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Assinale a alternativa correta com relação ao “educar e cuidar” na Educação Básica.
“Nos jogos cooperativos o mais importante é a colaboração de cada um (…)” (AMARAL, 2004).
Identifique abaixo as afirmativas verdadeiras ( V ) e as falsas ( F ) em relação ao assunto.
( ) Não é a sua natureza, mas suas regras que mais claramente definem se o jogo é competitivo ou cooperativo.
( ) É importante não apenas conhecer os jogos e aplicá-los, mas essencialmente refletir sobre suas regras.
( ) O jogo constitui uma ferramenta pedagógica promotora apenas do desenvolvimento social e motor.
( ) A aprendizagem somente se concretizará por meio de jogos quando os mesmos estiverem imersos em um projeto, com etapas claramente estabelecidas.
( ) O jogo possui características importantíssimas em todas as etapas da vida da criança. Por sua característica motora, deve ser objeto apenas da Educação Física escolar.
Assinale a alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.
“(…) a criança aprende brincando” (LOPES, 2011).
Analise as afirmativas abaixo sobre o jogo e as brincadeiras como práticas curriculares.
1. Eleger a Situação de Movimento para educar é coerente com a situação existencial das crianças, cuja característica primordial é a movimentação.
2. O brinquedo tem a função apenas de dar prazer à criança.
3. A criança que brinca está desenvolvendo sua linguagem oral, seu pensamento associativo e suas habilidades auditivas e sociais.
4. É fundamental a compreensão dos diferentes estágios do desenvolvimento mental infantil para proporcionar às crianças brinquedos adequados e diversificados.
5. O jogo para crianças de um ano de idade nunca deverá ser promovido através da mediação do adulto.
Assinale a alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.
“No comportamento motor, o estudo das diferenças individuais tem se concentrado na identificação e na mediação de capacidades motoras” (MAGILL, 2017).
As capacidades motoras são descritas como uma das três capacidades humanas que afetam o desempenho das habilidades motoras.
Qual é a capacidade associada à facilidade da pessoa em resolver problemas de complexidade crescente, e com velocidade em processar as informações necessárias à resolução do problema?
Como é chamado “O conjunto de ações inerentes ao planejamento, implementação e avaliação de processos, programas e produtos destinados a criar e a fortalecer ecossistemas comunicativos”.
Para Gallahue, Ozmun e Goodway (2013), “o aprendizado de uma nova habilidade de movimento pode ser visto a partir da perspectiva dos níveis e estágios, que fornece ao professor indicações específicas para maximizar o aprendizado”.
Assinale a alternativa que contém os níveis indicados pelos autores.
“Nas décadas de 1970 e 1980 surgem movimentos renovadores na Educação Física” (CASTELLANI FILHO et al., 2009).
Qual é a “Concepção que privilegia o estímulo ao desenvolvimento psicomotor, especialmente a estruturação do esquema corporal e as aptidões motoras que, segundo o idealizador, melhoram através da prática do movimento”?
Analise o texto abaixo:
Consta no artigo 7° da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (1996) que ao aluno regularmente matriculado em instituição de ensino pública ou privada ___________________, é assegurado, no exercício da liberdade de consciência e de crença, o direito de, mediante prévio e motivado requerimento, ausentar-se de prova ou de aula marcada para dia em que, segundo os preceitos de sua religião, seja vedado o exercício de tais atividades. (Incluído pela Lei n° 13.796, de 2019)
Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a lacuna do texto.
Analise o texto abaixo:
A avaliação ___________________ apresenta dois objetivos básicos: iluminar o caminho da transformação e permitir que o sujeito, por meio da consciência crítica, imprima uma direção às suas ações nos contextos em que se situa de acordo com valores que elege e com os quais se compromete no decurso de sua historicidade.
Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a lacuna do texto.
Em relação ao processo de avaliação sistemática do (PGE) Plano de Gestão Escolar, é correto afirmar:
Identifique abaixo as afirmativas verdadeiras (V) e as falsas (F), em relação aos objetivos do ensino fundamental que estão relacionados nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais.
( ) Conhecer e valorizar a pluralidade do patrimônio sociocultural brasileiro.
( ) Saber utilizar diferentes fontes de informação e recursos tecnológicos para adquirir e construir conhecimentos.
( ) Compreender a cidadania como participação social e política.
( ) Utilizar o diálogo como forma de enfrentar conflitos e de tomar decisões coletivas.
Assinale a alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.
A proposta Curricular da Rede Municipal de Ensino considera a avaliação como uma prática processual.
Em relação a esse tema, é correto afirmar:
Identifique abaixo as afirmativas verdadeiras (V) e as falsas (F) acerca da aprendizagem de Língua Estrangeira.
( ) Está centrada no engajamento discursivo do aprendiz, ou seja, no modo de poder agir no mundo social.
( ) Ela possibilita o aumento da autopercepção do aluno como ser humano e como cidadão.
( ) É um processo de assimilação natural, intuitivo, subconsciente, fruto de interação em situações reais de convívio humano.
( ) O tema central desta proposta da aprendizagem de Língua Estrangeira é apenas a cidadania, em relação à linguagem e os aspectos sociopolíticos.
Assinale a alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.
Acerca da Educação de Jovens e Adultos, assinale a alternativa correta.
Analise o texto abaixo:
O acompanhamento efetivo do trabalho pedagógico constitui-se em oportunidade de ...(1)... a medida que favorece a reflexão sobre o que foi realizado e a discussão acerca das decisões implicadas ...(2)... de ações futuras.
Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente as lacunas numeradas do texto.
Acerca da Gestão Escolar Democrática, é correto afirmar:
English learning in Brazil
Statutory and the National Curricular Guidelines make the teaching of a ......................................... language at elementary and high school ................................... . However, teachers and experts acknowledge that English teaching - both public and private - is unable to provide students with a usable level of English. They identify similar reasons to those that cause other problems in basic education: the lack of language teaching equipment and over-filled classrooms.
There are also fundamental problems with the amount of time set aside for teaching English and it is hard to find adequately qualified teachers. In these conditions English teaching is reduced to the basic rules of grammar, reading short texts and learning to pass multiple choice exams for university admittance. Even government officials admit that English teaching in basic education has many shortcomings. The National Curricular Guidelines (which outline the curriculum for each subject) are well articulated, but cannot be applied fully in practice. Officials have pointed out that there are no language labs in schools as there is little funding available for them.
They feel that this limits oral communication, a problem that many educators have argued is exacerbated by the large number of students in the classroom. Government representatives and teachers alike have bemoaned the poor quality of language teachers working in basic language education. They argue that a bachelor degree in literature coupled with a teaching license does not prepare a language teacher for the reality of the classroom and to effectively teach the language. There is a widely held belief that these teachers are unlikely to have actually had the means to visit English speaking countries and lack the communication practice required to develop the command of a language. Experts have argued that it would be helpful to send teachers to travel to English speaking countries.
The shortcomings of language teaching in Brazil have resulted in a shortage of professionals who can speak English well. That limits contact between professionals, clients and suppliers and restricts international business opportunities. This affects the whole country - if Brazil is to function fully in the global arena it will need professionals better equipped with English.
Interdisciplinarity turns knowledge into a coherent whole and bring lessons into the real world.
To motivate students in their process of learning, what kind of educative system offers a creative way to develop their knowledge, skills and stimulate them through interconnected topics?
English learning in Brazil
Statutory and the National Curricular Guidelines make the teaching of a ......................................... language at elementary and high school ................................... . However, teachers and experts acknowledge that English teaching - both public and private - is unable to provide students with a usable level of English. They identify similar reasons to those that cause other problems in basic education: the lack of language teaching equipment and over-filled classrooms.
There are also fundamental problems with the amount of time set aside for teaching English and it is hard to find adequately qualified teachers. In these conditions English teaching is reduced to the basic rules of grammar, reading short texts and learning to pass multiple choice exams for university admittance. Even government officials admit that English teaching in basic education has many shortcomings. The National Curricular Guidelines (which outline the curriculum for each subject) are well articulated, but cannot be applied fully in practice. Officials have pointed out that there are no language labs in schools as there is little funding available for them.
They feel that this limits oral communication, a problem that many educators have argued is exacerbated by the large number of students in the classroom. Government representatives and teachers alike have bemoaned the poor quality of language teachers working in basic language education. They argue that a bachelor degree in literature coupled with a teaching license does not prepare a language teacher for the reality of the classroom and to effectively teach the language. There is a widely held belief that these teachers are unlikely to have actually had the means to visit English speaking countries and lack the communication practice required to develop the command of a language. Experts have argued that it would be helpful to send teachers to travel to English speaking countries.
The shortcomings of language teaching in Brazil have resulted in a shortage of professionals who can speak English well. That limits contact between professionals, clients and suppliers and restricts international business opportunities. This affects the whole country - if Brazil is to function fully in the global arena it will need professionals better equipped with English.
For a significant percentage of learners, studying English via the internet was of interest. However, classroom courses combined with good online support may still be attractive.
Within this blended model, the most valued components are:
English learning in Brazil
Statutory and the National Curricular Guidelines make the teaching of a ......................................... language at elementary and high school ................................... . However, teachers and experts acknowledge that English teaching - both public and private - is unable to provide students with a usable level of English. They identify similar reasons to those that cause other problems in basic education: the lack of language teaching equipment and over-filled classrooms.
There are also fundamental problems with the amount of time set aside for teaching English and it is hard to find adequately qualified teachers. In these conditions English teaching is reduced to the basic rules of grammar, reading short texts and learning to pass multiple choice exams for university admittance. Even government officials admit that English teaching in basic education has many shortcomings. The National Curricular Guidelines (which outline the curriculum for each subject) are well articulated, but cannot be applied fully in practice. Officials have pointed out that there are no language labs in schools as there is little funding available for them.
They feel that this limits oral communication, a problem that many educators have argued is exacerbated by the large number of students in the classroom. Government representatives and teachers alike have bemoaned the poor quality of language teachers working in basic language education. They argue that a bachelor degree in literature coupled with a teaching license does not prepare a language teacher for the reality of the classroom and to effectively teach the language. There is a widely held belief that these teachers are unlikely to have actually had the means to visit English speaking countries and lack the communication practice required to develop the command of a language. Experts have argued that it would be helpful to send teachers to travel to English speaking countries.
The shortcomings of language teaching in Brazil have resulted in a shortage of professionals who can speak English well. That limits contact between professionals, clients and suppliers and restricts international business opportunities. This affects the whole country - if Brazil is to function fully in the global arena it will need professionals better equipped with English.
There are some Methods of teaching English that are more important than others.
Choose the alternative that contains the correct answer.
English learning in Brazil
Statutory and the National Curricular Guidelines make the teaching of a ......................................... language at elementary and high school ................................... . However, teachers and experts acknowledge that English teaching - both public and private - is unable to provide students with a usable level of English. They identify similar reasons to those that cause other problems in basic education: the lack of language teaching equipment and over-filled classrooms.
There are also fundamental problems with the amount of time set aside for teaching English and it is hard to find adequately qualified teachers. In these conditions English teaching is reduced to the basic rules of grammar, reading short texts and learning to pass multiple choice exams for university admittance. Even government officials admit that English teaching in basic education has many shortcomings. The National Curricular Guidelines (which outline the curriculum for each subject) are well articulated, but cannot be applied fully in practice. Officials have pointed out that there are no language labs in schools as there is little funding available for them.
They feel that this limits oral communication, a problem that many educators have argued is exacerbated by the large number of students in the classroom. Government representatives and teachers alike have bemoaned the poor quality of language teachers working in basic language education. They argue that a bachelor degree in literature coupled with a teaching license does not prepare a language teacher for the reality of the classroom and to effectively teach the language. There is a widely held belief that these teachers are unlikely to have actually had the means to visit English speaking countries and lack the communication practice required to develop the command of a language. Experts have argued that it would be helpful to send teachers to travel to English speaking countries.
The shortcomings of language teaching in Brazil have resulted in a shortage of professionals who can speak English well. That limits contact between professionals, clients and suppliers and restricts international business opportunities. This affects the whole country - if Brazil is to function fully in the global arena it will need professionals better equipped with English.
When it comes to English language skills, the most frequent activity is: