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É importante considerar os estudantes como sujeitos do
seu processo de aprendizagem, afinal, se a intenção é
formar cidadãos para o mundo contemporâneo, é
fundamental levar em conta e desenvolver a autonomia
para que, no futuro, eles possam alcançar uma
compreensão autônoma tanto no campo intelectual
quanto político que lhes permitam exercer atitudes
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Durante a Era Colonial, um novo tipo de arte e literatura
surgiu no contexto brasileiro. Dessa vez, as obras
literárias acrescentavam sermões religiosos, como os do
Padre Antônio Vieira. Outro autor famoso da época foi
Gregório de Matos, também conhecido como “boca do
inferno”, já que ele possuía características irônicas e
satíricas muito precisas.
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O Decreto Federal nº 1.171/94 prevê a aplicação de
penalidades aos servidores públicos civis que
descumprirem as normas éticas estabelecidas nesse
referencial legal. Essas penalidades, no entanto, devem
ser sempre no âmbito econômico, como, por exemplo, a
aplicação de multas, tributos ou redução da remuneração
do servidor.
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O Decreto nº 1.171, de 22 de junho de 1994, estabelece o
Código de Ética e Disciplina dos servidores públicos civis
do Poder Executivo Federal.
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The plural form of the compound noun in the sentence
“I’ve got one brother-in-law and two sisters-in-laws” is
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In technicism education has been reduced to something that can be measured in numbers alone. Teachers are made into technicians, who simply pull the levers and push the buttons assigned to them by the ruling technocrats. Technicism focuses on quantities and techniques, rather than quality and values.
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In the sentence “They weren’t aware of the time”, the
preposition is correct.
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The sentence “Are these sneakers her’s?” is grammatically correct.
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The indefinite article is correctly used in: an umbrella; an hour; an art book.
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In the sentence “Actually, I don’t know him”, the word
“actually” could be replaced by “currently” without
changing the meaning of the sentence.
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The comparative degree of the adjectives in the sentence
“She is stronger and more intelligent than me” is correct.
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In the sentence “First, let me finish my house chores”, the
number “first” is used as an adverb.
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We use the definite article the before the Alps, the Black
Sea, and the Netherlands.
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According to Piaget’s educational theory, development is understood as an increase in the complexity, mobility and systemization of cognitive structures.
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The verb tense in the sentence “When the new park will open, I’ll go there every day” is correct, as the use of the conjunction “when” allows it.
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In communicative language teaching, the students must
learn the grammar first and then apply it in conversational
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In the sentence “I didn’t go to work because I wasn’t
feeling very well”, the conjunction connects the main
clause to the subordinate clause.
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In communicative language teaching, errors are not
tolerated, because if the student repeats the wrong form,
he may internalize it.
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In the sentence “Italian is not so different from Spanish”,
the preposition is correct.
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In the sentence “She wanted to stay up late, but she had an early morning meeting to attend”, the conjunction connects the main clause to the subordinate clause.