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Q1912417 Noções de Informática
O e-mail é uma ferramenta que permite a troca de mensagens entre usuários na internet. Sobre o e-mail pode afirmar que:

I.Para o recebimento de mensagens o usuário precisa possuir uma conta de e-mail.
II.Para receber mensagens, o usuário precisa estar conectado à rede.

Sobre as afirmativas dos excertos acima, assinale a opção CORRETA: 
Q1765582 Inglês

The sentences below need to be completed with where/whom/whose/who. Choose the right answer:

I - He doesn´t know the age of the girl to.........he saw saturday night.

II - A church is a place.......... people pray a lot.

III - A doctor is a person .......... care the health of people.

IV - A father is a man.......... play the children a lot.

V - The school........I studied was really fantastic.

Q1765581 Inglês

About tag questions. A tag question is a statement plus a mini question. Tick the sentences below with R (right) W (wrong), after that, choose the correct alternative.

( ) She went to the clube, didn’t she?

( ) Carmen is not nurse, is she?

( ) Paul can play the piano, can’t he?

( ) Paul was a student, didn’t he?

( ) Mary studies medicine, doesn’t she?

Q1765580 Inglês
Use the conditional clauses that express hypothetical situations and their consequences, in other words, conditions and results, to answer the question.
The use of past had been. Choose the incorrect sentence:
Q1765579 Inglês
Use the conditional clauses that express hypothetical situations and their consequences, in other words, conditions and results, to answer the question.
Read the sentences below and choose the correct one:
111: D
112: C
113: E
114: B
115: D