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Em conformidade com BECHARA, assinalar a alternativa que preenche a lacuna abaixo CORRETAMENTE:
Quanto à função sintática, o ________ exerce por excelência a função de sujeito (ou o seu núcleo) da oração.
Em conformidade com a Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), sobre as competências específicas de Língua Portuguesa para o Ensino Fundamental, marcar C para as competências Certas, E para as Erradas e, após, assinalar a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA:
(_) Analisar informações, argumentos e opiniões manifestados em interações sociais e nos meios de comunicação, posicionando-se ética e criticamente em relação a conteúdos discriminatórios que ferem direitos humanos e ambientais.
(_) Mobilizar práticas da cultura digital, diferentes linguagens, mídias e ferramentas digitais para expandir as formas de produzir sentidos.
(_) Compreender a língua como fenômeno cultural, histórico, social, invariável, homogêneo e sensível aos contextos de uso, reconhecendo-a como meio de construção de identidades de seus usuários e da comunidade a que pertencem.
De acordo com PERRENOUD, sobre as atividades de pesquisa, analisar a sentença abaixo:
Antes de ser uma competência didática precisa, ligada a conteúdos específicos, envolver os alunos em atividades de pesquisa e em projetos de conhecimento passa por uma capacidade fundamental do professor: tornar acessível e desejável sua própria relação com o saber e com a pesquisa (1ª parte). A dinâmica de uma pesquisa nunca é simultaneamente intelectual, emocional e relacional (2ª parte). O papel do professor é relacionar os momentos fortes, assegurar a memória coletiva ou confiá‐la a certos alunos, pôr‐se à disposição de certos alunos, fazer buscar ou confeccionar os materiais requeridos para o experimento (3ª parte).
A sentença está:
Em conformidade com Ensino Fundamental de Nove Anos: orientações gerais, o desenvolvimento do aluno é a principal referência na organização do tempo e do espaço da escola. Pode‐se dizer que a educação precisa ser pensada também com o foco voltado para algumas características, tais como:
I. O ser humano é ser de múltiplas dimensões.
II. Todos aprendem em tempos e em ritmos iguais.
III. O desenvolvimento humano é um processo contínuo.
Está(ão) CORRETO(S):
Em conformidade com Orientações e Ações para a Educação das Relações Étnico‐Raciais, sobre as diretrizes, analisar os itens abaixo:
I. São dimensões normativas, reguladoras de caminhos, embora não fechadas a que historicamente possam, a partir das determinações iniciais, tomar novos rumos.
II. Desencadeiam sempre ações uniformes.
III. Objetivam oferecer referências e critérios para que se implantem ações, as avaliem e reformulem no que e quando necessário.
Está(ão) CORRETO(S):
De acordo com RODRIGUES e VALENTE, sobre as exigências específicas à tradução e à interpretação da Libras, analisar a sentença abaixo:
Além de assimilar o que ouve e fazer a acomodação em sua mente, o intérprete deve processar a informação, o que, nesse caso, significa julgar qual sinalização da Libras corresponde a dada sentença do português (1ª parte). Os tradutores dispõem de tempo suficiente à obtenção de um texto final técnica e linguisticamente correto. A atividade de interpretação, por outro lado, encontra-se associada a um forte componente de imprevisibilidade, o que obriga o intérprete a se preocupar, sobretudo, com a mensagem essencial do discurso transposto, e não tanto com a sua transposição integral (2ª parte). Por envolver questões pertinentes à proficiência linguística, à cultura, à ética, ao emocional, à acuidade intelectual, à compreensão de texto e outros é que a interpretação simultânea apresenta-se como um grande desafio a quem se dispõe a atuar como mediador entre os indivíduos da situação comunicativa (3ª parte).
A sentença está:
Em conformidade com COLL, MARCHESI e PALACIOS, sobre os problemas de aprendizagem, assinalar a alternativa CORRETA:
De acordo com Stainback e Stainback in CARDOSO, sobre as características das aulas inclusivas, analisar os itens abaixo:
I. A diversidade enfraquece a classe e oferece oportunidades de aprendizagem e de melhoria apenas a alguns de seus membros.
II. A escola deve oferecer tratamento igualitário e respeito mútuo entre os alunos, os outros membros da escola e a comunidade.
III. Deve haver o apoio educativo dentro da aula regular, buscando o modo como os estudantes podem favorecer suas necessidades educativas na aula regular.
Está(ão) CORRETO(S):
De acordo com GOLDFELD, sobre o bilinguismo, marcar C para as afirmativas Certas, E para as Erradas e, após, assinalar a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA:
(_) Tem como pressuposto básico que o surdo deve ser bilíngue, ou seja, deve adquirir como língua materna a língua de sinais, que é considerada a língua natural dos surdos e, como segunda língua, a língua oficial de seu País.
(_) Um dos conceitos que a filosofia bilíngue traz é que os surdos não conseguem formar uma comunidade, com cultura e língua próprias.
(_) Alguns autores acreditam ser necessário ao surdo adquirir a língua de sinais. Já a língua oficial de seu País pode ser adquirida apenas na modalidade escrita, e não na oral.
De acordo com O tradutor e intérprete de língua brasileira de sinais e língua portuguesa, marcar C para as afirmativas Certas, E para as Erradas e, após, assinalar a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA:
(_) O ato de interpretar envolve um ato cognitivo-linguístico, ou seja, é um processo em que o intérprete estará diante de pessoas que apresentam intenções comunicativas e que utilizam línguas diferentes.
(_) O intérprete de língua de sinais é o profissional que domina a língua de sinais e a língua falada no País e que é qualificado para desempenhar a função do intérprete.
(_) Um dos papéis do intérprete é realizar a interpretação da língua falada para a língua sinalizada e vice-versa, podendo alterar a informação por querer ajudar ou ter opiniões a respeito de algum assunto.
Em relação à postura ética do Intérprete, marcar C para as afirmativas Certas, E para as Erradas e, após, assinalar a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA:
(_) Interpretar fielmente e com o melhor da sua habilidade, sempre transmitindo o pensamento, a intenção e o espírito do palestrante.
(_) Reconhecer seu próprio nível de competência e ser prudente em aceitar tarefas, procurando assistência de outros intérpretes/profissionais, quando necessário, especialmente em palestras técnicas.
(_) Adotar uma conduta adequada de se vestir, com adereços e chamando atenção indevida sobre si mesmo, durante o exercício da função.
Em conformidade com BOYNTON e BOYNTON, para lidar com alunos desafiadores, é preciso dominar algumas estratégias disciplinares, como:
Em conformidade com a Lei nº 12.319/2010, o intérprete deve exercer sua profissão com rigor técnico, zelando pelos valores éticos a ela inerentes, pelo respeito à pessoa humana e à cultura do surdo e, entre outros, pela:
I. Honestidade e indiscrição, protegendo o direito de publicidade da informação recebida.
II. Atuação livre de preconceito de origem, raça, credo religioso, idade, sexo ou orientação sexual ou gênero.
III. Parcialidade aos conteúdos que lhe couber traduzir. IV. Solidariedade e consciência de que o direito de expressão é um direito social, independentemente da condição social e econômica daqueles que dele necessitem.
Em conformidade com a Lei nº 10.741/2003 - Estatuto do Idoso, analisar a sentença abaixo:
Os idosos participarão das comemorações de caráter cívico ou cultural, para transmissão de conhecimentos e vivências às demais gerações, no sentido da preservação da memória e da identidade culturais (1ª parte). A participação dos idosos em atividades culturais e de lazer será proporcionada mediante descontos de, no máximo, 50% nos ingressos para eventos artísticos, culturais, esportivos e de lazer (2ª parte). Os meios de comunicação manterão espaços ou horários especiais voltados aos idosos, com finalidade informativa, educativa, artística e cultural, e ao público, sobre o processo de envelhecimento (3ª parte).
A sentença está:
Em conformidade com a Lei nº 10.436/2002, analisar a sentença abaixo:
Entende-se como Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras) a forma de comunicação e expressão em que o sistema linguístico de natureza visual-motora, com estrutura gramatical própria, constitui um sistema linguístico de transmissão de ideias e fatos, oriundos de comunidades de pessoas surdas do Brasil (1ª parte). Devem ser garantidas, por parte do Poder Público em geral e empresas concessionárias de serviços públicos, formas institucionalizadas de apoiar o uso e a difusão da Libras como meio de comunicação objetiva e de utilização corrente das comunidades surdas do Brasil (2ª parte). As instituições públicas e empresas concessionárias de serviços públicos de assistência à saúde devem garantir atendimento e tratamento adequado aos portadores de deficiência auditiva (3ª parte).
A sentença está:
Read the text below and answer questions 35 to 40
- A new study from archaeologists at University of Sydney and Simon
- Fraser University in Vancouver, has provided important new evidence
- to answer the question "Who exactly were the Anglo‐Saxons?" New
- findings based on studying skeletal remains clearly indicate the Anglo‐
- Saxons were a melting pot of people from both migrant and local
- cultural groups and not one homogenous group from Western Europe.
- Professor Keith Dobney said the team’s results indicate that "the
- Anglo‐Saxon kingdoms of early Medieval Britain were strikingly similar
- to contemporary Britain ‐‐ full of people of different ancestries sharing
- a common language and culture." The collaborative study looked at the
- three‐dimensional shape of the base of the skull. "Baased on this, we
- collected 3D data from suitably dated skeletal collections from Britain
- and Denmark, and then analysed the data to estimate the ancestry of
- the Anglo‐Saxon individuals in the sample."
- The researchers found that between two‐thirds and three‐quarters of
- early Anglo‐Saxon individuals were of continental European ancestry,
- while between a quarter and one‐third were of local ancestry. When
- they looked at skeletons dated to the Middle Anglo‐Saxon period
- (several hundred years after the original migrants arrived), they found
- that 50 to 70 percent of the individuals were of local ancestry, while
- 30 to 50 percent were of continental European ancestry, which
- probably indicates a change in the rate of migration and/or local
- adoption of culture over time. "These findings tell us that being Anglo‐
- Saxon was more likely a matter of language and culture, not genetics."
- Although Anglo‐Saxon origins can clearly be traced to a migration of
- Germanic‐speaking people from mainland Europe between the 5th
- and 7th centuries AD, the number of individuals who settled in Britain
- is still contested, as is the nature of their relationship with the pre-
- existing inhabitants of the British Isles, who were Romano‐Celts.
- The ongoing and unresolved argument is whether hordes of European
- invaders largely replaced the existing Romano‐British inhabitants, or
- did smaller numbers of migrants settle and interact with the locals,
- who then rapidly adopted the new language and culture of the Anglo‐
- Saxons? "The reason for the ongoing confusion is the apparent
- contradiction between early historical texts (written sometime after
- the events that imply that the newcomers were both numerous and
- replaced the Romano‐British population) and some recent
- biomolecular markers directly recovered from Anglo‐Saxon skeletons
- that appears to suggest numbers of immigrants were few," said
- Professor Dobney. "Our new data sits at the interface of this debate
- and implies that early Anglo‐Saxon society was a mix of both
- newcomers and immigrants and, instead of wholesale population
- replacement, a process of acculturation resulted in Anglo‐Saxon
- language and culture being adopted wholesale by the local
- population." "It could be this new cultural package was attractive,
- filling a vacuum left at the end of the Roman occupation of Britain.
- Whatever the reason, it lit the fuse for the English nation we have today
- ‐‐ still comprised of people of different origins who share the same
- language," Professor Dobney said.
Adapted from article available at:
Accessed on: July 13, 2021.
The text brings the verb “analysed” (l.13) spelled out according to the British spelling. The fact that this verb, such as other verbs, has more than one acceptable spelling in the English language is considered an example of:
Read the text below and answer questions 35 to 40
- A new study from archaeologists at University of Sydney and Simon
- Fraser University in Vancouver, has provided important new evidence
- to answer the question "Who exactly were the Anglo‐Saxons?" New
- findings based on studying skeletal remains clearly indicate the Anglo‐
- Saxons were a melting pot of people from both migrant and local
- cultural groups and not one homogenous group from Western Europe.
- Professor Keith Dobney said the team’s results indicate that "the
- Anglo‐Saxon kingdoms of early Medieval Britain were strikingly similar
- to contemporary Britain ‐‐ full of people of different ancestries sharing
- a common language and culture." The collaborative study looked at the
- three‐dimensional shape of the base of the skull. "Baased on this, we
- collected 3D data from suitably dated skeletal collections from Britain
- and Denmark, and then analysed the data to estimate the ancestry of
- the Anglo‐Saxon individuals in the sample."
- The researchers found that between two‐thirds and three‐quarters of
- early Anglo‐Saxon individuals were of continental European ancestry,
- while between a quarter and one‐third were of local ancestry. When
- they looked at skeletons dated to the Middle Anglo‐Saxon period
- (several hundred years after the original migrants arrived), they found
- that 50 to 70 percent of the individuals were of local ancestry, while
- 30 to 50 percent were of continental European ancestry, which
- probably indicates a change in the rate of migration and/or local
- adoption of culture over time. "These findings tell us that being Anglo‐
- Saxon was more likely a matter of language and culture, not genetics."
- Although Anglo‐Saxon origins can clearly be traced to a migration of
- Germanic‐speaking people from mainland Europe between the 5th
- and 7th centuries AD, the number of individuals who settled in Britain
- is still contested, as is the nature of their relationship with the pre-
- existing inhabitants of the British Isles, who were Romano‐Celts.
- The ongoing and unresolved argument is whether hordes of European
- invaders largely replaced the existing Romano‐British inhabitants, or
- did smaller numbers of migrants settle and interact with the locals,
- who then rapidly adopted the new language and culture of the Anglo‐
- Saxons? "The reason for the ongoing confusion is the apparent
- contradiction between early historical texts (written sometime after
- the events that imply that the newcomers were both numerous and
- replaced the Romano‐British population) and some recent
- biomolecular markers directly recovered from Anglo‐Saxon skeletons
- that appears to suggest numbers of immigrants were few," said
- Professor Dobney. "Our new data sits at the interface of this debate
- and implies that early Anglo‐Saxon society was a mix of both
- newcomers and immigrants and, instead of wholesale population
- replacement, a process of acculturation resulted in Anglo‐Saxon
- language and culture being adopted wholesale by the local
- population." "It could be this new cultural package was attractive,
- filling a vacuum left at the end of the Roman occupation of Britain.
- Whatever the reason, it lit the fuse for the English nation we have today
- ‐‐ still comprised of people of different origins who share the same
- language," Professor Dobney said.
Adapted from article available at:
Accessed on: July 13, 2021.
The word “not” (l. 6) is an example of:
Read the text below and answer questions 35 to 40
- A new study from archaeologists at University of Sydney and Simon
- Fraser University in Vancouver, has provided important new evidence
- to answer the question "Who exactly were the Anglo‐Saxons?" New
- findings based on studying skeletal remains clearly indicate the Anglo‐
- Saxons were a melting pot of people from both migrant and local
- cultural groups and not one homogenous group from Western Europe.
- Professor Keith Dobney said the team’s results indicate that "the
- Anglo‐Saxon kingdoms of early Medieval Britain were strikingly similar
- to contemporary Britain ‐‐ full of people of different ancestries sharing
- a common language and culture." The collaborative study looked at the
- three‐dimensional shape of the base of the skull. "Baased on this, we
- collected 3D data from suitably dated skeletal collections from Britain
- and Denmark, and then analysed the data to estimate the ancestry of
- the Anglo‐Saxon individuals in the sample."
- The researchers found that between two‐thirds and three‐quarters of
- early Anglo‐Saxon individuals were of continental European ancestry,
- while between a quarter and one‐third were of local ancestry. When
- they looked at skeletons dated to the Middle Anglo‐Saxon period
- (several hundred years after the original migrants arrived), they found
- that 50 to 70 percent of the individuals were of local ancestry, while
- 30 to 50 percent were of continental European ancestry, which
- probably indicates a change in the rate of migration and/or local
- adoption of culture over time. "These findings tell us that being Anglo‐
- Saxon was more likely a matter of language and culture, not genetics."
- Although Anglo‐Saxon origins can clearly be traced to a migration of
- Germanic‐speaking people from mainland Europe between the 5th
- and 7th centuries AD, the number of individuals who settled in Britain
- is still contested, as is the nature of their relationship with the pre-
- existing inhabitants of the British Isles, who were Romano‐Celts.
- The ongoing and unresolved argument is whether hordes of European
- invaders largely replaced the existing Romano‐British inhabitants, or
- did smaller numbers of migrants settle and interact with the locals,
- who then rapidly adopted the new language and culture of the Anglo‐
- Saxons? "The reason for the ongoing confusion is the apparent
- contradiction between early historical texts (written sometime after
- the events that imply that the newcomers were both numerous and
- replaced the Romano‐British population) and some recent
- biomolecular markers directly recovered from Anglo‐Saxon skeletons
- that appears to suggest numbers of immigrants were few," said
- Professor Dobney. "Our new data sits at the interface of this debate
- and implies that early Anglo‐Saxon society was a mix of both
- newcomers and immigrants and, instead of wholesale population
- replacement, a process of acculturation resulted in Anglo‐Saxon
- language and culture being adopted wholesale by the local
- population." "It could be this new cultural package was attractive,
- filling a vacuum left at the end of the Roman occupation of Britain.
- Whatever the reason, it lit the fuse for the English nation we have today
- ‐‐ still comprised of people of different origins who share the same
- language," Professor Dobney said.
Adapted from article available at:
Accessed on: July 13, 2021.
Select the alternative that contains a word that is formed in the same way as “mainland”(l. 26):
Read the text below and answer questions 35 to 40
- A new study from archaeologists at University of Sydney and Simon
- Fraser University in Vancouver, has provided important new evidence
- to answer the question "Who exactly were the Anglo‐Saxons?" New
- findings based on studying skeletal remains clearly indicate the Anglo‐
- Saxons were a melting pot of people from both migrant and local
- cultural groups and not one homogenous group from Western Europe.
- Professor Keith Dobney said the team’s results indicate that "the
- Anglo‐Saxon kingdoms of early Medieval Britain were strikingly similar
- to contemporary Britain ‐‐ full of people of different ancestries sharing
- a common language and culture." The collaborative study looked at the
- three‐dimensional shape of the base of the skull. "Baased on this, we
- collected 3D data from suitably dated skeletal collections from Britain
- and Denmark, and then analysed the data to estimate the ancestry of
- the Anglo‐Saxon individuals in the sample."
- The researchers found that between two‐thirds and three‐quarters of
- early Anglo‐Saxon individuals were of continental European ancestry,
- while between a quarter and one‐third were of local ancestry. When
- they looked at skeletons dated to the Middle Anglo‐Saxon period
- (several hundred years after the original migrants arrived), they found
- that 50 to 70 percent of the individuals were of local ancestry, while
- 30 to 50 percent were of continental European ancestry, which
- probably indicates a change in the rate of migration and/or local
- adoption of culture over time. "These findings tell us that being Anglo‐
- Saxon was more likely a matter of language and culture, not genetics."
- Although Anglo‐Saxon origins can clearly be traced to a migration of
- Germanic‐speaking people from mainland Europe between the 5th
- and 7th centuries AD, the number of individuals who settled in Britain
- is still contested, as is the nature of their relationship with the pre-
- existing inhabitants of the British Isles, who were Romano‐Celts.
- The ongoing and unresolved argument is whether hordes of European
- invaders largely replaced the existing Romano‐British inhabitants, or
- did smaller numbers of migrants settle and interact with the locals,
- who then rapidly adopted the new language and culture of the Anglo‐
- Saxons? "The reason for the ongoing confusion is the apparent
- contradiction between early historical texts (written sometime after
- the events that imply that the newcomers were both numerous and
- replaced the Romano‐British population) and some recent
- biomolecular markers directly recovered from Anglo‐Saxon skeletons
- that appears to suggest numbers of immigrants were few," said
- Professor Dobney. "Our new data sits at the interface of this debate
- and implies that early Anglo‐Saxon society was a mix of both
- newcomers and immigrants and, instead of wholesale population
- replacement, a process of acculturation resulted in Anglo‐Saxon
- language and culture being adopted wholesale by the local
- population." "It could be this new cultural package was attractive,
- filling a vacuum left at the end of the Roman occupation of Britain.
- Whatever the reason, it lit the fuse for the English nation we have today
- ‐‐ still comprised of people of different origins who share the same
- language," Professor Dobney said.
Adapted from article available at:
Accessed on: July 13, 2021.
The words “Although” (l. 25) and “whether” (l. 30) could be replaced, with little or no change of meaning or structure, by the words:
Read the text below and answer questions 35 to 40
- A new study from archaeologists at University of Sydney and Simon
- Fraser University in Vancouver, has provided important new evidence
- to answer the question "Who exactly were the Anglo‐Saxons?" New
- findings based on studying skeletal remains clearly indicate the Anglo‐
- Saxons were a melting pot of people from both migrant and local
- cultural groups and not one homogenous group from Western Europe.
- Professor Keith Dobney said the team’s results indicate that "the
- Anglo‐Saxon kingdoms of early Medieval Britain were strikingly similar
- to contemporary Britain ‐‐ full of people of different ancestries sharing
- a common language and culture." The collaborative study looked at the
- three‐dimensional shape of the base of the skull. "Baased on this, we
- collected 3D data from suitably dated skeletal collections from Britain
- and Denmark, and then analysed the data to estimate the ancestry of
- the Anglo‐Saxon individuals in the sample."
- The researchers found that between two‐thirds and three‐quarters of
- early Anglo‐Saxon individuals were of continental European ancestry,
- while between a quarter and one‐third were of local ancestry. When
- they looked at skeletons dated to the Middle Anglo‐Saxon period
- (several hundred years after the original migrants arrived), they found
- that 50 to 70 percent of the individuals were of local ancestry, while
- 30 to 50 percent were of continental European ancestry, which
- probably indicates a change in the rate of migration and/or local
- adoption of culture over time. "These findings tell us that being Anglo‐
- Saxon was more likely a matter of language and culture, not genetics."
- Although Anglo‐Saxon origins can clearly be traced to a migration of
- Germanic‐speaking people from mainland Europe between the 5th
- and 7th centuries AD, the number of individuals who settled in Britain
- is still contested, as is the nature of their relationship with the pre-
- existing inhabitants of the British Isles, who were Romano‐Celts.
- The ongoing and unresolved argument is whether hordes of European
- invaders largely replaced the existing Romano‐British inhabitants, or
- did smaller numbers of migrants settle and interact with the locals,
- who then rapidly adopted the new language and culture of the Anglo‐
- Saxons? "The reason for the ongoing confusion is the apparent
- contradiction between early historical texts (written sometime after
- the events that imply that the newcomers were both numerous and
- replaced the Romano‐British population) and some recent
- biomolecular markers directly recovered from Anglo‐Saxon skeletons
- that appears to suggest numbers of immigrants were few," said
- Professor Dobney. "Our new data sits at the interface of this debate
- and implies that early Anglo‐Saxon society was a mix of both
- newcomers and immigrants and, instead of wholesale population
- replacement, a process of acculturation resulted in Anglo‐Saxon
- language and culture being adopted wholesale by the local
- population." "It could be this new cultural package was attractive,
- filling a vacuum left at the end of the Roman occupation of Britain.
- Whatever the reason, it lit the fuse for the English nation we have today
- ‐‐ still comprised of people of different origins who share the same
- language," Professor Dobney said.
Adapted from article available at:
Accessed on: July 13, 2021.
According to the text, consider the following items:
I. There was a new study using the skeleton remains of the Anglo‐Saxons.
II. Skulls and skeletons were analyzed in a new study.
III. The number of Anglo‐Saxons that settled in Britain is not debatable.
IV. The Anglo‐Saxons came to Britain before the Romans.
The CORRECT item(s) is(are):