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Q2491716 Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência - Lei nº 13.146 de 2015

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De acordo com o Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência, o símbolo nacional de identificação de pessoas com deficiências ocultas é o cordão de fita com desenhos de girassóis, cujo uso é opcional e sua ausência não prejudica o exercício de direitos e garantias previstos em lei.

Q2482316 Pedagogia

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Os professores podem utilizar o Google Sala de Aula para criar questionários e avaliações online, acompanhando o desempenho dos alunos em tempo real e identificando áreas de dificuldade que requerem intervenção pedagógica.

Q2482313 Ética na Administração Pública

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De acordo com alguns filósofos, a moral não se reduz ao aspecto social. À medida que o indivíduo desenvolve a reflexão crítica, os valores herdados passam a ser colocados em questão. Ele reflete sobre as normas e decide aceitá-las ou negá-las. A decisão de acatar uma norma é fruto de uma reflexão pessoal consciente que se chama interiorização.

Q2482311 Português

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Os afixos são elementos que se acrescem aos radicais com a finalidade de formar novas palavras e são classificados em a) prefixos: são os afixos que vêm depois do radical; b) sufixos: são os afixos que vêm antes do radical.

Q2482307 Ética na Administração Pública

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A democracia, ao abraçar uma variedade de perspectivas e opiniões, muitas vezes relega a ética a um papel secundário, permitindo que interesses partidários e ideológicos predominem sobre considerações éticas mais amplas, o que leva a uma erosão gradual dos valores democráticos e à instauração de uma cultura política marcada pela falta de integridade e transparência.

Q2482296 Pedagogia

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O Google Sala de Aula não oferece suporte para a integração de outras ferramentas ou aplicativos educacionais, limitando as opções disponíveis para enriquecer a experiência de aprendizagem dos alunos.

Q2482290 Inglês

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The construction of the school curriculum should be reviewed annually, but once it is established in the school planning for a year, it cannot be changed.

Q2482289 Inglês

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Nominal clauses cannot stand alone as complete sentences because they are dependent clauses. Instead, they function as nouns within a sentence and rely on an independent clause to form a complete thought.

Q2482288 Inglês

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The integration of written and spoken English within the context of new communication technologies benefits foreign language students, fostering a broader and more inclusive understanding of the language, and the teacher's interest of mediating this new uses of technology is essential for students to embrace the learning.

Q2482287 Inglês

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The Federal Law nº 10.639/03 states that the contents referring to African-Brazilian Culture and History will be teached only on History, Arts and Literature subjects.

Q2482286 Inglês

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The Federal Constitution ensures that it is a State duty to provide access to higher levels of education, research and arts to students according to each person's capacity.

Q2482285 Inglês

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Inclusive education is not restricted to students with physical or intellectual disabilities, but also comprehend students with global developmental disorders, autism, and those with high abilities, all of whom require educational strategies adapted to their specific needs.

Q2482284 Inglês

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The sentence: "We have been to the beach last summer" the sentence as a whole is in the present perfect tense.

Q2482283 Inglês

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In the sentence: "This must be the tallest building in this city!", the suffix on "tallest" express a comparative adjective.

Q2482282 Inglês

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When reading an illustrated text, a comic strip for example, there is more to analyze than the verbal communication as usually the non-verbal communication is often present and is relevant to the complete understanding of the message in this type ot text.

Q2482281 Inglês

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Carl Rogers believed that all human beings have an innate tendency to seek self-realization and personal growth. This tendency is the motivating force that drives people toward their maximum potential.

Q2482280 Inglês

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According to Vygotsky's Learning Theory, for learning to occur, social interaction must take place within the zone of proximal development, which is the gap between what the individual already knows, their actual knowledge, and what the individual has the potential to learn.

Q2482279 Inglês

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It is a rule that adverbial clauses must start with a subordinating conjunction and connect to an independent clause in means to make sense.

Q2482278 Inglês

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The social role of school, in addition to providing quality formal education equally to students is to also be a place for cultural development, allowing the exposition to the plurality of ideas, cultures and perspectives to strengthen them to living on a plural society.

Q2482277 Inglês

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In the sentence: "The children got to play all day, and that made them happy", the comma provides no change to the meaning of the phrase.

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