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Q1796206 Inglês
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Benefits of testing the four skills (reading, listening, writing and speaking)
   When we say that someone “speaks” a language fluently, we usually mean that they have a high level in all four skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing. But, as any teacher knows, learners often have strengths or weaknesses in particular skills, and in some cases can achieve high levels in, for example, reading and writing, while not being able to speak or listen at a comparable level.
   For some purposes – highly specialised jobs, for example – these uneven skills may not matter very much. However, English is such an important skill in the global world, and needed in so many different contexts, that someone without a good ability in all four skills will greatly reduce the opportunities open to them in education and professional life.
   If we want to assess someone’s speaking ability, we must get them to speak. The same applies to all the other skills. We can’t infer ability in one skill (e.g. speaking) from performance in another (e.g. listening), or from using tests of language knowledge, e.g. grammar, vocabulary, as proxies for communicative language ability. Therefore if we want to accurately assess communicative language ability, we need to include tasks which elicit a wide range of skills related to communicative language.
   The Common European Framework of Reference (2001) extends the definition of communicative language ability into five skills, and divides speaking into two skills: spoken production and spoken interaction. This is based on the evidence that these two skills are different, since one involves only monologue-type speech and the other involves being both a speaker and a listener at the same time. A test of communicative language, therefore, needs to include both spoken production and spoken interaction.
Adaptado de: GALACZI, Evelina. 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 mar. 2021.
According to the text, mark the alternative which better explain what means to be fluent.
Q1796205 Inglês
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Benefits of testing the four skills (reading, listening, writing and speaking)
   When we say that someone “speaks” a language fluently, we usually mean that they have a high level in all four skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing. But, as any teacher knows, learners often have strengths or weaknesses in particular skills, and in some cases can achieve high levels in, for example, reading and writing, while not being able to speak or listen at a comparable level.
   For some purposes – highly specialised jobs, for example – these uneven skills may not matter very much. However, English is such an important skill in the global world, and needed in so many different contexts, that someone without a good ability in all four skills will greatly reduce the opportunities open to them in education and professional life.
   If we want to assess someone’s speaking ability, we must get them to speak. The same applies to all the other skills. We can’t infer ability in one skill (e.g. speaking) from performance in another (e.g. listening), or from using tests of language knowledge, e.g. grammar, vocabulary, as proxies for communicative language ability. Therefore if we want to accurately assess communicative language ability, we need to include tasks which elicit a wide range of skills related to communicative language.
   The Common European Framework of Reference (2001) extends the definition of communicative language ability into five skills, and divides speaking into two skills: spoken production and spoken interaction. This is based on the evidence that these two skills are different, since one involves only monologue-type speech and the other involves being both a speaker and a listener at the same time. A test of communicative language, therefore, needs to include both spoken production and spoken interaction.
Adaptado de: GALACZI, Evelina. 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 mar. 2021.
According to the text, mark the alternative which contains all the skills presented by the The Common European Framework of Reference for the definition of communicative language ability.
Q1796204 Inglês
The word “freed” from the title, can be classified as:
Q1791733 Português

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A Oralidade na BNCC

Oralidade na BNCC O Eixo da Oralidade compreende as práticas de linguagem que ocorrem em situação oral com ou sem contato face a face, como aula dialogada, webconferência, mensagem gravada, spot de campanha, jingle, seminário, debate, programa de rádio, entrevista, declamação de poemas (com ou sem efeitos sonoros), peça teatral, apresentação de cantigas e canções, playlist comentada de músicas, vlog de game, contação de histórias, diferentes tipos de podcasts e vídeos, dentre outras. Envolve também a oralização de textos em situações socialmente significativas e interações e discussões envolvendo temáticas e outras dimensões linguísticas do trabalho nos diferentes campos de atuação (BRASIL, 2017, p. 82). Extraído de: BRASIL. Base nacional comum curricular: Ensino Fundamental. Brasília: MEC/SEF, 2017. Disponível em: <>.
De acordo com o descrito no texto, assinale a alternativa correta quanto ao ensino de oralidade.
Q1791732 Português

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Bolsonaro pediu que premier da Índia liberasse insumos de cloroquina a laboratórios de empresários aliados; leia íntegra da conversa

Documento obtido pelo GLOBO mostra que Bolsonaro cita nominalmente as empresas EMS e Apsen ao pedir liberação da exportação dos produtos

    O presidente Jair Bolsonaro atuou diretamente em favor de duas empresas privadas solicitando ao -da Índia, Narendra Modi, em abril do ano passado que acelerasse a exportação de insumos para a fabricação de hidroxicloroquina, medicamento comprovadamente ineficaz contra a Covid-19. Um telegrama secreto do Ministério das Relações Exteriores em posse da CPI da Covid no Senado e obtido pelo GLOBO contém a transcrição do telefonema feito por Bolsonaro no qual o presidente cita nominalmente as empresas EMS e Apsen ao pedir que a Índia liberasse a exportação dos produtos. Senadores da comissão avaliam que a ligação é prova importante do envolvimento pessoal do presidente com o fornecimento para o Brasil do remédio sem eficácia.

    As duas empresas beneficiadas diretamente pela atuação são comandadas por empresários que têm relações com o bolsonarismo. O presidente da Apsen, Renato Spallicci, é um apoiador de Bolsonaro. Ele declarou voto no atual presidente em 2018 e tinha várias postagens nas suas redes sociais com ataques a seus adversários e defesa do governo. Ontem, ele foi convocado a prestar depoimento na CPI da Covid. O CEO da EMS, Carlos Sanchez, já foi recebido por Bolsonaro para reuniões no Palácio do Planalto e participou recentemente de jantar com empresários realizado em São Paulo no qual o presidente foi ovacionado.

    Procuradas, tanto a Apsen quanto a EMS afirmam que têm relação apenas institucional com o governo brasileiro.

Adaptado de: CAPELLI, Paulo. 2021. Disponível em:

Quanto ao gênero do texto, assinale a alternativa correta.
41: A
42: D
43: C
44: B
45: A