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“É o local de inflação pulmonar e onde ocorrem as trocas gasosas” (ROBERTS & ROBERTS, 2002).
Como é chamado o local descrito acima?
Giving Blood = Giving Life
Giving blood is an amazing thing a person can do. Why? Because people who have anaemia, cancer, blood disorders, sickle cell, and other illnesses need blood transfusion. Some people even need regular blood transfusion to live.
Think about it: giving blood as part ............ everyone’s life; something they done .............. a regular basis, like eating ........... a favourite restaurant. What kind of difference does that make? Well, a donation might make the difference between life and death for nearly five million people who receive blood transfusions every year.
Giving blood is simple and convenient. It only takes about an hour and you can make the donation at a donor center. Afterwards, you will feel good about yourself.
Most people don’t think they’ll never need a blood transfusion, but many do. Blood is something money can’t buy. One may give a newborn, a child, a mother or a father, a brother, or a sister another chance at life. In fact, this simple action may help to save lives.
The blood donation process is much quicker and easier than you think. Giving blood will not decrease your strength and it’s certainly the right thing to do.
The word convenient in “Giving blood is simple and convenient.”, has its correct meaning in which alternative?
Giving Blood = Giving Life
Giving blood is an amazing thing a person can do. Why? Because people who have anaemia, cancer, blood disorders, sickle cell, and other illnesses need blood transfusion. Some people even need regular blood transfusion to live.
Think about it: giving blood as part ............ everyone’s life; something they done .............. a regular basis, like eating ........... a favourite restaurant. What kind of difference does that make? Well, a donation might make the difference between life and death for nearly five million people who receive blood transfusions every year.
Giving blood is simple and convenient. It only takes about an hour and you can make the donation at a donor center. Afterwards, you will feel good about yourself.
Most people don’t think they’ll never need a blood transfusion, but many do. Blood is something money can’t buy. One may give a newborn, a child, a mother or a father, a brother, or a sister another chance at life. In fact, this simple action may help to save lives.
The blood donation process is much quicker and easier than you think. Giving blood will not decrease your strength and it’s certainly the right thing to do.
Analyze the sentences according to structure and grammar use.
Check the alternative wich presents all the correct sentences.
“O resultado final é o deslizamento da actina sobre a miosina, com consequente encurtamento do músculo e do desenvolvimento de tensão” (POWERS & HOWLEY, 2017).
Qual processo fisiológico foi descrito no conceito acima?
Giving Blood = Giving Life
Giving blood is an amazing thing a person can do. Why? Because people who have anaemia, cancer, blood disorders, sickle cell, and other illnesses need blood transfusion. Some people even need regular blood transfusion to live.
Think about it: giving blood as part ............ everyone’s life; something they done .............. a regular basis, like eating ........... a favourite restaurant. What kind of difference does that make? Well, a donation might make the difference between life and death for nearly five million people who receive blood transfusions every year.
Giving blood is simple and convenient. It only takes about an hour and you can make the donation at a donor center. Afterwards, you will feel good about yourself.
Most people don’t think they’ll never need a blood transfusion, but many do. Blood is something money can’t buy. One may give a newborn, a child, a mother or a father, a brother, or a sister another chance at life. In fact, this simple action may help to save lives.
The blood donation process is much quicker and easier than you think. Giving blood will not decrease your strength and it’s certainly the right thing to do.
The word decrease (last paragraph), has its synonym in which alternative?
Com relação à terminologia aplicada à Educação Física, numere a coluna 2 identificando as características dos vários tipos de movimentos encontrados na coluna 1.
Coluna 1 Tipos de movimento |
Coluna 2 Características |
( ) O que ocorre ou é feito em sentidos opostos, estando ou não no mesmo plano.
( ) É o ato de afastar um segmento da linha mediana do corpo.
( ) É o ato de suspender qualquer parte do corpo no sentido contrário à ação da gravidade.
( ) É o movimento correspondente à rotação interna do antebraço.
( ) É o movimento correspondente à rotação externa do antebraço.
Assinale a alternativa que indica a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.
Giving Blood = Giving Life
Giving blood is an amazing thing a person can do. Why? Because people who have anaemia, cancer, blood disorders, sickle cell, and other illnesses need blood transfusion. Some people even need regular blood transfusion to live.
Think about it: giving blood as part ............ everyone’s life; something they done .............. a regular basis, like eating ........... a favourite restaurant. What kind of difference does that make? Well, a donation might make the difference between life and death for nearly five million people who receive blood transfusions every year.
Giving blood is simple and convenient. It only takes about an hour and you can make the donation at a donor center. Afterwards, you will feel good about yourself.
Most people don’t think they’ll never need a blood transfusion, but many do. Blood is something money can’t buy. One may give a newborn, a child, a mother or a father, a brother, or a sister another chance at life. In fact, this simple action may help to save lives.
The blood donation process is much quicker and easier than you think. Giving blood will not decrease your strength and it’s certainly the right thing to do.
Study the following sentences:
Identify the sentences below as true ( T ) or false ( F ).
( ) Afterwards is an adverb.
( ) yourself is a reflexive pronoun.
( ) don’t think is the negative form for think.
( ) they’ll is the short form for they will not.
Check the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.
“O exercício muscular requer fornecimento constante de ATP para o fornecimento da energia necessária à contração” (POWERS & HOWLEY, 2017).
Qual sistema fornece energia para a contração muscular no início do exercício e durante o exercício de alta intensidade e curta duração (inferior a 5 segundos)?
Giving Blood = Giving Life
Giving blood is an amazing thing a person can do. Why? Because people who have anaemia, cancer, blood disorders, sickle cell, and other illnesses need blood transfusion. Some people even need regular blood transfusion to live.
Think about it: giving blood as part ............ everyone’s life; something they done .............. a regular basis, like eating ........... a favourite restaurant. What kind of difference does that make? Well, a donation might make the difference between life and death for nearly five million people who receive blood transfusions every year.
Giving blood is simple and convenient. It only takes about an hour and you can make the donation at a donor center. Afterwards, you will feel good about yourself.
Most people don’t think they’ll never need a blood transfusion, but many do. Blood is something money can’t buy. One may give a newborn, a child, a mother or a father, a brother, or a sister another chance at life. In fact, this simple action may help to save lives.
The blood donation process is much quicker and easier than you think. Giving blood will not decrease your strength and it’s certainly the right thing to do.
Study these sentences:
1. Giving blood is an amazing thing a person can do.
2. Well, a donation might make the difference...”
The words in bold are all examples of:
Giving Blood = Giving Life
Giving blood is an amazing thing a person can do. Why? Because people who have anaemia, cancer, blood disorders, sickle cell, and other illnesses need blood transfusion. Some people even need regular blood transfusion to live.
Think about it: giving blood as part ............ everyone’s life; something they done .............. a regular basis, like eating ........... a favourite restaurant. What kind of difference does that make? Well, a donation might make the difference between life and death for nearly five million people who receive blood transfusions every year.
Giving blood is simple and convenient. It only takes about an hour and you can make the donation at a donor center. Afterwards, you will feel good about yourself.
Most people don’t think they’ll never need a blood transfusion, but many do. Blood is something money can’t buy. One may give a newborn, a child, a mother or a father, a brother, or a sister another chance at life. In fact, this simple action may help to save lives.
The blood donation process is much quicker and easier than you think. Giving blood will not decrease your strength and it’s certainly the right thing to do.
Identify the sentences below as true ( T ) or false ( F ), according to the text.
( ) The words quicker and easier, are examples of a comparative form of the adjective.
( ) lives is the the plural form of live.
( ) In the sentence “It only takes about an hour and you can”, the underlined word is in the third person of the simple present tense.
( ) amazing means to astonishing.
Check the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.
A Base Nacional Comum Curricular (2017) destaca “que a organização das unidades temáticas se baseia na compreensão de que o caráter lúdico está presente em todas as práticas corporais, ainda que essa não seja a finalidade da Educação Física na escola.”
Na delimitação das habilidades, o documento privilegia oito dimensões de conhecimento.
Qual dimensão refere-se ao rol de conhecimentos que viabilizam a prática efetiva das manifestações da cultura corporal de movimento não só durante as aulas, como também para além delas?
Giving Blood = Giving Life
Giving blood is an amazing thing a person can do. Why? Because people who have anaemia, cancer, blood disorders, sickle cell, and other illnesses need blood transfusion. Some people even need regular blood transfusion to live.
Think about it: giving blood as part ............ everyone’s life; something they done .............. a regular basis, like eating ........... a favourite restaurant. What kind of difference does that make? Well, a donation might make the difference between life and death for nearly five million people who receive blood transfusions every year.
Giving blood is simple and convenient. It only takes about an hour and you can make the donation at a donor center. Afterwards, you will feel good about yourself.
Most people don’t think they’ll never need a blood transfusion, but many do. Blood is something money can’t buy. One may give a newborn, a child, a mother or a father, a brother, or a sister another chance at life. In fact, this simple action may help to save lives.
The blood donation process is much quicker and easier than you think. Giving blood will not decrease your strength and it’s certainly the right thing to do.
Choose the alternative which presents the correct prepositions that are missing in the second paragraph:
“Em oposição à vertente mais tecnicista, esportitivista e biologista surgem novos movimentos na Educação Física escolar (...)” (DARIDO, 2003).
Qual metodologia progressista apresenta uma reflexão sobre as possibilidades de ensinar os esportes pela sua transformação didático-pedagógica?
Giving Blood = Giving Life
Giving blood is an amazing thing a person can do. Why? Because people who have anaemia, cancer, blood disorders, sickle cell, and other illnesses need blood transfusion. Some people even need regular blood transfusion to live.
Think about it: giving blood as part ............ everyone’s life; something they done .............. a regular basis, like eating ........... a favourite restaurant. What kind of difference does that make? Well, a donation might make the difference between life and death for nearly five million people who receive blood transfusions every year.
Giving blood is simple and convenient. It only takes about an hour and you can make the donation at a donor center. Afterwards, you will feel good about yourself.
Most people don’t think they’ll never need a blood transfusion, but many do. Blood is something money can’t buy. One may give a newborn, a child, a mother or a father, a brother, or a sister another chance at life. In fact, this simple action may help to save lives.
The blood donation process is much quicker and easier than you think. Giving blood will not decrease your strength and it’s certainly the right thing to do.
According to the text we can infer that:
A Base Nacional Comum Curricular (2017) apresenta a unidade temática Esportes que reúne tanto as manifestações mais formais dessa prática quanto as derivadas.
Para a estruturação dessa unidade temática, é utilizado um modelo de classificação baseado:
Analise as afirmativas abaixo, de acordo com os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais do Ensino Religioso:
1. Nas regiões geográficas habitadas predominantemente por indivíduos seguidores de uma única religião, os conteúdos devem priorizar a abordagem dos princípios dessa religião.
2. Baseando-se no pressuposto de que o Ensino Religioso é um conhecimento humano e, enquanto tal, deve estar disponível à sociabilização.
3. Os conteúdos do Ensino Religioso não servem ao proselitismo, mas proporcionam o conhecimento dos elementos básicos que compõe o fenômeno religioso.
4. O tratamento didático dos conteúdos realiza-se a nível de análise e conhecimento, na pluralidade cultural da sala de aula.
Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.
Identifique abaixo as afirmativas verdadeiras ( V ) e as falsas ( F ) sobre Ideia do Transcendente.
( ) Orientação teológica e filosófica que enfatiza o ponto e vista subjetivo nos processos de conhecimento religioso e científico.
( ) Na metafísica, caráter inerente a um ser divino, que ultrapassa a realidade sensível e com a qual mantém uma relação de soberania e distância.
( ) Condição do que se encontra num estado superior e inacessível a uma determinada ordem de existência ou realidade.
( ) Correspondência entre a subjetividade cognitiva do intelecto humano e os fatos, eventos e seres da realidade objetiva.
( ) Para Emanuel Kant, qualidade apresentada pelas ideias que, embora pertencentes ao âmbito da especulação racional, caracteriza-se por ultrapassar os dados da experiência.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta, de cima para baixo.
Analise o texto abaixo de acordo com os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais do Ensino Religioso.
A série de práticas celebrativas das tradições religiosas forma um conjunto de ____________ , entre eles os__________________ , que visam conhecer os desígnios do Transcendente em relação aos acontecimentos futuros.
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas.
Analise o texto abaixo:
“A partir do processo constituinte de 1988, o Ensino Religioso vai efetivando sua construção como disciplina escolar, a partir da escola e não de uma ou mais religiões. Assim, a razão de ser do Ensino Religioso tem sua fundamentação na própria função da escola: o conhecimento e ______________. […].
E, como todo conhecimento humano é sempre patrimônio da humanidade, o conhecimento religioso deve também estar disponível a todos que a ele queiram ter acesso. Por questões éticas e religiosas, e pela própria natureza da escola, não é função dela propor aos educandos a adesão e vivência desses conhecimentos, enquanto princípios de conduta religiosa e ________________, já que esses sempre são propriedade de uma determinada religião”.
(Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais do Ensino Religioso).
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas.
A Flor de Lótus, que representa o crescimento espiritual, é considerada um dos Oito Símbolos Auspiciosos do: