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Q1659592 Secretariado

Analise as afirmativas abaixo:

I. O Profissional de Secretariado Executivo tem capacidade de planejar, organizar, implantar e gerir programas de desenvolvimento dentro da organização, juntamente com a Diretoria.

II. O Secretário Executivo promove idéias e práticas inovadoras, agindo também como empreendedor e implantando soluções alternativas para a organização.

III. Diante do conceito contemporâneo de gerência, os chefes ou gerentes coordenam o processo decisório realizado por equipes e fornecem condições de trabalho a elas.

IV. Os termos de Descentralização e Delegação não são bem vistos pela gerência contemporânea.

Estão corretas apenas as afirmativas:

Q1659579 Direito Administrativo
A Superintendência do Desenvolvimento do Nordeste – SUDENE, é uma autarquia especial, com sede na cidade de Recife, Estado de Pernambuco, vinculada ao Ministério da Integração Nacional, assim como a CODEVASF. Outra familiaridade entre estes órgãos são as áreas onde ambas atuam. No tocante a este ponto, estabeleceu a Lei de criação da CODEVASF, que:
Q1659574 Inglês

City hall braces for busy marriage day

    If love is all you need, you’ll want for nothing in New York Thursday.

    The folks who hand out marriage licenses are bracing for what could be their busiest day ever as Valentine’s Day romantics head to the aisle.

    “When we are really busy, we have a second chapel we can open,” said First Deputy City Clerk Michael McSweeney. “We are preparing to do that. We’re expecting a lot of couples.”

    City Hall’s unofficial record of 318 weddings on that date was set on Valentine’s Day 2002 - also on a Thursday.

    And love is definitely in the air Thursday.

    Melanie and Joseph Castine married on Valentine’s Day 10 years ago. Today, they’re renewing their vows in the same venue - the Empire State Building.

    The couple, who recently moved from Roosevelt Island to Philadelphia, won a letter-writing competition with to become one of 14 pairs tying the knot in the iconic building.

    “Valentine’s Day is just the perfect day to do it,” said Melanie Castine, who, with her hubby, has been at the skyscraper every year to mark their anniversary.

    “Everywhere you go in Manhattan, you can see the Empire State Building. It’s a constant reminder of our marriage. We call it our chapel in the sky.”

    Meanwhile, love is being put on ice at one of the city’s most romantic spots.

    Rockefeller Center is preparing to clear its rink at 8 p.m for a skater planning to get down on one knee for a surprise engagement.

     “It’s a big surprise for her, but we’re sure it’s going to be extremely romantic,” a rink spokeswoman said.

(Available from: city hall braces for busy marriage day-1.html cited: 14 Feb. 2008) 

The word “hubby” in …“who, with her hubby, has been at the skyscraper”…, means:
Q1659571 Inglês

City hall braces for busy marriage day

    If love is all you need, you’ll want for nothing in New York Thursday.

    The folks who hand out marriage licenses are bracing for what could be their busiest day ever as Valentine’s Day romantics head to the aisle.

    “When we are really busy, we have a second chapel we can open,” said First Deputy City Clerk Michael McSweeney. “We are preparing to do that. We’re expecting a lot of couples.”

    City Hall’s unofficial record of 318 weddings on that date was set on Valentine’s Day 2002 - also on a Thursday.

    And love is definitely in the air Thursday.

    Melanie and Joseph Castine married on Valentine’s Day 10 years ago. Today, they’re renewing their vows in the same venue - the Empire State Building.

    The couple, who recently moved from Roosevelt Island to Philadelphia, won a letter-writing competition with to become one of 14 pairs tying the knot in the iconic building.

    “Valentine’s Day is just the perfect day to do it,” said Melanie Castine, who, with her hubby, has been at the skyscraper every year to mark their anniversary.

    “Everywhere you go in Manhattan, you can see the Empire State Building. It’s a constant reminder of our marriage. We call it our chapel in the sky.”

    Meanwhile, love is being put on ice at one of the city’s most romantic spots.

    Rockefeller Center is preparing to clear its rink at 8 p.m for a skater planning to get down on one knee for a surprise engagement.

     “It’s a big surprise for her, but we’re sure it’s going to be extremely romantic,” a rink spokeswoman said.

(Available from: city hall braces for busy marriage day-1.html cited: 14 Feb. 2008) 

Depending on the number of people getting married on Valentine’s Day:
Q1656141 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho
Com relação aos limites de tolerância relativos à exposição do funcionário às Radiações Ionizantes, existem normas elaboradas para prevenção deste risco. Assinale o órgão brasileiro que rege estas normas:
1166: D
1167: B
1168: D
1169: C
1170: D