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Q2385585 Inglês
      “The procedure for teaching receptive skills generally starts with a lead-in. This is where we engage students with the topic of the reading and we try to activate their schema (plural schemata) (…). This is the knowledge that allows many British, American, West Indian, Pakistani and Indian people (for example) to make sense of headlines like England in six-wicket collapse (a reference to the game of cricket), whereas many Canadians would instantly understand what it means to be sent to the penalty box and why being sent there might give another team a power play (both terms come ice hockey, Canada’s national sport)”.

(HARMER, J. The Practice of English Language Teaching.
4 th Ed. Essex, England: Pearson, 2007, p. 271).

Choose the alternative that presents the “receptive skills” in English Language Teaching.
Q2385584 Inglês
      “Although the movement began as a largely British innovation, focusing on alternative conceptions of a syllabus, since the mid-1970s the scope of Communicative Language Teaching has expanded. Both American and British proponents (…) see it as an approach (and not a method) that aims to (a) make communicative competence the goal of language teaching and (b) develop procedures for the teaching of the four language skills that acknowledge the interdependence of language and communication. Its comprehensiveness thus makes it different in scope and status from any of the other approaches and methods (…)”.

(RICHARDS, J.C. & RODGERS, T. Approaches and
Methods in Language Teaching: A description and
analysis. Cambridge: CUP, 1986, p. 66).

The desired goal of the Communicative Approach is to 
Q2385583 Inglês
      “Although the movement began as a largely British innovation, focusing on alternative conceptions of a syllabus, since the mid-1970s the scope of Communicative Language Teaching has expanded. Both American and British proponents (…) see it as an approach (and not a method) that aims to (a) make communicative competence the goal of language teaching and (b) develop procedures for the teaching of the four language skills that acknowledge the interdependence of language and communication. Its comprehensiveness thus makes it different in scope and status from any of the other approaches and methods (…)”.

(RICHARDS, J.C. & RODGERS, T. Approaches and
Methods in Language Teaching: A description and
analysis. Cambridge: CUP, 1986, p. 66).

Learners’ production, according to the Communicative Approach, takes _______________ into account as _______________ is judged not in the abstract, but in context.

Choose the alternative that completes the blank. 
Q2385582 Inglês
      “Although the movement began as a largely British innovation, focusing on alternative conceptions of a syllabus, since the mid-1970s the scope of Communicative Language Teaching has expanded. Both American and British proponents (…) see it as an approach (and not a method) that aims to (a) make communicative competence the goal of language teaching and (b) develop procedures for the teaching of the four language skills that acknowledge the interdependence of language and communication. Its comprehensiveness thus makes it different in scope and status from any of the other approaches and methods (…)”.

(RICHARDS, J.C. & RODGERS, T. Approaches and
Methods in Language Teaching: A description and
analysis. Cambridge: CUP, 1986, p. 66).

Choose the alternative that DOES NOT present a distinctive feature of the Communicative Approach.
Q2385458 Geografia

Leia o trecho abaixo para responder à questão.

          Globalização e urbanização brasileira – o papel da informação. “A informação emerge, no atual período da globalização, como chave para a compreensão das dinâmicas de reorganização do território brasileiro. A análise da circulação da informação nos permite apreender questões relativas à gestão do território nesse período, ao novo papel das metrópoles como centros de informações, à nova urbanização diante do impacto das redes de informação, à reorganização das regiões sob um acentuado comando externo a essas regiões, sob comando, sobretudo, de grandes empresas”.

(BERNARDES, A. Círculos de informações e novas

dinâmicas do território brasileiro. In: Anais do XVI

Encontro Nacional de Geógrafos, 2010).

Sobre os temas abordados pela autora do texto, assinale a alternativa correta. 
196: B
197: D
198: A
199: C
200: A