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Q2087725 Inglês

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Woman Work

(Maya Angelou.)

I’ve got the children to tend

The clothes to mend

The floor to mop

The food to shop

Then the chicken to fry

The baby to dry

I got company to feed

The garden to weed

I've got shirts to press

The tots to dress

The cane to be cut

I gotta clean up this hut

Then see about the sick

And the cotton to pick.

Shine on me, sunshine

Rain on me, rain

Fall softly, dewdrops

And cool my brow again.

Storm, blow me from here with your fiercest wind

Let me float across the sky ‘til I can rest again, fall gently, snowflakes,

Cover me with white cold icy kisses and let me rest tonight.

Sun, rain, curving sky, mountain, oceans, leaf and stone

You're all that I can call my own.


In “Fall softly, dewdrops” and “Let me float across the sky ‘til I can rest again, fall gently, snowflakes” the words GENTLY and SOFTLY convey the concept of:

Q2087724 Inglês

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The Story Behind TIME’s ‘Resilience of Ukraine’ Cover

(Artwork by JR; Photograph by Artem Iurchenko. A drone was used to capture the cover image on March 14 in Lviv.)

     Since Russia’s invasion began, dozens of Ukraine’s 7.5 million children have been killed and thousands of others have fled in search of safety. Among those thousands is 5-year-old Valeriia from Kryvyi Rih, President Volodymyr Zelensky’s hometown in central Ukraine. Her image – a smiling child – appears on one of this issue’s covers.

    If you met Valeriia, you might think she’s shy, her mother Taisiia told TIME, but don’t be fooled; at home, she commands attention. She loves the same things as many little girls – her stuffed bunny; her Elsa doll fromCold Heart(which English speakers know as Frozen); and her pink backpack, which she had to leave behind as she ran off her country. Valeriia also has big dreams: in particular, starting her first year of school on Sept. 1. Now, it’s hard to say when and where Valeriia will be able to do so. On March 9, mother and daughter fled to Poland; for safety, they asked that TIME use only their first names. In an interview, Taisiia explained her decision to leave home to keep her child safe. “She is my sunshine, my joy.” 

    According to Taisiia they woke up early in the morning of Feb. 24 to learn the occupying army had started bombing military bases. “I thought about my daughter, Valeriia; for her safety, I knew we had to go. We left Ukraine before we were bombarded, so we had a chance.” Even though Valeriia is with her now, husband and son stayed in Ukraine and therefore, it was very hard to leave. The day they left, the lines for buses and trainsstretched 3 km, mostly women and children, she says, “We were packed together and had to stand for 18 hours on the train to Lviv”.

    The Russians still haven’t come to their city. The people from Kryvyi Rih have fought them off. But they are closer and closer, and you can see them approaching. In the media, Russia says they aren’t at war in Ukraine. But the war is real. People are dying for real. “And here I am, with my sister, my nephew, and my mother in Poland, in a hotel near Warsaw. They take care of us and even in this difficult situation, it was a warm reception. I cannot find the words to express how grateful I am to everyone who has helped”, ends up a crying Taisiia.

(Available: Adapted.)

In “If you met Valeriia, you might think she’s shy, her mother Taisiia told TIME, but don’t be fooled; at home, she commands attention.”, the use of MIGHT indicates: 
Q2087723 Inglês

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The Story Behind TIME’s ‘Resilience of Ukraine’ Cover

(Artwork by JR; Photograph by Artem Iurchenko. A drone was used to capture the cover image on March 14 in Lviv.)

     Since Russia’s invasion began, dozens of Ukraine’s 7.5 million children have been killed and thousands of others have fled in search of safety. Among those thousands is 5-year-old Valeriia from Kryvyi Rih, President Volodymyr Zelensky’s hometown in central Ukraine. Her image – a smiling child – appears on one of this issue’s covers.

    If you met Valeriia, you might think she’s shy, her mother Taisiia told TIME, but don’t be fooled; at home, she commands attention. She loves the same things as many little girls – her stuffed bunny; her Elsa doll fromCold Heart(which English speakers know as Frozen); and her pink backpack, which she had to leave behind as she ran off her country. Valeriia also has big dreams: in particular, starting her first year of school on Sept. 1. Now, it’s hard to say when and where Valeriia will be able to do so. On March 9, mother and daughter fled to Poland; for safety, they asked that TIME use only their first names. In an interview, Taisiia explained her decision to leave home to keep her child safe. “She is my sunshine, my joy.” 

    According to Taisiia they woke up early in the morning of Feb. 24 to learn the occupying army had started bombing military bases. “I thought about my daughter, Valeriia; for her safety, I knew we had to go. We left Ukraine before we were bombarded, so we had a chance.” Even though Valeriia is with her now, husband and son stayed in Ukraine and therefore, it was very hard to leave. The day they left, the lines for buses and trainsstretched 3 km, mostly women and children, she says, “We were packed together and had to stand for 18 hours on the train to Lviv”.

    The Russians still haven’t come to their city. The people from Kryvyi Rih have fought them off. But they are closer and closer, and you can see them approaching. In the media, Russia says they aren’t at war in Ukraine. But the war is real. People are dying for real. “And here I am, with my sister, my nephew, and my mother in Poland, in a hotel near Warsaw. They take care of us and even in this difficult situation, it was a warm reception. I cannot find the words to express how grateful I am to everyone who has helped”, ends up a crying Taisiia.

(Available: Adapted.)

According to text content, it is consistent to state that:
Q2087693 Pedagogia
De acordo com a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional – LDBEN (Lei nº 9.394/1996), “a educação abrange os processos formativos que se desenvolvem na vida familiar, na convivência humana, no trabalho, nas instituições de ensino e pesquisa, nos movimentos sociais e organizações da sociedade civil e nas manifestações culturais”. Entende-se que as manifestações culturais, os produtos artísticos e o próprio fazer da arte são revérbero da sociedade, não existindo, portanto, uma visão desvinculada de sociedade e arte. Diante do exposto, no que se refere ao ensino da arte podemos afirmar que:
Q2087672 Pedagogia
As tendências pedagógicas são de extrema relevância para a Educação, pois contribuem para a condução de um trabalho docente mais consciente, baseado nas demandas atuais da clientela em questão. O conhecimento dessas tendências e perspectivas de ensino por parte dos professores é fundamental para a realização de uma prática docente realmente significativa, que tenha algum sentido para o aluno. Alguns autores organizam estas tendências em grupos filosóficos progressista e liberal. Sobre as tendências liberais, analise as afirmativas a seguir.
I. É uma manifestação da sociedade capitalista, não tendo o sentido de avançado, democrático e aberto. II. A educação brasileira, pelo menos nos últimos cinquenta anos, tem sido marcada pelas tendências liberais, nas suas formas ora conservadora, ora renovada. III. Sustenta a ideia de que a escola tem por função preparar os indivíduos para o desempenho de papéis sociais, de acordo com as aptidões individuais. IV. A ênfase no aspecto cultural esconde a realidade das diferenças de classes, pois, embora difunda a ideia de igualdade de oportunidades, não leva em conta a desigualdade de condições.
Está correto o que se afirma em
216: B
217: A
218: D
219: C
220: D