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WESSELING, Henk. História de além-mar. IN: BURKE, Peter (org.). A escrita da história: novas perspectivas. Trad. Magda Lopes. São Paulo: Editora Unesp, 2011, p. 99-133, p. 111.
A respeito da escrita da história e a história africana, analise as afirmativas abaixo e dê valores Verdadeiro (V) ou Falso (F).
( ) A ampliação da escrita sobre a história do continente africano insere-se no quadro da nova história social e econômica nas décadas de 1920 e 1930.
( ) Dentre os acontecimentos que favoreceram a ampliação da escrita e do debate sobre a história africana, pode-se mencionar a fundação do The Journal of African History.
( ) Uma peculiaridade no caso da história africana é a necessidade de o(a) historiador(a) depender de fontes exógenas, já que há menos material escrito pelos próprios africanos do que os europeus. Dessa forma, documentos produzidos por viajantes gregos, romanos e árabes, comerciantes ou administradores europeus podem ser utilizados como fonte potencial de compreensão da história do continente.
( ) Embora promissoras, a promoção de novas fontes para a história africana a partir da história oral não se adequa de forma producente na escrita da história.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta de cima para baixo.
PÁDUA, José Augusto. Um sopro de destruição: pensamento político e crítica ambiental no Brasil escravista, 1786-1888. 2. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar, 2004, p. 42.
O excerto acima, publicado em 1789 pelo naturalista italiano Domenico Agostino Vandelli, mostra um tipo específico de visão a respeito da ocupação do território brasileiro no contexto dos séculos XVIII e XIX. Sobre este assunto, assinale a alternativa incorreta.
O excerto acima contextualiza o processo de chegada e de ocupação dos portugueses no território brasileiro no século XVI, sobretudo com a chegada dos primeiros jesuítas. A respeito deste contexto, analise as afirmativas abaixo.
I. Os primeiros jesuítas desembarcaram no atual território brasileiro em 1549, em uma povoação na Bahia fundada em 1536 (povoação de Francisco Pereira Coutinho).
II. A atividade dos jesuítas no Brasil municiava-se de dois objetivos centrais: a ordem social e a conversão dos indígenas ao cristianismo.
III. A Companhia de Jesus, fundada em 1534, foi fundamental para nortear o plano de evangelização da América portuguesa.
Estão corretas as afirmativas:
I. A Igreja passava a refletir sobre como várias de suas ações, até então, tinham sido voltadas aos setores dominantes da sociedade. II. Ia se consolidando, ao menos em parte do setor católico, uma busca por formas de diálogo, sobretudo a partir dos problemas que emergiam no contexto, como a violência, a censura e a própria ditadura militar. III. Enquanto um setor conservador da igreja católica via a posição do presidente João Goulart muito próxima ao discurso comunista, outro setor, mais progressista, era profundamente apoiador do movimento comunista, sobretudo exaltando os defensores da revolução proletária.
Estão corretas as afirmativas:
( ) O III PND previa ampliar e melhorar os serviços de saúde pública, o combate de endemias e o fortalecimento de atividades de medicina preventiva. ( ) O III PND reconhecia as funções do Ministério da Saúde enquanto definidor e coordenador das políticas de saúde. ( ) Em 1980, um ano após o início do III PND, a realização da VII Conferência Nacional de Saúde foi um marco do discurso democráticosocial do Estado brasileiro, sobretudo em razão do lançamento do Programa Nacional de Serviços Básicos de Saúde (Prev-saúde).
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta de cima para baixo.
QUEIROZ, Suely R. Reis de. A abolição da escravidão. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1999, p. 53.
Sobre o pensamento antiescravista brasileiro do século XIX, assinale a alternativa incorreta.
Text 2 – Computers
(Text adapted from History of Computing. Retrieved from 303/lectures/history.html)
When you hear the term computers, it’s difficult to
imagine different devices from a laptop or a small
desktop. Believe it or not, they weren’t always like
they are today. They used to be very large and
heavy, sometimes as big as an entire room. Some
technology professors historically define computers,
as “a device that can help with computations”. The
word computation involves counting, calculating,
adding, subtracting, etc. The modern definition of a
computer is a little wider, because in our day and
age, computers store, compile, analyze and
compute an enormous amount of information.
Ancient computers were very interesting. Actually,
the first computer may have been located in Great
Britain, at Stonehenge. It is a man-made circle of
large stones. Citizens used it to measure the
weather and forecast the change of seasons. Some
specialists say that another ancient computer is the
abacus. It was used by the early Romans, Greeks,
and Egyptians to count and calculate. Even though
they are no longer in use, certainly, these early
devices are fascinating. Computers are embedded
in our history and some people say that we are
completely dependent of them. No matter the
complexity of the task, easy or difficult, some people
can’t do anything without them. Do you contest or
share this opinion?
Text 2 – Computers
(Text adapted from History of Computing. Retrieved from 303/lectures/history.html)
When you hear the term computers, it’s difficult to
imagine different devices from a laptop or a small
desktop. Believe it or not, they weren’t always like
they are today. They used to be very large and
heavy, sometimes as big as an entire room. Some
technology professors historically define computers,
as “a device that can help with computations”. The
word computation involves counting, calculating,
adding, subtracting, etc. The modern definition of a
computer is a little wider, because in our day and
age, computers store, compile, analyze and
compute an enormous amount of information.
Ancient computers were very interesting. Actually,
the first computer may have been located in Great
Britain, at Stonehenge. It is a man-made circle of
large stones. Citizens used it to measure the
weather and forecast the change of seasons. Some
specialists say that another ancient computer is the
abacus. It was used by the early Romans, Greeks,
and Egyptians to count and calculate. Even though
they are no longer in use, certainly, these early
devices are fascinating. Computers are embedded
in our history and some people say that we are
completely dependent of them. No matter the
complexity of the task, easy or difficult, some people
can’t do anything without them. Do you contest or
share this opinion?
I. the made-man circle - the inversion of a noun (man) with an adverb (made) is one of the possibilities for forming noun groups with an emphasis on adjectives.
II. circle of large stones – the preposition 'of' is an indication that the previous word is a verb.
III. large stones – the position of the adjective (large) before the noun (stones) is one of the possible formations of the order of adjectives.
Text 2 – Computers
(Text adapted from History of Computing. Retrieved from 303/lectures/history.html)
When you hear the term computers, it’s difficult to
imagine different devices from a laptop or a small
desktop. Believe it or not, they weren’t always like
they are today. They used to be very large and
heavy, sometimes as big as an entire room. Some
technology professors historically define computers,
as “a device that can help with computations”. The
word computation involves counting, calculating,
adding, subtracting, etc. The modern definition of a
computer is a little wider, because in our day and
age, computers store, compile, analyze and
compute an enormous amount of information.
Ancient computers were very interesting. Actually,
the first computer may have been located in Great
Britain, at Stonehenge. It is a man-made circle of
large stones. Citizens used it to measure the
weather and forecast the change of seasons. Some
specialists say that another ancient computer is the
abacus. It was used by the early Romans, Greeks,
and Egyptians to count and calculate. Even though
they are no longer in use, certainly, these early
devices are fascinating. Computers are embedded
in our history and some people say that we are
completely dependent of them. No matter the
complexity of the task, easy or difficult, some people
can’t do anything without them. Do you contest or
share this opinion?
I. The expression is equivalent to affirming that an action was practiced in the past and, currently, is no longer practiced.
II. The expression is equivalent to affirming that an action was practiced in the past and, currently, continues to be practiced.
III. The expression is equivalent to affirming that an action was practiced only once in the past and, currently, it is still practiced.
Text 2 – Computers
(Text adapted from History of Computing. Retrieved from 303/lectures/history.html)
When you hear the term computers, it’s difficult to
imagine different devices from a laptop or a small
desktop. Believe it or not, they weren’t always like
they are today. They used to be very large and
heavy, sometimes as big as an entire room. Some
technology professors historically define computers,
as “a device that can help with computations”. The
word computation involves counting, calculating,
adding, subtracting, etc. The modern definition of a
computer is a little wider, because in our day and
age, computers store, compile, analyze and
compute an enormous amount of information.
Ancient computers were very interesting. Actually,
the first computer may have been located in Great
Britain, at Stonehenge. It is a man-made circle of
large stones. Citizens used it to measure the
weather and forecast the change of seasons. Some
specialists say that another ancient computer is the
abacus. It was used by the early Romans, Greeks,
and Egyptians to count and calculate. Even though
they are no longer in use, certainly, these early
devices are fascinating. Computers are embedded
in our history and some people say that we are
completely dependent of them. No matter the
complexity of the task, easy or difficult, some people
can’t do anything without them. Do you contest or
share this opinion?
Text 2 – Computers
(Text adapted from History of Computing. Retrieved from 303/lectures/history.html)
When you hear the term computers, it’s difficult to
imagine different devices from a laptop or a small
desktop. Believe it or not, they weren’t always like
they are today. They used to be very large and
heavy, sometimes as big as an entire room. Some
technology professors historically define computers,
as “a device that can help with computations”. The
word computation involves counting, calculating,
adding, subtracting, etc. The modern definition of a
computer is a little wider, because in our day and
age, computers store, compile, analyze and
compute an enormous amount of information.
Ancient computers were very interesting. Actually,
the first computer may have been located in Great
Britain, at Stonehenge. It is a man-made circle of
large stones. Citizens used it to measure the
weather and forecast the change of seasons. Some
specialists say that another ancient computer is the
abacus. It was used by the early Romans, Greeks,
and Egyptians to count and calculate. Even though
they are no longer in use, certainly, these early
devices are fascinating. Computers are embedded
in our history and some people say that we are
completely dependent of them. No matter the
complexity of the task, easy or difficult, some people
can’t do anything without them. Do you contest or
share this opinion?
Text 2 – Computers
(Text adapted from History of Computing. Retrieved from 303/lectures/history.html)
When you hear the term computers, it’s difficult to
imagine different devices from a laptop or a small
desktop. Believe it or not, they weren’t always like
they are today. They used to be very large and
heavy, sometimes as big as an entire room. Some
technology professors historically define computers,
as “a device that can help with computations”. The
word computation involves counting, calculating,
adding, subtracting, etc. The modern definition of a
computer is a little wider, because in our day and
age, computers store, compile, analyze and
compute an enormous amount of information.
Ancient computers were very interesting. Actually,
the first computer may have been located in Great
Britain, at Stonehenge. It is a man-made circle of
large stones. Citizens used it to measure the
weather and forecast the change of seasons. Some
specialists say that another ancient computer is the
abacus. It was used by the early Romans, Greeks,
and Egyptians to count and calculate. Even though
they are no longer in use, certainly, these early
devices are fascinating. Computers are embedded
in our history and some people say that we are
completely dependent of them. No matter the
complexity of the task, easy or difficult, some people
can’t do anything without them. Do you contest or
share this opinion?
Text 2 – Computers
(Text adapted from History of Computing. Retrieved from 303/lectures/history.html)
When you hear the term computers, it’s difficult to
imagine different devices from a laptop or a small
desktop. Believe it or not, they weren’t always like
they are today. They used to be very large and
heavy, sometimes as big as an entire room. Some
technology professors historically define computers,
as “a device that can help with computations”. The
word computation involves counting, calculating,
adding, subtracting, etc. The modern definition of a
computer is a little wider, because in our day and
age, computers store, compile, analyze and
compute an enormous amount of information.
Ancient computers were very interesting. Actually,
the first computer may have been located in Great
Britain, at Stonehenge. It is a man-made circle of
large stones. Citizens used it to measure the
weather and forecast the change of seasons. Some
specialists say that another ancient computer is the
abacus. It was used by the early Romans, Greeks,
and Egyptians to count and calculate. Even though
they are no longer in use, certainly, these early
devices are fascinating. Computers are embedded
in our history and some people say that we are
completely dependent of them. No matter the
complexity of the task, easy or difficult, some people
can’t do anything without them. Do you contest or
share this opinion?
Alliteration” is one of the Figures of Speech. Read the alternatives and tick the alliterative one.
I. The given text was awfully delicious to read.
II. You’re not wrong.
III. The teaching text took theorical troubles.
Read the sentences from the text given and tick the alternative with the passive voice structure.
I. This realization can be used to your advantage
as a teacher.
II. It exposes them to different ways of thinking.
III. They are being given appropriate materials and
practice for their own needs.
I. MBA. II. unicorn. III. honest