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PERNAMBUCO, Secretaria de Educação e Esportes. Currículo de Pernambuco: Ensino Fundamental. Recife: A Secretaria, 2019, p. 313
Nesse sentido, as experiências anteriores acumuladas pelos estudantes articulam, nesse processo, o passado, o presente e o futuro, resultando em uma aprendizagem significativa, na qual os professores, os colegas de turma e o meio em que os estudantes vivem desempenham um papel de
I. Incentivar os estudantes a observarem a obra selecionada, permitindo que expressem suas próprias percepções antes de fornecer qualquer intervenção.
II. Propor uma atividade prática em que os estudantes criem suas próprias obras de arte inspiradas na obra em questão, promovendo a experimentação e a reflexão sobre a diversidade cultural.
III. Realizar uma aula dialógica, utilizando de recursos audiovisuais e textuais para garantir que os estudantes compreendam os conceitos e contextos da obra em questão.
Assinale a alternativa que relaciona, correta e respectivamente, cada atividade proposta com uma ação da Abordagem Triangular.
PERNAMBUCO, Secretaria de Educação e Esportes. Currículo de Pernambuco: Ensino Fundamental. Recife: A Secretaria, 2019, p. 314
Tendo em vista o mencionado no texto, identifique a seguir quais tendências e concepções pautam o ensino de Arte.
I. Renascentista, que tem como princípios básicos para o ensino da Arte a importância do humanismo, a valorização do conhecimento e do potencial humano.
II. Primitivista, em que o ensino tem enfoque na replicação de estilos e técnicas artísticas, valorização de formas e símbolos tradicionais.
III. Pré-Modernista, que entende o ensino como técnica para uma formação meramente propedêutica.
IV. Pós-Moderno, que tem uma visão do ensino como conhecimento e defende a ideia da Arte na educação com ênfase na própria Arte.
V. Modernista, influenciada pela pedagogia experimental. Nela, o ensino de Arte foi pensado a partir de duas concepções: como Expressão e como Atividade.
As tendências e concepções que pautam o ensino de Arte são as apresentadas em:
Atenção! Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.
The research paper published in ‘Humanities & Social Sciences Communications’ — an open-access journal, distributed by Springer Nature — examines the impact of AI on “loss in decisionmaking and privacy concerns among university students in Pakistan and China”.
The rise of AI has also exposed students and teachers to a number of challenges, particularly data hacking and systemic and racial biases. “Many people are now concerned with the ethical attributes of AI systems and believe that the security issue must be considered in AI system development,” the researchers claimed. In order to mitigate safety concerns, the paper said there was a need to “continuously re-evaluate and re-design” security practices. However, academia is poorly equipped to deal this issue due to a shortage of funding and technical staff. “No one can run from the threat of AI concerning cybersecurity, it behaves like a double-edged sword.”
As per the research, AI has the potential to revolutionise the education sector but with certain drawbacks. In order to effectively harness this technology, the paper called for steps to ensure AI does not cause at least “severe ethical concerns”, and technology backed by secure algorithms to ensure data security and minimisation of AI’s bias. It also recommended measures to curtail overreliance on AI to address “laziness” and cognitive deficiency.
ABBAS, Zaki. AI making students lazy, impairing cognition: study. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jul. 2024. Adaptado.

Considere o seguinte trecho do texto apresentado anteriormente: “In order to effectively harness this technology, the paper called for steps to ensure AI does not cause at least “severe ethical concerns”, and technology backed by secure algorithms to ensure data security and minimisation of AI’s bias”.
Ao relacionar as informações trazidas pelo texto e a fala do homem no cartoon, pode-se inferir corretamente que
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The research paper published in ‘Humanities & Social Sciences Communications’ — an open-access journal, distributed by Springer Nature — examines the impact of AI on “loss in decisionmaking and privacy concerns among university students in Pakistan and China”.
The rise of AI has also exposed students and teachers to a number of challenges, particularly data hacking and systemic and racial biases. “Many people are now concerned with the ethical attributes of AI systems and believe that the security issue must be considered in AI system development,” the researchers claimed. In order to mitigate safety concerns, the paper said there was a need to “continuously re-evaluate and re-design” security practices. However, academia is poorly equipped to deal this issue due to a shortage of funding and technical staff. “No one can run from the threat of AI concerning cybersecurity, it behaves like a double-edged sword.”
As per the research, AI has the potential to revolutionise the education sector but with certain drawbacks. In order to effectively harness this technology, the paper called for steps to ensure AI does not cause at least “severe ethical concerns”, and technology backed by secure algorithms to ensure data security and minimisation of AI’s bias. It also recommended measures to curtail overreliance on AI to address “laziness” and cognitive deficiency.
ABBAS, Zaki. AI making students lazy, impairing cognition: study. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jul. 2024. Adaptado.
Atenção! Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.
The research paper published in ‘Humanities & Social Sciences Communications’ — an open-access journal, distributed by Springer Nature — examines the impact of AI on “loss in decisionmaking and privacy concerns among university students in Pakistan and China”.
The rise of AI has also exposed students and teachers to a number of challenges, particularly data hacking and systemic and racial biases. “Many people are now concerned with the ethical attributes of AI systems and believe that the security issue must be considered in AI system development,” the researchers claimed. In order to mitigate safety concerns, the paper said there was a need to “continuously re-evaluate and re-design” security practices. However, academia is poorly equipped to deal this issue due to a shortage of funding and technical staff. “No one can run from the threat of AI concerning cybersecurity, it behaves like a double-edged sword.”
As per the research, AI has the potential to revolutionise the education sector but with certain drawbacks. In order to effectively harness this technology, the paper called for steps to ensure AI does not cause at least “severe ethical concerns”, and technology backed by secure algorithms to ensure data security and minimisation of AI’s bias. It also recommended measures to curtail overreliance on AI to address “laziness” and cognitive deficiency.
ABBAS, Zaki. AI making students lazy, impairing cognition: study. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jul. 2024. Adaptado.
Em uma atividade de sala, a professora pediu aos alunos que marcassem em suas agendas seus planos para a semana seguinte. Em seguida, eles deveriam sentar-se com um colega e simular um diálogo. Para realizar a atividade, ela escreveu na lousa o seguinte diálogo, a partir do qual os alunos deveriam usar corretamente um repertório linguístico aprendido para preencher a lacuna.
Aluno A: What __________ (do) on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday…?
Aluno B: I ____________ (play soccer/go dancing/do my homework…) on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday…
Para que os alunos sejam bem-sucedidos nessa atividade, é preciso que eles saibam usar corretamente qual tempo verbal?
Learning Portuguese-English cognates is a great way to build vocabulary fast! It’s basically using what you already know to get a jump-start.
Cognates are simply words that are very similar in both languages, usually due to a common root.
Below, you can explore some of the typical spelling patterns for English → Portuguese cognates, with examples for each one. Remember that these patterns do not apply every time. But they are a convenient way to help you notice more cognates as you continue to learn English!
Observe os padrões de sufixo abaixo e complete as lacunas indicadas.
ph → f
Ex: telephone → telefone
tion → -ção
Ex: nation → nação
ty → ____________
Ex: society → ____________
fy → ____________
Ex: identify → ____________
Practice Portuguese. Portuguese-English Cognates. Practice Portuguese, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jul. 2024. Adaptado.
Em sequência, os termos que completam corretamente essas lacunas são:
A Well Respected Man
The Kinks
'Cause he gets up in the morning
And he goes to work at nine
And he comes back home at five-thirty
Gets the same train every time
'Cause his world is built 'round punctuality
It never fails
And he's oh, so good
And he's oh, so fine
And he's oh, so healthy
In his body and his mind
And his mother goes to meetings
While his father pulls the maid
And she stirs the tea with councilors
While discussing foreign trade
And she passes looks, as well as bills
At every suave young man (…)
DAVIES, Ray. A well respected man. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jul. 2024. Adaptado.
Letras de música podem ser ótimos recursos para desenvolver uma habilidade exigida pelo currículo escolar. A letra de “A well respected man” poderia ser mais bem usada para trabalhar qual habilidade dos estudantes?

WATTERSON, Bill. Calvin and Hobbes. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 ago. 2024.
Sobre os recursos linguísticos usados no quadrinho, avalie se as afirmações abaixo são verdadeiras (V) ou falsas (F).
I. Nos trechos “The world should’ve been designed” e “The world centainly could’ve used”, o uso de ‘should’ve been’ e ‘could’ve used’ indica haver possibilidade de que as ações sugeridas por Calvin aconteçam no futuro.
II. No trecho ‘so everyone didn’t have to eat each other to survive’ o termo ‘so’ poderia ser substituído por ‘de modo que’.
III. ‘To begin with’ é uma expressão idiomática que equivale em português, no contexto, a “antes de mais nada”.
As afirmações são, respectivamente,
Finding and identifying problems helps students practice detecting problems. Problem identification is found to be more important for reviewer learning, perhaps because reviewers are involved in more highly cognitive demanding activities when identifying problems. Interestingly, it is easier to see problems in documents/objects produced by ____________ than in ____________ documents because learners often “see” what they meant to produce and not what they actually produced. Thus, ____________ may be an easier context in which to practice skills related to repairing errors because errors are more easily detected
SCHUNN, Christian D. The Learning Science of Multi - Peer Feedback for EFL Students. Disponível em: s_Schunn_Wu_2019.pdf. Acesso em: 12 jul. 2024. Adaptado.
Em sequência, as palavras que completam corretamente essas lacunas são:
Atenção! Leia o texto a seguir para responder à próxima questão.
The Two Goats
Two Goats, frisking gayly on the rocky steeps of a mountain valley, chanced to meet, one on each side of a deep chasm through which poured a mighty mountain torrent. The trunk of a fallen tree formed the only means of crossing the chasm, and on this not even two squirrels could have passed each other in safety. The narrow path would have made the bravest tremble. Not so our Goats. Their pride would not permit either to stand aside for the other.
One set her foot on the log. The other did likewise. In the middle they met horn to horn. Neither would give way, and so they both fell, to be swept away by the roaring torrent below.
Library of Congress. The Aesop for children. Library of Congress, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jul. 2024.
Atenção! Leia o texto a seguir para responder à próxima questão.
The Two Goats
Two Goats, frisking gayly on the rocky steeps of a mountain valley, chanced to meet, one on each side of a deep chasm through which poured a mighty mountain torrent. The trunk of a fallen tree formed the only means of crossing the chasm, and on this not even two squirrels could have passed each other in safety. The narrow path would have made the bravest tremble. Not so our Goats. Their pride would not permit either to stand aside for the other.
One set her foot on the log. The other did likewise. In the middle they met horn to horn. Neither would give way, and so they both fell, to be swept away by the roaring torrent below.
Library of Congress. The Aesop for children. Library of Congress, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jul. 2024.
How do most teachers use micro-dictations?
However ‘small’ they are, micro-dictations have great value! They can help students notice connected speech, which is what usually blocks their understanding in a listening lesson. The teacher reads the sentences or plays the recording. They repeat each sentence a few times. Example: He must have gone out.
Students listen and write what they hear.
The teacher now writes the sentence on the whiteboard and asks students to compare it to theirs.
Finally, the teacher asks: which part was difficult to understand and why?
TSATERI, Rachel. World of better learning. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jul. 2024. Adaptado.
O texto acima discorre sobre como os professores podem usar micro-dictations. Qual das estratégias abaixo corresponde a uma técnica de micro-dictation?

Model teaching. Reading Comprehension Strategy Tools. Model teaching, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jul. 2024. Adaptado.
Em uma atividade de leitura do texto “Bigger Isn’t Always Better: Narrow Traffic Lanes Make Cities Safer”, os alunos tiveram dificuldade de interpretação do último período por não saberem o sentido do termo ‘narrower’. Sobre isso, analise as estratégias:
I. Procurar a definição do termo em um dicionário inglêsportuguês.
II. Procurar por dicas na imagem que acompanha o artigo.
III. Identificar o sentido dos termos ‘bigger’ e ‘wider’.
IV. Identificar a classe gramatical do termo e o sentido do sufixo -er.
Com base na tabela fornecida, para que os alunos possam entender o sentido do termo (‘narrower’) pelo contexto, o professor deve orientar que eles adotem as seguintes estratégias:

Traffic in Tokyo Reveals Narrow, Safe Traffic Lanes. Photo by Raphael Desrosiers / Flickr
Bigger Isn’t Always Better: Narrow Traffic Lanes Make Cities Safer
In Beijing, Chennai and Fortaleza, the rate of fatalities from road is incredibly high. What do these cities have in common? They have traffic lanes wider than 3.6 meters (11.8 feet). A longstanding belief among transportation planners and engineers is that wider traffic lanes ensure safe and congestion-free traffic flow. Recent academic research, highlighted in Cities Safer by Design, a WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities publication, shows that wider lanes are more dangerous than narrower lanes.
BANERJEE, Subha Ranjan; WELLE, Ben. Bigger Isn’t Always Better: Narrow Traffic Lanes Make Cities Safer. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jul. 2024. Adaptado.
De acordo com a pesquisa acadêmica apresentada no artigo,
 Advertising language., 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jul. 2024.
Uma das formas de identificar a função social de um texto é a partir dos recursos linguísticos usados. O anúncio publicitário acima tem a função social de induzir o leitor a ter um certo comportamento, que é alcançada, também, pelo uso de
What does a CCQ mean?
A concept checking question is a question designed to help the teacher check students’ understanding of a language item (grammar structure, vocabulary, fixed expression). “Do you understand?”, “Is that clear?”, “We all know that, right?” or “OK?” should be absolute taboos.
When to ask CCQs?
Every time you explain new material or need to check whether students know what you are talking about. CCQs are particularly useful after guided practice and at the end of the lesson as a review.
How to ask CCQs?
There are some simple rules that can help you create good CCQs and use them effectively:
1. CCQs should be easy to understand, use simple language in CCQs.
2. Don’t use the target language in CCQs;
E.g. I’ll meet her tomorrow.
Bad CCQ: Will I meet her next week?
3. Don’t use new vocabulary in CCQs;
4. Plan CCQs in advance;
5. Ask at least 2 CCQs to cover all of the important aspects of the target language;
6. CCQs should check the meaning of the target language, not of the situation.
E.g. She’s been in bed all day.
Bad CCQ: Is she sick?
7. Some of the most efficient CCQs are yes/no questions along with either/or questions; simple Wh-questions and true/false statements.
My TEFL. Concept Checking Questions (CCQs). My Tefl, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jul. 2024. Adaptado.
Considere que você precisa ensinar o sentido do termo em destaque na frase “His pink car stands out on the road”. A partir da leitura sobre as CCQ’s, qual das alternativas abaixo apresenta uma CCQ efetiva para checar o entendimento do aluno sobre o sentido do termo ‘stand out’?