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Em uma instituição de ensino superior, o fluxo documental é contínuo, exigindo atenção constante por parte dos profissionais que se ocupam dos documentos. Muitos documentos não devem ser disponibilizados ao público por sua natureza restritiva, já outros não possuem qualquer restrição de acesso e são classificados como
A produção e acumulação de documentos acontece nos mais variados ambientes profissionais ou pessoais. Assim, quando os documentos são produzidos ou recebidos por famílias, pessoas ou instituições não governamentais, decorrentes de suas específicas atividades, possuindo relações orgânicas perceptíveis por meio do processo de acumulação, vão constituir especificamente os arquivos
Um arquivista, ao organizar os arquivos de documentos acumulados de uma instituição de pesquisa, inicia seu trabalho com o levantamento de dados e verifica que, em uma sala, os documentos estão dispostos em estantes, armários e mapotecas. Observa que a forma física dos documentos é diversificada como: cd-rom, fitas, fotografias, discos e microformas e decide, já no levantamento, que esses documentos serão tratados de maneira diferenciada dos documentos convencionais, pois se trata de um arquivo
Considerando os estágios de evolução dos arquivos, aquele que se caracteriza pelo desempenhar de suas funções no estágio de terceira idade constitui o arquivo
Na cidade de Rio Preto da Eva, no Amazonas, a Prefeitura conclama a população para recolher ao Arquivo Municipal documentos considerados históricos, reunidos pelas pessoas ao longo do tempo, a fim de complementar fundos ou séries arquivísticas, o que é prontamente atendido. Os documentos recebidos constituíam coleções de manuscritos históricos reunidos pelas diversas pessoas do município. Assim, o responsável pelo Arquivo Municipal conclui que essa coleção de manuscritos históricos
Um aluno do quinto período do curso de arquivologia chega mais cedo à aula e encontra, no quadro de giz, resquício da aula anterior com o seguinte esquema:
4 __ Documentação e Informação 4-1 ___ Sistema de Arquivos 4-2 ___ Sistema de Bibliotecas 4-3 ___ Processamento de Dados 4-3-1 _____ Sistemas 4-3-1-1 _______ Documentação de Sistemas |
O aluno imediatamente identifica que essa estrutura corresponde ao método
As questões de nos 41 a 46 são referentes aos resultados do ENADE 2006, disponíveis em
Responda às questões de nos 41 a 43 com base nos percentuais das respostas de alunos de uma área específica de determinada Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES), participantes do ENADE 2006, a algumas questões do questionário socioeconômico relativas aos hábitos de leitura.
A questão de número 23 do questionário socioeconômico envolve uma variável do tipo
How to dig out from the information avalanche
Majority of workers feel overwhelmed by deluge of data, survey finds
By Eve Tahmincioglu
updated 8:18 p.m. ET March 16, 2008
Don’t expect Shaun Osher, the CEO of Core Group
Marketing in New York, to answer your e-mail right away.
He has stopped responding to e-mails every minute and
only checks his e-mail account twice a day. He also started
5 turning off his BlackBerry during meetings.
This tactic has made him so much more productive
that earlier this year he held a meeting with his staff of 50
and “strongly suggested” that they stop relying so heavily
on e-mail and actually start calling clients on the phone.
10 And, he requested his employees put cell phones and
PDAs on silent mode during meetings, as well as curtail
the common practice of cc-ing everybody when sending
out an e-mail. “There was so much redundancy, so much
unnecessary work,” he explains. “One person could handle
15 an issue that should take two minutes, but when an email
goes out and five people get cc-ed, then everybody
responds to it and there’s a snowball effect.”
It’s not that Osher has anything against technology. In
fact, he loves it. The problem is, last year he realized he
20 was inundated with so many e-mails and so much
information in general that he began to experience data
overload. “In the beginning, e-mail and all this data was a
great phenomenon, revolutionizing what we do. But the
pendulum has swung way too much to the other side,” he
25 maintains. “We’re less productive.”
Osher isn’t the only one out there under a data
avalanche. Thanks to technological innovations, you can
be talking to a customer on your cell phone, answering a
LinkedIn invitation on your laptop, and responding to email
30 on your PDA all at the same time. Besides, during
tough economic times, who will want to miss any
information when your job could be on the line if you indulge
in the luxury of being offline? Turns out, seven out of 10
office workers in the United States feel overwhelmed by
35 information in the workplace, and more than two in five
say they are headed for a data “breaking point,” according
to a recently released Workplace Productivity Survey.
Mike Walsh, CEO of LexisNexis U.S. Legal Markets,
says there are a host of reasons we’re all on the information
40 brink: “exponential growth of the size of the information
‘haystack,’ the immensity and immediacy of digital
communications, and the fact that professionals are not
being provided with sufficient tools and training to help
them keep pace with the growing information burden.”
45 ___ Ellen Kossek, a professor from Michigan State, believes
we are less productive in this age of 24-7 technology, and
our multitasking mentality has spawned a “not-mentallypresent”
society. “We’re becoming an attention-deficit
disorder society switching back and forth like crazy,”
50 Kossek says. “We’re connected all the time. We’re
working on planes, in coffee shops, working on the
weekends. Work is very seductive, but yet we’re actually
less effective.”
The key to getting your head above the data flood,
55 according to workplace experts, is managing and reducing
the information you’re bombarded with.
© 2008 MSNBC Interactive - (slightly adapted)
Check the only alternative that presents a statement that is INCONSISTENT with the arguments and reasoning introduced in the text you have read.
Mark the sentence in which the idea introduced by the word in bold type is correctly described.
How to dig out from the information avalanche
Majority of workers feel overwhelmed by deluge of data, survey finds
By Eve Tahmincioglu
updated 8:18 p.m. ET March 16, 2008
Don’t expect Shaun Osher, the CEO of Core Group
Marketing in New York, to answer your e-mail right away.
He has stopped responding to e-mails every minute and
only checks his e-mail account twice a day. He also started
5 turning off his BlackBerry during meetings.
This tactic has made him so much more productive
that earlier this year he held a meeting with his staff of 50
and “strongly suggested” that they stop relying so heavily
on e-mail and actually start calling clients on the phone.
10 And, he requested his employees put cell phones and
PDAs on silent mode during meetings, as well as curtail
the common practice of cc-ing everybody when sending
out an e-mail. “There was so much redundancy, so much
unnecessary work,” he explains. “One person could handle
15 an issue that should take two minutes, but when an email
goes out and five people get cc-ed, then everybody
responds to it and there’s a snowball effect.”
It’s not that Osher has anything against technology. In
fact, he loves it. The problem is, last year he realized he
20 was inundated with so many e-mails and so much
information in general that he began to experience data
overload. “In the beginning, e-mail and all this data was a
great phenomenon, revolutionizing what we do. But the
pendulum has swung way too much to the other side,” he
25 maintains. “We’re less productive.”
Osher isn’t the only one out there under a data
avalanche. Thanks to technological innovations, you can
be talking to a customer on your cell phone, answering a
LinkedIn invitation on your laptop, and responding to email
30 on your PDA all at the same time. Besides, during
tough economic times, who will want to miss any
information when your job could be on the line if you indulge
in the luxury of being offline? Turns out, seven out of 10
office workers in the United States feel overwhelmed by
35 information in the workplace, and more than two in five
say they are headed for a data “breaking point,” according
to a recently released Workplace Productivity Survey.
Mike Walsh, CEO of LexisNexis U.S. Legal Markets,
says there are a host of reasons we’re all on the information
40 brink: “exponential growth of the size of the information
‘haystack,’ the immensity and immediacy of digital
communications, and the fact that professionals are not
being provided with sufficient tools and training to help
them keep pace with the growing information burden.”
45 ___ Ellen Kossek, a professor from Michigan State, believes
we are less productive in this age of 24-7 technology, and
our multitasking mentality has spawned a “not-mentallypresent”
society. “We’re becoming an attention-deficit
disorder society switching back and forth like crazy,”
50 Kossek says. “We’re connected all the time. We’re
working on planes, in coffee shops, working on the
weekends. Work is very seductive, but yet we’re actually
less effective.”
The key to getting your head above the data flood,
55 according to workplace experts, is managing and reducing
the information you’re bombarded with.
© 2008 MSNBC Interactive - (slightly adapted)
Which option describes accurately the meaning relationship between the pairs of words?
In "...your job could be on the line if you indulge in the luxury of being offline?" (lines 32-33) the expressions 'on the line' and 'offline', respectively, mean
How to dig out from the information avalanche
Majority of workers feel overwhelmed by deluge of data, survey finds
By Eve Tahmincioglu
updated 8:18 p.m. ET March 16, 2008
Don’t expect Shaun Osher, the CEO of Core Group
Marketing in New York, to answer your e-mail right away.
He has stopped responding to e-mails every minute and
only checks his e-mail account twice a day. He also started
5 turning off his BlackBerry during meetings.
This tactic has made him so much more productive
that earlier this year he held a meeting with his staff of 50
and “strongly suggested” that they stop relying so heavily
on e-mail and actually start calling clients on the phone.
10 And, he requested his employees put cell phones and
PDAs on silent mode during meetings, as well as curtail
the common practice of cc-ing everybody when sending
out an e-mail. “There was so much redundancy, so much
unnecessary work,” he explains. “One person could handle
15 an issue that should take two minutes, but when an email
goes out and five people get cc-ed, then everybody
responds to it and there’s a snowball effect.”
It’s not that Osher has anything against technology. In
fact, he loves it. The problem is, last year he realized he
20 was inundated with so many e-mails and so much
information in general that he began to experience data
overload. “In the beginning, e-mail and all this data was a
great phenomenon, revolutionizing what we do. But the
pendulum has swung way too much to the other side,” he
25 maintains. “We’re less productive.”
Osher isn’t the only one out there under a data
avalanche. Thanks to technological innovations, you can
be talking to a customer on your cell phone, answering a
LinkedIn invitation on your laptop, and responding to email
30 on your PDA all at the same time. Besides, during
tough economic times, who will want to miss any
information when your job could be on the line if you indulge
in the luxury of being offline? Turns out, seven out of 10
office workers in the United States feel overwhelmed by
35 information in the workplace, and more than two in five
say they are headed for a data “breaking point,” according
to a recently released Workplace Productivity Survey.
Mike Walsh, CEO of LexisNexis U.S. Legal Markets,
says there are a host of reasons we’re all on the information
40 brink: “exponential growth of the size of the information
‘haystack,’ the immensity and immediacy of digital
communications, and the fact that professionals are not
being provided with sufficient tools and training to help
them keep pace with the growing information burden.”
45 ___ Ellen Kossek, a professor from Michigan State, believes
we are less productive in this age of 24-7 technology, and
our multitasking mentality has spawned a “not-mentallypresent”
society. “We’re becoming an attention-deficit
disorder society switching back and forth like crazy,”
50 Kossek says. “We’re connected all the time. We’re
working on planes, in coffee shops, working on the
weekends. Work is very seductive, but yet we’re actually
less effective.”
The key to getting your head above the data flood,
55 according to workplace experts, is managing and reducing
the information you’re bombarded with.
© 2008 MSNBC Interactive - (slightly adapted)
When Shaun Osher affirms that "… the pendulum has swung way too much to the other side," (lines 23-24), he means that
In "One person could handle an issue that should take two minutes," (lines 14-15), "handle" means "to deal with". Mark the sentence in which the word "handle" is used in the same way.
How to dig out from the information avalanche
Majority of workers feel overwhelmed by deluge of data, survey finds
By Eve Tahmincioglu
updated 8:18 p.m. ET March 16, 2008
Don’t expect Shaun Osher, the CEO of Core Group
Marketing in New York, to answer your e-mail right away.
He has stopped responding to e-mails every minute and
only checks his e-mail account twice a day. He also started
5 turning off his BlackBerry during meetings.
This tactic has made him so much more productive
that earlier this year he held a meeting with his staff of 50
and “strongly suggested” that they stop relying so heavily
on e-mail and actually start calling clients on the phone.
10 And, he requested his employees put cell phones and
PDAs on silent mode during meetings, as well as curtail
the common practice of cc-ing everybody when sending
out an e-mail. “There was so much redundancy, so much
unnecessary work,” he explains. “One person could handle
15 an issue that should take two minutes, but when an email
goes out and five people get cc-ed, then everybody
responds to it and there’s a snowball effect.”
It’s not that Osher has anything against technology. In
fact, he loves it. The problem is, last year he realized he
20 was inundated with so many e-mails and so much
information in general that he began to experience data
overload. “In the beginning, e-mail and all this data was a
great phenomenon, revolutionizing what we do. But the
pendulum has swung way too much to the other side,” he
25 maintains. “We’re less productive.”
Osher isn’t the only one out there under a data
avalanche. Thanks to technological innovations, you can
be talking to a customer on your cell phone, answering a
LinkedIn invitation on your laptop, and responding to email
30 on your PDA all at the same time. Besides, during
tough economic times, who will want to miss any
information when your job could be on the line if you indulge
in the luxury of being offline? Turns out, seven out of 10
office workers in the United States feel overwhelmed by
35 information in the workplace, and more than two in five
say they are headed for a data “breaking point,” according
to a recently released Workplace Productivity Survey.
Mike Walsh, CEO of LexisNexis U.S. Legal Markets,
says there are a host of reasons we’re all on the information
40 brink: “exponential growth of the size of the information
‘haystack,’ the immensity and immediacy of digital
communications, and the fact that professionals are not
being provided with sufficient tools and training to help
them keep pace with the growing information burden.”
45 ___ Ellen Kossek, a professor from Michigan State, believes
we are less productive in this age of 24-7 technology, and
our multitasking mentality has spawned a “not-mentallypresent”
society. “We’re becoming an attention-deficit
disorder society switching back and forth like crazy,”
50 Kossek says. “We’re connected all the time. We’re
working on planes, in coffee shops, working on the
weekends. Work is very seductive, but yet we’re actually
less effective.”
The key to getting your head above the data flood,
55 according to workplace experts, is managing and reducing
the information you’re bombarded with.
© 2008 MSNBC Interactive - (slightly adapted)
The purpose of this article is to
A respeito de banco de dados, julgue o seguinte item.
O comando CLUSTER deve ser usado em uma tabela para
melhorar o seu desempenho, pois reordena os registros
existentes no momento de sua execução, sem impacto nos
registros que serão inseridos no futuro.
A respeito de banco de dados, julgue o seguinte item.
Um trigger de banco de dados pode ser disparado antes ou
depois de um comando e pode, até mesmo, substituir esse
A respeito de banco de dados, julgue o seguinte item.
Em um banco de dados relacional, uma tabela está na
segunda forma normal quando toda coluna não chave
depende diretamente da chave primária.
A respeito de banco de dados, julgue o seguinte item.
As propriedades ACID de uma transação garantem
atomicidade, confidencialidade, isolamento e durabilidade na
sua execução.
A respeito do governo eletrônico (eGov), julgue o próximo item.
A existência de uma identidade digital e segura é
fundamental para o governo digital, pois garante a
autenticação confiável nas plataformas digitais, públicas e
A respeito do governo eletrônico (eGov), julgue o próximo item.
A assinatura eletrônica do serviço GOV.BR permite que os
cidadãos assinem um documento digital por meio de sua
conta, com a mesma validade de uma assinatura