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Q1743985 Inglês
“Are you coming to the party?” REPORTED SPEECH: He asked if I _____ to the party
Q1743984 Inglês

“Do ____ know Andy?”
Sure, he is in my class, I study with ____. Why?”
“Oh, nothing. I want ____ to help me, that's all.”
“I have ____ 'phone number. Call him!”
“Ok, thanks!"

Q1743983 Inglês

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Q1743981 Inglês
Running is _____kind of exercise
Q1743980 Inglês
“Knife crime: ‘How can I exclude a child from school if his parent gave him the weapon?’” Check the alternative with the correct correlation of noun and their plural form:
871: D
872: C
873: D
874: C
875: A