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Com relação à trombose venosa profunda, assinale a afirmativa correta.
Paciente portador de derrame pleural apresenta, na análise bioquímica do líquido pleural, a relação proteína do líquido pleural/sérica 0,6, relação desidrogenase láctica do líquido pleural/sérica 0,6, desidrogenase láctica do líquido pleural 0,65 do limite superior da normalidade da desidrogenase láctica sérica e gradiente de albumina 1,3.
De acordo com o caso descrito, assinale a opção que indica o provável diagnóstico etiológico do derrame com estas características bioquímicas.
Paciente de 27 anos, portador de asma brônquica intermitente e em uso regular da medicação, procura o Serviço de Emergência em crise de broncoespasmo com o fluxo de pico expiratório em 45% do previsto.
Assinale a opção que indica a conduta inicial adequada para o caso descrito.
Assinale a opção que indica o padrão de respiração que pode ser observado nos pacientes com cetoacidose alcoólica
Assinale a opção que indica o agente causal mais constantemente identificado como responsável pela pneumonia adquirida na comunidade em culturas de sangue ou material expectorado.
Num paciente com anemia aplástica e com neutropenia prolongada, que evolui com tosse e febre alta, não respondendo a antibióticos, o achado na tomografia computadorizada de tórax de nódulo com baixa atenuação circundante em vidro fosco (sinal do halo), pode auxiliar no diagnóstico de
Nos pacientes com HIV, em tratamento para tuberculose pulmonar, e, usando terapia antirretroviral (TARV) altamente eficaz, pode ocorrer agravamento das lesões pré-existentes da tuberculose, achados de novas lesões pulmonares e linfonodomegalias com sinais flogísticos.
O quadro descrito é consequência de
Em adultos com distúrbio ventilatório obstrutivo, a realização de espirometria com prova broncodilatadora demonstra resultado estatisticamente positivo no ponto de corte de
A broncoaspiração por disfunção da parte inferior da faringe ou do esôfago é um problema importante no acompanhamento dos pacientes portadores de
Em pacientes com diagnóstico confirmado de pneumonia por Micoplasma sp, o fármaco de primeira escolha para o tratamento é
A descrição radiológica natomografia computadorizada de tórax de alta resolução, de imagens de faveolamento bronquiolectasis de tração, distorção da arquitetura, espessamento septal intralobular e opacidades em vidro fosco, com distribuição em bases pulmonares, é auxiliar no diagnóstico de
A indicação de tratamento da infecção latente tuberculosa (quimioprofilaxia secundária) em adultos com contatos domiciliares de paciente com tuberculose pulmonar bacilífero, depende do tamanho da enduração da prova tuberculínica.
Segundo normas atuais do Ministério da Saúde, o tamanho da enduração, a partir do qual está indicado o tratamento, é de
Na sarcoidose, a associação de eritema nodoso, febre, artralgia e adenomegalia hilar bilateral, é conhecida como síndrome de Löefgren, que na sua evolução mostra
Read text III and answer questions 60 to 70:
Text III
The use of music and songs in the EFL classroom
There are quite a lot of positive sides of learning English via
the medium music. First of all it is a very positive way of
learning English. Music is a part of our everyday life and
especially young people are very familiar with music. If the
5 teacher provides the possibility of a positive access to a new
topic, the kids will learn the new things easier and with more
fun and readiness. I am sure that the one or the other pupil
turns out to be a little “music-expert”. This can strengthen the
self-consciousness of students who are not so good at other
10 areas because now they have the opportunity to show what
they know about a special artist or band. Another pro of
teaching language by using songs and music is that it is
something different for the students – it is an alternation to
the common methods of language learning, because it is not
15 only interested in input. Learning with music speaks more than
other language-learning-methods to the audio-channel of the
learner, which has the positive effect of training listening and
comprehending language which is modified in terms of
intonation, pronunciation and articulation. Music in the
20 classroom can also be arranged in corporation with teachers of
other subjects, so that kids have the opportunity to use and
practise the new knowledge in more than one subject.
Teachers of English could not only work together with teachers
of music, but also with teachers of German, religion, ethics and
25 history. There is a variety of different thematic blocks which
can be taught with the help of songs, for example cultural or
social studies, to name only two areas.
However, using music and songs as a method of language
teaching can also have negative effects. Not every student likes
30 singing, acting or working with music and songs. Some find it
embarrassing and childish, especially older students. If the
majority of a class consists of students who feel like that about
working with music and songs in the classroom, the teacher
should be aware of the problem that it will be hard to motivate
35 the pupils. It can also be that some pupils protest and even
refuse to do several activities given by the teacher. […] Another
problem for teachers is the question of the right choice of
songs. Nowadays the kids are crazy about music which is called
“Death Metal”, “Hip Hop” or “Acid House”. So, many teachers
40 think that it is hard to fill the pupils of today with enthusiasm
by using Oldies.
Despite the fact that there are more positive effects of
learning a second language with songs and music than negative
ones, most teachers look at this method with mixed emotions.
45 Some are of the opinion that this is no real teaching and a
waste of time with some senseless activities. This is not true, of
course. Out of my own pupil-experience I can say that I have
learned quite a lot with the help of songs. I have acquired not
only a plenty of new words and vocabulary, but also several
50 idioms and many ways to express feelings.
The adverb in “Nowadays the kids are crazy about music” (line 38) refers to
Read text III and answer questions 60 to 70:
Text III
The use of music and songs in the EFL classroom
There are quite a lot of positive sides of learning English via
the medium music. First of all it is a very positive way of
learning English. Music is a part of our everyday life and
especially young people are very familiar with music. If the
5 teacher provides the possibility of a positive access to a new
topic, the kids will learn the new things easier and with more
fun and readiness. I am sure that the one or the other pupil
turns out to be a little “music-expert”. This can strengthen the
self-consciousness of students who are not so good at other
10 areas because now they have the opportunity to show what
they know about a special artist or band. Another pro of
teaching language by using songs and music is that it is
something different for the students – it is an alternation to
the common methods of language learning, because it is not
15 only interested in input. Learning with music speaks more than
other language-learning-methods to the audio-channel of the
learner, which has the positive effect of training listening and
comprehending language which is modified in terms of
intonation, pronunciation and articulation. Music in the
20 classroom can also be arranged in corporation with teachers of
other subjects, so that kids have the opportunity to use and
practise the new knowledge in more than one subject.
Teachers of English could not only work together with teachers
of music, but also with teachers of German, religion, ethics and
25 history. There is a variety of different thematic blocks which
can be taught with the help of songs, for example cultural or
social studies, to name only two areas.
However, using music and songs as a method of language
teaching can also have negative effects. Not every student likes
30 singing, acting or working with music and songs. Some find it
embarrassing and childish, especially older students. If the
majority of a class consists of students who feel like that about
working with music and songs in the classroom, the teacher
should be aware of the problem that it will be hard to motivate
35 the pupils. It can also be that some pupils protest and even
refuse to do several activities given by the teacher. […] Another
problem for teachers is the question of the right choice of
songs. Nowadays the kids are crazy about music which is called
“Death Metal”, “Hip Hop” or “Acid House”. So, many teachers
40 think that it is hard to fill the pupils of today with enthusiasm
by using Oldies.
Despite the fact that there are more positive effects of
learning a second language with songs and music than negative
ones, most teachers look at this method with mixed emotions.
45 Some are of the opinion that this is no real teaching and a
waste of time with some senseless activities. This is not true, of
course. Out of my own pupil-experience I can say that I have
learned quite a lot with the help of songs. I have acquired not
only a plenty of new words and vocabulary, but also several
50 idioms and many ways to express feelings.
In “Despite the fact that there are more positive effects” (line 42), the underlined phrase can be replaced without change in meaning by
Read text III and answer questions 60 to 70:
Text III
The use of music and songs in the EFL classroom
There are quite a lot of positive sides of learning English via
the medium music. First of all it is a very positive way of
learning English. Music is a part of our everyday life and
especially young people are very familiar with music. If the
5 teacher provides the possibility of a positive access to a new
topic, the kids will learn the new things easier and with more
fun and readiness. I am sure that the one or the other pupil
turns out to be a little “music-expert”. This can strengthen the
self-consciousness of students who are not so good at other
10 areas because now they have the opportunity to show what
they know about a special artist or band. Another pro of
teaching language by using songs and music is that it is
something different for the students – it is an alternation to
the common methods of language learning, because it is not
15 only interested in input. Learning with music speaks more than
other language-learning-methods to the audio-channel of the
learner, which has the positive effect of training listening and
comprehending language which is modified in terms of
intonation, pronunciation and articulation. Music in the
20 classroom can also be arranged in corporation with teachers of
other subjects, so that kids have the opportunity to use and
practise the new knowledge in more than one subject.
Teachers of English could not only work together with teachers
of music, but also with teachers of German, religion, ethics and
25 history. There is a variety of different thematic blocks which
can be taught with the help of songs, for example cultural or
social studies, to name only two areas.
However, using music and songs as a method of language
teaching can also have negative effects. Not every student likes
30 singing, acting or working with music and songs. Some find it
embarrassing and childish, especially older students. If the
majority of a class consists of students who feel like that about
working with music and songs in the classroom, the teacher
should be aware of the problem that it will be hard to motivate
35 the pupils. It can also be that some pupils protest and even
refuse to do several activities given by the teacher. […] Another
problem for teachers is the question of the right choice of
songs. Nowadays the kids are crazy about music which is called
“Death Metal”, “Hip Hop” or “Acid House”. So, many teachers
40 think that it is hard to fill the pupils of today with enthusiasm
by using Oldies.
Despite the fact that there are more positive effects of
learning a second language with songs and music than negative
ones, most teachers look at this method with mixed emotions.
45 Some are of the opinion that this is no real teaching and a
waste of time with some senseless activities. This is not true, of
course. Out of my own pupil-experience I can say that I have
learned quite a lot with the help of songs. I have acquired not
only a plenty of new words and vocabulary, but also several
50 idioms and many ways to express feelings.
The modal verb in “Teachers of English could not only work together with teachers of music” (lines 23 and 24) implies
Read text III and answer questions 60 to 70:
Text III
The use of music and songs in the EFL classroom
There are quite a lot of positive sides of learning English via
the medium music. First of all it is a very positive way of
learning English. Music is a part of our everyday life and
especially young people are very familiar with music. If the
5 teacher provides the possibility of a positive access to a new
topic, the kids will learn the new things easier and with more
fun and readiness. I am sure that the one or the other pupil
turns out to be a little “music-expert”. This can strengthen the
self-consciousness of students who are not so good at other
10 areas because now they have the opportunity to show what
they know about a special artist or band. Another pro of
teaching language by using songs and music is that it is
something different for the students – it is an alternation to
the common methods of language learning, because it is not
15 only interested in input. Learning with music speaks more than
other language-learning-methods to the audio-channel of the
learner, which has the positive effect of training listening and
comprehending language which is modified in terms of
intonation, pronunciation and articulation. Music in the
20 classroom can also be arranged in corporation with teachers of
other subjects, so that kids have the opportunity to use and
practise the new knowledge in more than one subject.
Teachers of English could not only work together with teachers
of music, but also with teachers of German, religion, ethics and
25 history. There is a variety of different thematic blocks which
can be taught with the help of songs, for example cultural or
social studies, to name only two areas.
However, using music and songs as a method of language
teaching can also have negative effects. Not every student likes
30 singing, acting or working with music and songs. Some find it
embarrassing and childish, especially older students. If the
majority of a class consists of students who feel like that about
working with music and songs in the classroom, the teacher
should be aware of the problem that it will be hard to motivate
35 the pupils. It can also be that some pupils protest and even
refuse to do several activities given by the teacher. […] Another
problem for teachers is the question of the right choice of
songs. Nowadays the kids are crazy about music which is called
“Death Metal”, “Hip Hop” or “Acid House”. So, many teachers
40 think that it is hard to fill the pupils of today with enthusiasm
by using Oldies.
Despite the fact that there are more positive effects of
learning a second language with songs and music than negative
ones, most teachers look at this method with mixed emotions.
45 Some are of the opinion that this is no real teaching and a
waste of time with some senseless activities. This is not true, of
course. Out of my own pupil-experience I can say that I have
learned quite a lot with the help of songs. I have acquired not
only a plenty of new words and vocabulary, but also several
50 idioms and many ways to express feelings.
The sentence “If the teacher provides the possibility of a positive access to a new topic” (lines 4 to 6) indicates a(n)
Read text III and answer questions 60 to 70:
Text III
The use of music and songs in the EFL classroom
There are quite a lot of positive sides of learning English via
the medium music. First of all it is a very positive way of
learning English. Music is a part of our everyday life and
especially young people are very familiar with music. If the
5 teacher provides the possibility of a positive access to a new
topic, the kids will learn the new things easier and with more
fun and readiness. I am sure that the one or the other pupil
turns out to be a little “music-expert”. This can strengthen the
self-consciousness of students who are not so good at other
10 areas because now they have the opportunity to show what
they know about a special artist or band. Another pro of
teaching language by using songs and music is that it is
something different for the students – it is an alternation to
the common methods of language learning, because it is not
15 only interested in input. Learning with music speaks more than
other language-learning-methods to the audio-channel of the
learner, which has the positive effect of training listening and
comprehending language which is modified in terms of
intonation, pronunciation and articulation. Music in the
20 classroom can also be arranged in corporation with teachers of
other subjects, so that kids have the opportunity to use and
practise the new knowledge in more than one subject.
Teachers of English could not only work together with teachers
of music, but also with teachers of German, religion, ethics and
25 history. There is a variety of different thematic blocks which
can be taught with the help of songs, for example cultural or
social studies, to name only two areas.
However, using music and songs as a method of language
teaching can also have negative effects. Not every student likes
30 singing, acting or working with music and songs. Some find it
embarrassing and childish, especially older students. If the
majority of a class consists of students who feel like that about
working with music and songs in the classroom, the teacher
should be aware of the problem that it will be hard to motivate
35 the pupils. It can also be that some pupils protest and even
refuse to do several activities given by the teacher. […] Another
problem for teachers is the question of the right choice of
songs. Nowadays the kids are crazy about music which is called
“Death Metal”, “Hip Hop” or “Acid House”. So, many teachers
40 think that it is hard to fill the pupils of today with enthusiasm
by using Oldies.
Despite the fact that there are more positive effects of
learning a second language with songs and music than negative
ones, most teachers look at this method with mixed emotions.
45 Some are of the opinion that this is no real teaching and a
waste of time with some senseless activities. This is not true, of
course. Out of my own pupil-experience I can say that I have
learned quite a lot with the help of songs. I have acquired not
only a plenty of new words and vocabulary, but also several
50 idioms and many ways to express feelings.
The opposite of the underlined word in “it is hard to fill” (line 40) is
Read text III and answer questions 60 to 70:
Text III
The use of music and songs in the EFL classroom
There are quite a lot of positive sides of learning English via
the medium music. First of all it is a very positive way of
learning English. Music is a part of our everyday life and
especially young people are very familiar with music. If the
5 teacher provides the possibility of a positive access to a new
topic, the kids will learn the new things easier and with more
fun and readiness. I am sure that the one or the other pupil
turns out to be a little “music-expert”. This can strengthen the
self-consciousness of students who are not so good at other
10 areas because now they have the opportunity to show what
they know about a special artist or band. Another pro of
teaching language by using songs and music is that it is
something different for the students – it is an alternation to
the common methods of language learning, because it is not
15 only interested in input. Learning with music speaks more than
other language-learning-methods to the audio-channel of the
learner, which has the positive effect of training listening and
comprehending language which is modified in terms of
intonation, pronunciation and articulation. Music in the
20 classroom can also be arranged in corporation with teachers of
other subjects, so that kids have the opportunity to use and
practise the new knowledge in more than one subject.
Teachers of English could not only work together with teachers
of music, but also with teachers of German, religion, ethics and
25 history. There is a variety of different thematic blocks which
can be taught with the help of songs, for example cultural or
social studies, to name only two areas.
However, using music and songs as a method of language
teaching can also have negative effects. Not every student likes
30 singing, acting or working with music and songs. Some find it
embarrassing and childish, especially older students. If the
majority of a class consists of students who feel like that about
working with music and songs in the classroom, the teacher
should be aware of the problem that it will be hard to motivate
35 the pupils. It can also be that some pupils protest and even
refuse to do several activities given by the teacher. […] Another
problem for teachers is the question of the right choice of
songs. Nowadays the kids are crazy about music which is called
“Death Metal”, “Hip Hop” or “Acid House”. So, many teachers
40 think that it is hard to fill the pupils of today with enthusiasm
by using Oldies.
Despite the fact that there are more positive effects of
learning a second language with songs and music than negative
ones, most teachers look at this method with mixed emotions.
45 Some are of the opinion that this is no real teaching and a
waste of time with some senseless activities. This is not true, of
course. Out of my own pupil-experience I can say that I have
learned quite a lot with the help of songs. I have acquired not
only a plenty of new words and vocabulary, but also several
50 idioms and many ways to express feelings.
The “audio-channel of the learner” (lines 16 and 17) depends on the sense of hearing.
The sense of taste is perceived by the
Read text III and answer questions 60 to 70:
Text III
The use of music and songs in the EFL classroom
There are quite a lot of positive sides of learning English via
the medium music. First of all it is a very positive way of
learning English. Music is a part of our everyday life and
especially young people are very familiar with music. If the
5 teacher provides the possibility of a positive access to a new
topic, the kids will learn the new things easier and with more
fun and readiness. I am sure that the one or the other pupil
turns out to be a little “music-expert”. This can strengthen the
self-consciousness of students who are not so good at other
10 areas because now they have the opportunity to show what
they know about a special artist or band. Another pro of
teaching language by using songs and music is that it is
something different for the students – it is an alternation to
the common methods of language learning, because it is not
15 only interested in input. Learning with music speaks more than
other language-learning-methods to the audio-channel of the
learner, which has the positive effect of training listening and
comprehending language which is modified in terms of
intonation, pronunciation and articulation. Music in the
20 classroom can also be arranged in corporation with teachers of
other subjects, so that kids have the opportunity to use and
practise the new knowledge in more than one subject.
Teachers of English could not only work together with teachers
of music, but also with teachers of German, religion, ethics and
25 history. There is a variety of different thematic blocks which
can be taught with the help of songs, for example cultural or
social studies, to name only two areas.
However, using music and songs as a method of language
teaching can also have negative effects. Not every student likes
30 singing, acting or working with music and songs. Some find it
embarrassing and childish, especially older students. If the
majority of a class consists of students who feel like that about
working with music and songs in the classroom, the teacher
should be aware of the problem that it will be hard to motivate
35 the pupils. It can also be that some pupils protest and even
refuse to do several activities given by the teacher. […] Another
problem for teachers is the question of the right choice of
songs. Nowadays the kids are crazy about music which is called
“Death Metal”, “Hip Hop” or “Acid House”. So, many teachers
40 think that it is hard to fill the pupils of today with enthusiasm
by using Oldies.
Despite the fact that there are more positive effects of
learning a second language with songs and music than negative
ones, most teachers look at this method with mixed emotions.
45 Some are of the opinion that this is no real teaching and a
waste of time with some senseless activities. This is not true, of
course. Out of my own pupil-experience I can say that I have
learned quite a lot with the help of songs. I have acquired not
only a plenty of new words and vocabulary, but also several
50 idioms and many ways to express feelings.
The verb strengthen in “This can strengthen” (line 8) is related to the adjective