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Q2257675 Espanhol

        El primer concepto de Constitución tuvo lugar en Europa. Allí, pese a darse la primera Constitución en Francia en 1791, como consecuencia directa de la Revolución Francesa, razones políticas de peso llevaron a restarle fuerza jurídica, pues no se la concebía como obligatoria para los órganos del Estado. Por parte de los gobernantes, en general formas de gobierno monárquicas, su violación no se calificaba como antijurídica. Inglaterra, cuna del constitucionalismo, nunca tuvo Constitución escrita y su legitimación se apoya sobre la soberanía del Parlamento y no en la sumisión de éste a normas jurídicas explicitadas en un texto constitucional. A pesar de fallidos intentos de controlar el Parlamento, debemos conceder que éste se autorregula con estricto respeto por el contenido de las leyes que dicta.

        (…) Esta concepción se debilita después de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Tras la Segunda Guerra los Estados Europeos adoptaron, en general, una jurisdicción constitucional que centraliza el control de constitucionalidad de las leyes mediante las Cortes o Consejos constitucionales.

        (…) El otro concepto de Constitución nació en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica. Allí, desde el dictado de la Constitución de 1787, puesta en vigor en 1789, se considera a la Constitución como derecho supremo. Las normas que la integran obligan a los gobernantes a sujetarse a ellas, y son las que les otorgan competencias y a la vez las limitan. Ese concepto de Constitución está sintetizado en lo dicho por el Juez Marshall: “Los poderes del legislativo son definitivos y limitados y para que tales límites no se confundan u olviden se ha escrito la Constitución”.

        (…) Este concepto de Constitución es el que logró aceptación general; la norma constitucional devino norma jurídica obligatoria para garantizar los derechos, deberes y poderes que mediante ella se aseguran y organizan.

Adaptado de Leonardi de Herbón, H. (2004). “Introducción”. In:Constitución de la Nación Argentina. Buenos Aires, Eudeba, pp. 20-23.

Marque a alternativa em que o fragmento “tras la Segunda Guerra”, sublinhado na segunda linha do segundo parágrafo, está corretamente traduzido ao português.
Q2257674 Inglês
E-9.025 Patient Advocacy for Change in Law and Policy

        Physicians may participate in individual acts, grassroots activities, or legally permissible collective action to advocate for change, as provided for in the AMA’s Principles of Medical Ethics. Whenever engaging in advocacy efforts, physicians ...12... ensure that the health of patients is not jeopardized and that patient care is not compromised.
        Formal unionization of physicians, and including physicians-in-training, may tie physicians’ obligations to the interests of workers who may not share physicians’ primary and overriding commitment to patients and the public health. Physicians should not form workplace alliances with those who do not share these ethical priorities.
        Strikes and other collective action may reduce access to care, eliminate or delay necessary care, and interfere with continuity of care. Each of these consequences raises ethical concerns. Physicians should refrain from the use of the strike as a bargaining tactic. In rare circumstances, individual or grassroots actions, such as brief limitations of personal availability, may be appropriate as a means of calling attention to needed changes in patient care. Physicians are cautioned that some actions may put them or their organizations at risk of violating antitrust laws. Consultation with legal counsel is advised.
        Physicians and physicians-in-training should press for needed reforms through the use of informational campaigns, non-disruptive public demonstrations, lobbying and publicity campaigns, and collective negotiation, or other options that do not jeopardize the health of patients or compromise patient care.

(Adapted from
Um sinônimo para not jeopardized, no texto, é 
Q2257673 Inglês
E-9.025 Patient Advocacy for Change in Law and Policy

        Physicians may participate in individual acts, grassroots activities, or legally permissible collective action to advocate for change, as provided for in the AMA’s Principles of Medical Ethics. Whenever engaging in advocacy efforts, physicians ...12... ensure that the health of patients is not jeopardized and that patient care is not compromised.
        Formal unionization of physicians, and including physicians-in-training, may tie physicians’ obligations to the interests of workers who may not share physicians’ primary and overriding commitment to patients and the public health. Physicians should not form workplace alliances with those who do not share these ethical priorities.
        Strikes and other collective action may reduce access to care, eliminate or delay necessary care, and interfere with continuity of care. Each of these consequences raises ethical concerns. Physicians should refrain from the use of the strike as a bargaining tactic. In rare circumstances, individual or grassroots actions, such as brief limitations of personal availability, may be appropriate as a means of calling attention to needed changes in patient care. Physicians are cautioned that some actions may put them or their organizations at risk of violating antitrust laws. Consultation with legal counsel is advised.
        Physicians and physicians-in-training should press for needed reforms through the use of informational campaigns, non-disruptive public demonstrations, lobbying and publicity campaigns, and collective negotiation, or other options that do not jeopardize the health of patients or compromise patient care.

(Adapted from
A palavra que preenche a lacuna corretamente é
Q2257672 Inglês
Professional-Client Relationships: Rethinking Confidentiality, Harm, and Journalists’ Public Health Duties by Renita Coleman, Louisiana State University; Thomas May, Medical College of Wisconsin

        Journalists seldom consider the layers of those affected by their actions; third parties such as families, children, and even people unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. This paper argues for consideration of the broader group, considering a range of options available for doing their duty to inform the public while also minimizing harm to others. Journalists might compare themselves with other professions that have similar roles; anthropologists, for one on such issues as confidentiality and disclosure. A broader lesson is the value of applying different views, theoretical frameworks, and starting points to the ethical issues in any profession.

(Journal of Mass Media Ethics, 2002: volume 17.2 Special Issue: Codes of Ethics)
Infere-se do resumo do artigo que
Q2257671 Inglês
Professional-Client Relationships: Rethinking Confidentiality, Harm, and Journalists’ Public Health Duties by Renita Coleman, Louisiana State University; Thomas May, Medical College of Wisconsin

        Journalists seldom consider the layers of those affected by their actions; third parties such as families, children, and even people unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. This paper argues for consideration of the broader group, considering a range of options available for doing their duty to inform the public while also minimizing harm to others. Journalists might compare themselves with other professions that have similar roles; anthropologists, for one on such issues as confidentiality and disclosure. A broader lesson is the value of applying different views, theoretical frameworks, and starting points to the ethical issues in any profession.

(Journal of Mass Media Ethics, 2002: volume 17.2 Special Issue: Codes of Ethics)
No texto, the broader group refere-se a 
646: E
647: A
648: B
649: C
650: D