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Analise o texto abaixo, relacionado ao período entre guerras (1918-1939).
“A obsessão de ...................... com a questão da raça, que impregnava todos os aspectos do seu programa, emparelhava com a sua obsessão na necessidade do Lebensraum, um espaço para onde os ......................... se pudessem expandir e que abastecesse a raça dominadora das matérias primas e da mão de obra necessárias para sustentar o seu domínio sobre o resto do mundo”
JOLL, James. A Europa desde 1870. Lisboa, Dom Quixote. Apud REZENDE, Antonio Paulo. Rumos da História. São Paulo: Atual Editora, 2001.
Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente as lacunas do texto.
Leia o texto
“Os nossos tupinambás muito se admiram dos franceses e outros estrangeiros se darem ao trabalho de ir buscar o seu arabutam. Uma vez um velho perguntou-me: Por que vindes vós outros, mairs e perôs [franceses e portugueses] buscar lenha de tão longe para vos aquecer? Não tendes madeira em vossa terra?
Respondi que tínhamos muita, mas não daquela qualidade, e que não a queimávamos, como ele o supunha, mas dela extraíamos tinta para tingir, tal qual o faziam eles com os seus cordões de algodão e suas plumas. Retrucou o velho imediatamente: e porventura precisais de muito? - Sim, respondi-lhe, pois no nosso país existem negociantes que possuem mais panos, facas, tesouras, espelhos e outras mercadorias do que podeis imaginar […] – Ah! retrucou o selvagem, tu me contas maravilhas, acrescentando depois de bem compreender o que eu lhe dissera: Mas esse homem tão rico de que me falas não morre? – Sim, disse eu, morre como os outros”.
Discurso de um velho índio tupinambá, pronunciado na França Antártica, a Jean de Léry. LÉRY, Jean. Viagem à Terra do Brasil. Belo Horizonte: Itatiaia; São Paulo: Edusp, 1980
Assinale a alternativa que indica as circunstâncias em que o texto foi produzido.
No sul, o primeiro caminho surgiu entre São Vicente e Laguna. A seguir a atividade avançou para o interior, em direção a Curitiba.
O texto faz referência à expansão da criação e ao comércio de gado, que tiveram grande importância na expansão territorial e no povoamento nos territórios meridionais do Brasil.
Assinale a alternativa que indica uma cidade catarinense, cuja fundação pode ser associada a estas atividades.
“O exterior dele era maravilhoso para os olhos e o espírito. O teto estava coberto de folhas de ouro de modo que, ao despontar do sol, parecia de fogo. Ao estrangeiro […] se apresentava como uma montanha de neve, por causa dos blocos de mármore de sua construção”.
FLAVIO, José. Antiguidades. Citado por CEPPI, SS. Apud Aquino, Rubim, Santos, Leão de. História das Sociedades: das comunidades primitivas às sociedades medievais. Rio de Janeiro: Ao Livro Técnico, 1980.
A cidade em que esta maravilha do mundo antigo foi construída é palco em nossos dias de um ferrenho conflito.
Assinale a alternativa que o identifica.
“O exterior dele era maravilhoso para os olhos e o espírito. O teto estava coberto de folhas de ouro de modo que, ao despontar do sol, parecia de fogo. Ao estrangeiro […] se apresentava como uma montanha de neve, por causa dos blocos de mármore de sua construção”.
FLAVIO, José. Antiguidades. Citado por CEPPI, SS. Apud Aquino, Rubim, Santos, Leão de. História das Sociedades: das comunidades primitivas às sociedades medievais. Rio de Janeiro: Ao Livro Técnico, 1980.
O texto 1 descreve uma construção erguida no reinado de Salomão, maior realização arquitetônica do chamado povo da Bíblia, ou do monoteísmo. Destruída pelos babilônios na época de Nabucodonosor, foi reconstruída por Herodes, já sob a dominação romana da região e foi novamente arrasada no ano 70, pelas tropas comandadas por Tito.
A que construção o texto se refere?
Water, Water Everywhere
Approximately 70 percent of our planet is covered in water. In total, that’s approximately 1,260 million trillion liters, which sounds like an enormous amount, but less than one percent of it can easily be used as drinking water. A major amount, 97 percent, is salt water, and two percent is glacier ice. Scientists and politicians are becoming increasingly worried about the amount of water, and predict that there will be wars in the future to control our water supplies.
The world’s population is growing rapidly, and the need for water in industry and agriculture is enormous. Climate change also adds to the problem: droughts restrict access to water even further, and flooding can pollute supplies of drinking water. Furthermore, these threats to our environment are probably only going to get worse. Already 1.2 billion people live in areas with limited access to water, and the UN predicts that, by 2025, this figure will rise to 1.8 billion, or two thirds of the world’s population.
But the problem isn’t only how much water we need, it’s also how we clean and store it. In the US, for example, water facilities are old and inefficient, and it’s hugely expensive to improve them. In China, the government knows it will need to spend $850 billion to improve its water infrastructure. Currently, India can only clean about 30 percent of its wastewater, meaning that people risk disease when they drink from polluted sources. Some countries filter sea water to make their drinking water. But this process is also very expensive, so it isn’t viable in many countries.
We can’t give up on this problem, however, because without water we can’t survive. Thankfully, there are already some excellent water purification products operating on a small scale, which are already helping people whose access to water is limited.
The “Slingshot” is a new water purifier, about the size of a small refrigerator, and is the creation of American inventor Dean Kamen. The purifier works by heating the water, which kills anything harmful. It can purify even the dirtiest water, requires minimal electricity, and can clean up to 1,000 liters a day. The “Slingshot” is already helping communities in several countries, including South Africa and Mexico. It will soon provide a cheap and safe supply of water in many other places where poverty prevents access to clean water.
Dean Kamen believes that every human should
have the right to clean water every day. Hopefully,
with more devices like the “Slingshot”, there will soon
be more water to go around.
Water, Water Everywhere
Approximately 70 percent of our planet is covered in water. In total, that’s approximately 1,260 million trillion liters, which sounds like an enormous amount, but less than one percent of it can easily be used as drinking water. A major amount, 97 percent, is salt water, and two percent is glacier ice. Scientists and politicians are becoming increasingly worried about the amount of water, and predict that there will be wars in the future to control our water supplies.
The world’s population is growing rapidly, and the need for water in industry and agriculture is enormous. Climate change also adds to the problem: droughts restrict access to water even further, and flooding can pollute supplies of drinking water. Furthermore, these threats to our environment are probably only going to get worse. Already 1.2 billion people live in areas with limited access to water, and the UN predicts that, by 2025, this figure will rise to 1.8 billion, or two thirds of the world’s population.
But the problem isn’t only how much water we need, it’s also how we clean and store it. In the US, for example, water facilities are old and inefficient, and it’s hugely expensive to improve them. In China, the government knows it will need to spend $850 billion to improve its water infrastructure. Currently, India can only clean about 30 percent of its wastewater, meaning that people risk disease when they drink from polluted sources. Some countries filter sea water to make their drinking water. But this process is also very expensive, so it isn’t viable in many countries.
We can’t give up on this problem, however, because without water we can’t survive. Thankfully, there are already some excellent water purification products operating on a small scale, which are already helping people whose access to water is limited.
The “Slingshot” is a new water purifier, about the size of a small refrigerator, and is the creation of American inventor Dean Kamen. The purifier works by heating the water, which kills anything harmful. It can purify even the dirtiest water, requires minimal electricity, and can clean up to 1,000 liters a day. The “Slingshot” is already helping communities in several countries, including South Africa and Mexico. It will soon provide a cheap and safe supply of water in many other places where poverty prevents access to clean water.
Dean Kamen believes that every human should
have the right to clean water every day. Hopefully,
with more devices like the “Slingshot”, there will soon
be more water to go around.
Reading strategies involve intentional mental actions during reading that improve comprehension.
Guessing, Skimming and Scanning are examples of strategies that are applied for:
Water, Water Everywhere
Approximately 70 percent of our planet is covered in water. In total, that’s approximately 1,260 million trillion liters, which sounds like an enormous amount, but less than one percent of it can easily be used as drinking water. A major amount, 97 percent, is salt water, and two percent is glacier ice. Scientists and politicians are becoming increasingly worried about the amount of water, and predict that there will be wars in the future to control our water supplies.
The world’s population is growing rapidly, and the need for water in industry and agriculture is enormous. Climate change also adds to the problem: droughts restrict access to water even further, and flooding can pollute supplies of drinking water. Furthermore, these threats to our environment are probably only going to get worse. Already 1.2 billion people live in areas with limited access to water, and the UN predicts that, by 2025, this figure will rise to 1.8 billion, or two thirds of the world’s population.
But the problem isn’t only how much water we need, it’s also how we clean and store it. In the US, for example, water facilities are old and inefficient, and it’s hugely expensive to improve them. In China, the government knows it will need to spend $850 billion to improve its water infrastructure. Currently, India can only clean about 30 percent of its wastewater, meaning that people risk disease when they drink from polluted sources. Some countries filter sea water to make their drinking water. But this process is also very expensive, so it isn’t viable in many countries.
We can’t give up on this problem, however, because without water we can’t survive. Thankfully, there are already some excellent water purification products operating on a small scale, which are already helping people whose access to water is limited.
The “Slingshot” is a new water purifier, about the size of a small refrigerator, and is the creation of American inventor Dean Kamen. The purifier works by heating the water, which kills anything harmful. It can purify even the dirtiest water, requires minimal electricity, and can clean up to 1,000 liters a day. The “Slingshot” is already helping communities in several countries, including South Africa and Mexico. It will soon provide a cheap and safe supply of water in many other places where poverty prevents access to clean water.
Dean Kamen believes that every human should
have the right to clean water every day. Hopefully,
with more devices like the “Slingshot”, there will soon
be more water to go around.
Water, Water Everywhere
Approximately 70 percent of our planet is covered in water. In total, that’s approximately 1,260 million trillion liters, which sounds like an enormous amount, but less than one percent of it can easily be used as drinking water. A major amount, 97 percent, is salt water, and two percent is glacier ice. Scientists and politicians are becoming increasingly worried about the amount of water, and predict that there will be wars in the future to control our water supplies.
The world’s population is growing rapidly, and the need for water in industry and agriculture is enormous. Climate change also adds to the problem: droughts restrict access to water even further, and flooding can pollute supplies of drinking water. Furthermore, these threats to our environment are probably only going to get worse. Already 1.2 billion people live in areas with limited access to water, and the UN predicts that, by 2025, this figure will rise to 1.8 billion, or two thirds of the world’s population.
But the problem isn’t only how much water we need, it’s also how we clean and store it. In the US, for example, water facilities are old and inefficient, and it’s hugely expensive to improve them. In China, the government knows it will need to spend $850 billion to improve its water infrastructure. Currently, India can only clean about 30 percent of its wastewater, meaning that people risk disease when they drink from polluted sources. Some countries filter sea water to make their drinking water. But this process is also very expensive, so it isn’t viable in many countries.
We can’t give up on this problem, however, because without water we can’t survive. Thankfully, there are already some excellent water purification products operating on a small scale, which are already helping people whose access to water is limited.
The “Slingshot” is a new water purifier, about the size of a small refrigerator, and is the creation of American inventor Dean Kamen. The purifier works by heating the water, which kills anything harmful. It can purify even the dirtiest water, requires minimal electricity, and can clean up to 1,000 liters a day. The “Slingshot” is already helping communities in several countries, including South Africa and Mexico. It will soon provide a cheap and safe supply of water in many other places where poverty prevents access to clean water.
Dean Kamen believes that every human should
have the right to clean water every day. Hopefully,
with more devices like the “Slingshot”, there will soon
be more water to go around.
Water, Water Everywhere
Approximately 70 percent of our planet is covered in water. In total, that’s approximately 1,260 million trillion liters, which sounds like an enormous amount, but less than one percent of it can easily be used as drinking water. A major amount, 97 percent, is salt water, and two percent is glacier ice. Scientists and politicians are becoming increasingly worried about the amount of water, and predict that there will be wars in the future to control our water supplies.
The world’s population is growing rapidly, and the need for water in industry and agriculture is enormous. Climate change also adds to the problem: droughts restrict access to water even further, and flooding can pollute supplies of drinking water. Furthermore, these threats to our environment are probably only going to get worse. Already 1.2 billion people live in areas with limited access to water, and the UN predicts that, by 2025, this figure will rise to 1.8 billion, or two thirds of the world’s population.
But the problem isn’t only how much water we need, it’s also how we clean and store it. In the US, for example, water facilities are old and inefficient, and it’s hugely expensive to improve them. In China, the government knows it will need to spend $850 billion to improve its water infrastructure. Currently, India can only clean about 30 percent of its wastewater, meaning that people risk disease when they drink from polluted sources. Some countries filter sea water to make their drinking water. But this process is also very expensive, so it isn’t viable in many countries.
We can’t give up on this problem, however, because without water we can’t survive. Thankfully, there are already some excellent water purification products operating on a small scale, which are already helping people whose access to water is limited.
The “Slingshot” is a new water purifier, about the size of a small refrigerator, and is the creation of American inventor Dean Kamen. The purifier works by heating the water, which kills anything harmful. It can purify even the dirtiest water, requires minimal electricity, and can clean up to 1,000 liters a day. The “Slingshot” is already helping communities in several countries, including South Africa and Mexico. It will soon provide a cheap and safe supply of water in many other places where poverty prevents access to clean water.
Dean Kamen believes that every human should
have the right to clean water every day. Hopefully,
with more devices like the “Slingshot”, there will soon
be more water to go around.
Water, Water Everywhere
Approximately 70 percent of our planet is covered in water. In total, that’s approximately 1,260 million trillion liters, which sounds like an enormous amount, but less than one percent of it can easily be used as drinking water. A major amount, 97 percent, is salt water, and two percent is glacier ice. Scientists and politicians are becoming increasingly worried about the amount of water, and predict that there will be wars in the future to control our water supplies.
The world’s population is growing rapidly, and the need for water in industry and agriculture is enormous. Climate change also adds to the problem: droughts restrict access to water even further, and flooding can pollute supplies of drinking water. Furthermore, these threats to our environment are probably only going to get worse. Already 1.2 billion people live in areas with limited access to water, and the UN predicts that, by 2025, this figure will rise to 1.8 billion, or two thirds of the world’s population.
But the problem isn’t only how much water we need, it’s also how we clean and store it. In the US, for example, water facilities are old and inefficient, and it’s hugely expensive to improve them. In China, the government knows it will need to spend $850 billion to improve its water infrastructure. Currently, India can only clean about 30 percent of its wastewater, meaning that people risk disease when they drink from polluted sources. Some countries filter sea water to make their drinking water. But this process is also very expensive, so it isn’t viable in many countries.
We can’t give up on this problem, however, because without water we can’t survive. Thankfully, there are already some excellent water purification products operating on a small scale, which are already helping people whose access to water is limited.
The “Slingshot” is a new water purifier, about the size of a small refrigerator, and is the creation of American inventor Dean Kamen. The purifier works by heating the water, which kills anything harmful. It can purify even the dirtiest water, requires minimal electricity, and can clean up to 1,000 liters a day. The “Slingshot” is already helping communities in several countries, including South Africa and Mexico. It will soon provide a cheap and safe supply of water in many other places where poverty prevents access to clean water.
Dean Kamen believes that every human should
have the right to clean water every day. Hopefully,
with more devices like the “Slingshot”, there will soon
be more water to go around.
Water, Water Everywhere
Approximately 70 percent of our planet is covered in water. In total, that’s approximately 1,260 million trillion liters, which sounds like an enormous amount, but less than one percent of it can easily be used as drinking water. A major amount, 97 percent, is salt water, and two percent is glacier ice. Scientists and politicians are becoming increasingly worried about the amount of water, and predict that there will be wars in the future to control our water supplies.
The world’s population is growing rapidly, and the need for water in industry and agriculture is enormous. Climate change also adds to the problem: droughts restrict access to water even further, and flooding can pollute supplies of drinking water. Furthermore, these threats to our environment are probably only going to get worse. Already 1.2 billion people live in areas with limited access to water, and the UN predicts that, by 2025, this figure will rise to 1.8 billion, or two thirds of the world’s population.
But the problem isn’t only how much water we need, it’s also how we clean and store it. In the US, for example, water facilities are old and inefficient, and it’s hugely expensive to improve them. In China, the government knows it will need to spend $850 billion to improve its water infrastructure. Currently, India can only clean about 30 percent of its wastewater, meaning that people risk disease when they drink from polluted sources. Some countries filter sea water to make their drinking water. But this process is also very expensive, so it isn’t viable in many countries.
We can’t give up on this problem, however, because without water we can’t survive. Thankfully, there are already some excellent water purification products operating on a small scale, which are already helping people whose access to water is limited.
The “Slingshot” is a new water purifier, about the size of a small refrigerator, and is the creation of American inventor Dean Kamen. The purifier works by heating the water, which kills anything harmful. It can purify even the dirtiest water, requires minimal electricity, and can clean up to 1,000 liters a day. The “Slingshot” is already helping communities in several countries, including South Africa and Mexico. It will soon provide a cheap and safe supply of water in many other places where poverty prevents access to clean water.
Dean Kamen believes that every human should
have the right to clean water every day. Hopefully,
with more devices like the “Slingshot”, there will soon
be more water to go around.
Water, Water Everywhere
Approximately 70 percent of our planet is covered in water. In total, that’s approximately 1,260 million trillion liters, which sounds like an enormous amount, but less than one percent of it can easily be used as drinking water. A major amount, 97 percent, is salt water, and two percent is glacier ice. Scientists and politicians are becoming increasingly worried about the amount of water, and predict that there will be wars in the future to control our water supplies.
The world’s population is growing rapidly, and the need for water in industry and agriculture is enormous. Climate change also adds to the problem: droughts restrict access to water even further, and flooding can pollute supplies of drinking water. Furthermore, these threats to our environment are probably only going to get worse. Already 1.2 billion people live in areas with limited access to water, and the UN predicts that, by 2025, this figure will rise to 1.8 billion, or two thirds of the world’s population.
But the problem isn’t only how much water we need, it’s also how we clean and store it. In the US, for example, water facilities are old and inefficient, and it’s hugely expensive to improve them. In China, the government knows it will need to spend $850 billion to improve its water infrastructure. Currently, India can only clean about 30 percent of its wastewater, meaning that people risk disease when they drink from polluted sources. Some countries filter sea water to make their drinking water. But this process is also very expensive, so it isn’t viable in many countries.
We can’t give up on this problem, however, because without water we can’t survive. Thankfully, there are already some excellent water purification products operating on a small scale, which are already helping people whose access to water is limited.
The “Slingshot” is a new water purifier, about the size of a small refrigerator, and is the creation of American inventor Dean Kamen. The purifier works by heating the water, which kills anything harmful. It can purify even the dirtiest water, requires minimal electricity, and can clean up to 1,000 liters a day. The “Slingshot” is already helping communities in several countries, including South Africa and Mexico. It will soon provide a cheap and safe supply of water in many other places where poverty prevents access to clean water.
Dean Kamen believes that every human should
have the right to clean water every day. Hopefully,
with more devices like the “Slingshot”, there will soon
be more water to go around.
Complete the statements bellow.
■ The project is so expensive it isn’t .................... .
■ Millions of people live in ........................, without enough food to eat.
■ The factory’s systems are so .................. ; it doesn’t manufacture enough products.
■ Tom wants to .................... how much sugar I eat. So I can’t eat chocolate every day!
■ Sufferers of the ................. have difficulty walking.
Choose the alternative that completes the sentences in the correct order.
Water, Water Everywhere
Approximately 70 percent of our planet is covered in water. In total, that’s approximately 1,260 million trillion liters, which sounds like an enormous amount, but less than one percent of it can easily be used as drinking water. A major amount, 97 percent, is salt water, and two percent is glacier ice. Scientists and politicians are becoming increasingly worried about the amount of water, and predict that there will be wars in the future to control our water supplies.
The world’s population is growing rapidly, and the need for water in industry and agriculture is enormous. Climate change also adds to the problem: droughts restrict access to water even further, and flooding can pollute supplies of drinking water. Furthermore, these threats to our environment are probably only going to get worse. Already 1.2 billion people live in areas with limited access to water, and the UN predicts that, by 2025, this figure will rise to 1.8 billion, or two thirds of the world’s population.
But the problem isn’t only how much water we need, it’s also how we clean and store it. In the US, for example, water facilities are old and inefficient, and it’s hugely expensive to improve them. In China, the government knows it will need to spend $850 billion to improve its water infrastructure. Currently, India can only clean about 30 percent of its wastewater, meaning that people risk disease when they drink from polluted sources. Some countries filter sea water to make their drinking water. But this process is also very expensive, so it isn’t viable in many countries.
We can’t give up on this problem, however, because without water we can’t survive. Thankfully, there are already some excellent water purification products operating on a small scale, which are already helping people whose access to water is limited.
The “Slingshot” is a new water purifier, about the size of a small refrigerator, and is the creation of American inventor Dean Kamen. The purifier works by heating the water, which kills anything harmful. It can purify even the dirtiest water, requires minimal electricity, and can clean up to 1,000 liters a day. The “Slingshot” is already helping communities in several countries, including South Africa and Mexico. It will soon provide a cheap and safe supply of water in many other places where poverty prevents access to clean water.
Dean Kamen believes that every human should
have the right to clean water every day. Hopefully,
with more devices like the “Slingshot”, there will soon
be more water to go around.
Read the following sentences and, according to the text, decide if they are true ( T ) or false ( F ).
( ) Only a small amount of water on our planet is suitable for drinking.
( ) Climate change doesn’t affect our supply of drinking water.
( ) India has 30 percent more drinking water than other countries.
( ) You use the “Slingshot” to keep your water cool.
( ) Dean Kamen thinks people should pay more money for clean water.
Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom:
Water, Water Everywhere
Approximately 70 percent of our planet is covered in water. In total, that’s approximately 1,260 million trillion liters, which sounds like an enormous amount, but less than one percent of it can easily be used as drinking water. A major amount, 97 percent, is salt water, and two percent is glacier ice. Scientists and politicians are becoming increasingly worried about the amount of water, and predict that there will be wars in the future to control our water supplies.
The world’s population is growing rapidly, and the need for water in industry and agriculture is enormous. Climate change also adds to the problem: droughts restrict access to water even further, and flooding can pollute supplies of drinking water. Furthermore, these threats to our environment are probably only going to get worse. Already 1.2 billion people live in areas with limited access to water, and the UN predicts that, by 2025, this figure will rise to 1.8 billion, or two thirds of the world’s population.
But the problem isn’t only how much water we need, it’s also how we clean and store it. In the US, for example, water facilities are old and inefficient, and it’s hugely expensive to improve them. In China, the government knows it will need to spend $850 billion to improve its water infrastructure. Currently, India can only clean about 30 percent of its wastewater, meaning that people risk disease when they drink from polluted sources. Some countries filter sea water to make their drinking water. But this process is also very expensive, so it isn’t viable in many countries.
We can’t give up on this problem, however, because without water we can’t survive. Thankfully, there are already some excellent water purification products operating on a small scale, which are already helping people whose access to water is limited.
The “Slingshot” is a new water purifier, about the size of a small refrigerator, and is the creation of American inventor Dean Kamen. The purifier works by heating the water, which kills anything harmful. It can purify even the dirtiest water, requires minimal electricity, and can clean up to 1,000 liters a day. The “Slingshot” is already helping communities in several countries, including South Africa and Mexico. It will soon provide a cheap and safe supply of water in many other places where poverty prevents access to clean water.
Dean Kamen believes that every human should
have the right to clean water every day. Hopefully,
with more devices like the “Slingshot”, there will soon
be more water to go around.
A indexação é um procedimento que ajuda a organização de documentos.
Assinale a alternativa que pode ser relacionada corretamente à indexação.