de Normas e Procedimentos para Vacinação (2014), na sala de vacinação, é importante que todos os procedimentos desenvoívidos promovam a máxima segurança, reduzindo o risco de contaminação para os indivíduos vacinados e também para a equipe de vacinação. Para tanto, é necessário cumprir as seguintes especificidades e condições em relação ao ambiente e às instalações:
Analise o texto abaixo:
"Nessa técnica, os dedos de uma das mãos (geralmente a mão não dominante) apoiam o períneo de encontro à apresentação (mão espalmada sobre compressa), enquanto a mão dominante faz leve pressão sobre a cabeça para controlar a velocidade de impulsão, tentando reduzir os danos de encontro aos tecidos perineais resistentes" (ARAÚJO, REIS, 2014). Marque a opção que apresenta o nome da técnica de proteção do períneo durante a expulsão fetal, descrita acima.
Segundo Potter (2017), a classificação cirúrgica indica o nível de cuidados que um paciente requer. A American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) atribui a classificação com base na condição independente fisiológica do paciente do procedimento cirúrgico proposto. Assim, como é classificado um paciente moribundo que não se espera que sobreviva à cirurgia?
Conforme a Resolução - RDC nº 222, de 28 de março de 2018, que dispõe sobre segurança ocupacional, o serviço deve manter um programa de educação continuada para os trabalhadores e todos os envolvidos nas atividades de gerenciamento de resíduos de serviços de saúde (RSS). Quais temas NÃO devem ser contemplados?
Conforme Brunner e Suddarth (2014), a tempestade tireóidea (crise tireotóxica) é uma forma de hipertireoidismo grave, habitualmente de início abrupto. Quando não tratada, é quase sempre fatal. Com relação à manifestação clínica, é correto afirmar que apresenta:
Read text I to answer questions 21 to 24.
Everything to Know About the Beijing Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony
The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics opening ceremony took place on Feb. 4 in a world that has changed dramatically since the last time the Chinese capital held the Olympic Games.
The 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics marked China's “coming out” as a global superpower. One third of the world tuned in to the $100 million event, Some 15,000 performers participated in a production that showcased the best of Chinese history and culture. An estimated 91,000 people, including U.S. President George W. Bush and other world leaders, attended the event, which Steven Spielberg had called the "grandest spectacle of the new milennium.”
Here's what you need to know about the 2022 Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony.
When is the 2022 Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony?
The opening ceremony for the 2022 Winter Games is on Feb. 4. The Beijing Olympics' formal opening began at 7.30 p:m: China Standard Time - or 6:30 am. ET and 3:30 a.m.'PT.
What happened at the Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony?
Beijing's organizing committee assured a “simple, safe and splendid” staging of the Winter Games during the COVID-19. pandemic, and the opening ceremony will reflect that theme.
Internationally acclaimed filmmaker Zhang Yimou, who directed the spectacular launch of the 2008 Summer Olympics, retumed for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics opening ceremony. He promised a “different and unique" opening this time around in an interview with state-run news outlet Xinhua: “China's status in the world, the image of the Chinese and the rise of our national status - everything is totally different now.” With a runtime of 1 hour and 40 minutes and some 3,000 performers joining, the ceremony was scaled down from 2008's extravaganza due to cold weather and the pandemic. It was still held at the National Stadium, dubbed the “Bird's Nest” and Zhang promised an “innovative” cauldron-lighting that will echo China's thrust towards environmental protection.
Who is attending the Winter Olympics this year?
Some 2,900 athletes from over 90 countries are attending the Winter Games in China, close to figures of participating athletes in Sochi, Russia in 2014 and Pyeongchang, South Korea in 2018.
How will China minimize COVID-9 infections during the Winter Olympics?
The Zero COVID policy is the cornerstone of the Beijing Olympics anti-epidemic playbook published last December. China will manage athletes and other inbound participants under a “closed-loop" system. Athletes, coaches and the media will only be allowed to visit designated Olympics venues using special transportation that is separate from Beijing's 21.5 million people. The three zones of Beijing, Yanging, and Zhangjiakou will have their own closed loop systems - barring those inside from having any contact with the wider Chinese population. To transfer from one closed loop system to another, they must take designated trains, or travel on assigned buses which will ply specific routes.
Adapted from: <http://time, com/6141429/bejjing-winter-olympics-opening-ceremony-2022/>
Read the following sentence taken from the text.
“The 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics marked China's “coming out” as a global superpower.”
What can we infer?
De acordo com o Caderno de Atenção Básica: Estratégias para o Cuidado da Pessoa com Doença Crônica: Hipertensão Arterial Sistémica (2013), assinale a opção INCORRETA sobre a crise hipertensiva classificada como urgência hipertensiva.
Read text I to answer questions 21 to 24.
Everything to Know About the Beijing Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony
The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics opening ceremony took place on Feb. 4 in a world that has changed dramatically since the last time the Chinese capital held the Olympic Games.
The 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics marked China's “coming out” as a global superpower. One third of the world tuned in to the $100 million event, Some 15,000 performers participated in a production that showcased the best of Chinese history and culture. An estimated 91,000 people, including U.S. President George W. Bush and other world leaders, attended the event, which Steven Spielberg had called the "grandest spectacle of the new milennium.”
Here's what you need to know about the 2022 Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony.
When is the 2022 Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony?
The opening ceremony for the 2022 Winter Games is on Feb. 4. The Beijing Olympics' formal opening began at 7.30 p:m: China Standard Time - or 6:30 am. ET and 3:30 a.m.'PT.
What happened at the Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony?
Beijing's organizing committee assured a “simple, safe and splendid” staging of the Winter Games during the COVID-19. pandemic, and the opening ceremony will reflect that theme.
Internationally acclaimed filmmaker Zhang Yimou, who directed the spectacular launch of the 2008 Summer Olympics, retumed for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics opening ceremony. He promised a “different and unique" opening this time around in an interview with state-run news outlet Xinhua: “China's status in the world, the image of the Chinese and the rise of our national status - everything is totally different now.” With a runtime of 1 hour and 40 minutes and some 3,000 performers joining, the ceremony was scaled down from 2008's extravaganza due to cold weather and the pandemic. It was still held at the National Stadium, dubbed the “Bird's Nest” and Zhang promised an “innovative” cauldron-lighting that will echo China's thrust towards environmental protection.
Who is attending the Winter Olympics this year?
Some 2,900 athletes from over 90 countries are attending the Winter Games in China, close to figures of participating athletes in Sochi, Russia in 2014 and Pyeongchang, South Korea in 2018.
How will China minimize COVID-9 infections during the Winter Olympics?
The Zero COVID policy is the cornerstone of the Beijing Olympics anti-epidemic playbook published last December. China will manage athletes and other inbound participants under a “closed-loop" system. Athletes, coaches and the media will only be allowed to visit designated Olympics venues using special transportation that is separate from Beijing's 21.5 million people. The three zones of Beijing, Yanging, and Zhangjiakou will have their own closed loop systems - barring those inside from having any contact with the wider Chinese population. To transfer from one closed loop system to another, they must take designated trains, or travel on assigned buses which will ply specific routes.
Adapted from: <http://time, com/6141429/bejjing-winter-olympics-opening-ceremony-2022/>
According to the text:
De acordo com o Caderno de Atenção Básica: controle dos cânceres de colo de útero e mama (2013), a coleta insatisfatória do exame citopatológico do colo do útero apresenta um custo para o sistema de saúde e um desgaste para a mulher, pois essa deverá ser submetida à nova coleta. Sobre as orientações para a coleta do exame, marque a opção correta.
A lei n º 7.498/86, de 25 de junho de 1986, dispõe sobre a regulamentação do exercício da enfermagem. Segundo essa lei, a enfermagem é exercida privativamente pelos seguintes profissionais, EXCETO:
Segundo Brunner e Suddarth (2014), assinale a opção que apresenta um dos cuidados de saúde para a reparação e o manuseio dos agentes antineoplásico:
Observe a figura abaixo:
Sejam c a circunferência unitária de centro O, e o ponto P sobre a corda MN tal que a medida de NP é igual ao raio, Seja, ainda, a corda RS ortogonal a MN por A, ponto médio de MP. Sabendo que as cordas BR e MN concorrem em P. Calcule o valor do ângulo BP^S e assinale a opção correta.
Observe o simbolo abaixo:
O pentágono do símbolo da Fragata Rademaker é regular. Se o produto da medida de uma de suas diagonais pela medida de um de seus lados é 2 dm2, determine a medida desse lado, em dm, e assinale a opção correta.
Segundo o Manual da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária: Assistência Segura: uma reflexão teórica aplicada à prática (2017), assinale a definição correta acerca do conceito de segurança do paciente.