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Q1844306 Inglês
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National Sports Day 2021: The many benefits of playing sports
(1º§) For more than five decades, the scientific community has been working towards evidence on the positive effects of sports and physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle.
(2º§) Regular physical activity can help children and adolescents improve cardiorespiratory fitness, build strong bones and muscles, control weight, reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, and reduce the risk of developing health conditions.
(3º§) The World Health Organisation (WHO) stated that one in four patients visiting a health centre has at least one mental, neurological or behavioural disorder, but most are neither diagnosed nor treated.
(4º§) Several studies have shown that exercise may play a therapeutic role in addressing these disorders and positively influences depression.
(5º§) Physical self-worth and self-perception, including body image, have been linked to improved self-esteem. This is also relevant for children.
(6º§) Children who play sports have lower body fat, stronger muscles and bones, and increased cardiovascular fitness.
(7º§) They have a much lower risk of becoming overweight or obese and can create a foundation for a healthy lifestyle.
(8º§) Positive health outcomes are one of the significant benefits of youth sports participation.
(9º§) The pros of exercising:
(10º§) Many athletes do better academically: Playing a sport requires a lot of time and energy.
(11º§) Some people may think this would distract student-athletes from schoolwork.
(12º§) Sports require memorisation, repetition and learning - skill-sets that are directly relevant to classwork.
(13º§) Sport teaches teamwork and problem-solving skills: Fighting for a common goal with a group of players and coaches teaches you how to build teamwork and effectively communicate to solve problems.
(14º§) Physical health benefits of sports: Clearly, sports can help you reach your fitness goals and maintain a healthy weight.
(15º§) However, they also encourage healthy decision-making, such as not smoking and drinking. (16º§) Sports boost self-esteem: Watching your hard work pay off and achieving your goals develops self-confidence.
(17º§) Reduce pressure and stress with sports: Exercising is a natural way to loosen up and let go of stress.
Fonte: s ports-day-2021-the-many-benefits-of-playing-sports > (adapted)
Based on text, analyze the following sentences and check True (T) or False (F). 1.(__)Playing sports can hinder school development. 2.(__)Regular physical activity is vital for good physical and emotional health. 3.(__)Sports cause damage to bones and muscles. Choose the alternative with the CORRECT sequence: 
Q1844299 Noções de Informática
Basicamente consiste no ato de armazenar um ou mais arquivos em um HD fora da sua máquina, através da internet. Um ponto curioso a se considerar é que, muitas vezes, estes arquivos armazenados podem nem estar fisicamente no mesmo país que você reside. Marque a alternativa CORRETA que está relacionado ao contexto acima. 
Q1844298 Noções de Informática
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Q1844297 Noções de Informática
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Q1844296 Noções de Informática
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176: A
177: C
178: B
179: D
180: B