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Q1933350 Inglês

Read Text 2 and answer the question. 

Text 2

Here are four passages from an article on awareness of English as a lingua franca (ELF):

1) “Few will deny that research in the area of English as a lingua franca (ELF) has significantly contributed to our understanding of many different facets of communication involving non-native speakers of English. Such studies have added valuable insights to the growing research in the domain of critical applied linguistics and critical pedagogy and have prompted many scholars to problematize all aspects of English language teaching, learning, testing, curriculum designing, etc.”

2) “It is important at this stage to distinguish between the critical and the transformative perspective in ESOL teacher education. While they both share the element of reflection, they are different in a crucial way, although the former has often been seen as an umbrella term that subsumes the latter.”

3) “Critical pedagogy is invaluable in our attempt to understand the complex processes of the global spread of English and the intricate ways in which it continues to be localized and relocalized (Pennycook, 2010). It has the tools to help teachers appreciate the complications of context and the various underlying and often hidden discourses, from learner identity construction in the ESOL classroom (Norton and Toohey, 2011) to language testing (Shohamy, 2004) to the politics of pedagogy in the ‘classroom as a microcosm of the larger social and cultural world’” (Pennycook, 2001: 138).

4) “The value of an ELF-aware transformative perspective to ESOL teacher education lies in its power to help teachers define ELF for themselves and for their teaching contexts. In this way, teachers are involved in the co-construction of ELF and, in particular, in the development of one or more pedagogical frameworks for ELF. To achieve this, teachers have to have an informed awareness of the ELF construct, a critical awareness of their own deeper convictions about essential aspects of language, communication, and language teaching/learning, and the capability to bring about sustainable change in their teaching.” 

From Sifakis, N. C. (2014). "ELF awareness as an opportunity for change: a transformative perspective for ESOL teacher education". Journal of English as a Lingua Franca, 3/2: 317-335

As regards Passage 2, analyse the assertions below:
I. A critical orientation may include a transformative view. II. Critical and transformative perspectives in ESOL are indistinguishable. III. Transformative perspectives are wider than critical orientations.
Choose the correct answer:
Q1933349 Inglês

Read Text 2 and answer the question. 

Text 2

Here are four passages from an article on awareness of English as a lingua franca (ELF):

1) “Few will deny that research in the area of English as a lingua franca (ELF) has significantly contributed to our understanding of many different facets of communication involving non-native speakers of English. Such studies have added valuable insights to the growing research in the domain of critical applied linguistics and critical pedagogy and have prompted many scholars to problematize all aspects of English language teaching, learning, testing, curriculum designing, etc.”

2) “It is important at this stage to distinguish between the critical and the transformative perspective in ESOL teacher education. While they both share the element of reflection, they are different in a crucial way, although the former has often been seen as an umbrella term that subsumes the latter.”

3) “Critical pedagogy is invaluable in our attempt to understand the complex processes of the global spread of English and the intricate ways in which it continues to be localized and relocalized (Pennycook, 2010). It has the tools to help teachers appreciate the complications of context and the various underlying and often hidden discourses, from learner identity construction in the ESOL classroom (Norton and Toohey, 2011) to language testing (Shohamy, 2004) to the politics of pedagogy in the ‘classroom as a microcosm of the larger social and cultural world’” (Pennycook, 2001: 138).

4) “The value of an ELF-aware transformative perspective to ESOL teacher education lies in its power to help teachers define ELF for themselves and for their teaching contexts. In this way, teachers are involved in the co-construction of ELF and, in particular, in the development of one or more pedagogical frameworks for ELF. To achieve this, teachers have to have an informed awareness of the ELF construct, a critical awareness of their own deeper convictions about essential aspects of language, communication, and language teaching/learning, and the capability to bring about sustainable change in their teaching.” 

From Sifakis, N. C. (2014). "ELF awareness as an opportunity for change: a transformative perspective for ESOL teacher education". Journal of English as a Lingua Franca, 3/2: 317-335

The following sentences present information provided in each of the passages from Text 2. Read them, add the corresponding number of each passage (1 to 4), and mark the option that presents the correct sequencing:
( ) Both perspectives attribute value to reflection. ( ) The classroom should be seen as part of a wider context. ( ) ELF teachers are stimulated to reflect on their own teaching. ( ) ELF studies have had great impact on English language teaching.
Q1933324 Pedagogia
Felipe é professor de Física do 2º ano do Ensino Médio. Ele costuma acompanhar a aprendizagem de seus alunos por meio da participação nas aulas, dos exercícios realizados individual e coletivamente e dos trabalhos e provas que compõem a avaliação institucional da escola.
O professor reconhece que a avaliação da aprendizagem no Ensino Médio, conforme previsto nas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Ensino Médio, envolve, ainda, a seguinte dimensão:
Q1701431 Pedagogia
Anna A. S. de Oliveira e Jáima P. de Oliveira, in Oliveira; Fonseca e Reis (2018), analisam que “ao falar de uma escola inclusiva, não podemos perder de vista que estamos nos referindo a um processo altamente complexo, uma vez que exigirá o abandono de um determinado paradigma e seu quadro de concepções e assumir uma nova lógica em relação ao processo educativo”. Segundo as autoras, “a escola é um ambiente formativo para todos – professores, escolares, gestores, servidores ou familiares –, e a contemporaneidade nos coloca frente ao desafio de repensar sua organização e estrutura atual”, com vistas à “inclusão escolar”. “Não é possível fazer meros ajustes, mas pensar em modificações substanciais na forma de ensinar, considerando-se, certamente, que, para ensinar bem, são necessárias condições adequadas para que o professor possa exercer uma didática que rompa com a ideia padronizada de aprendizagem e estabeleça, para tanto,
Q1701430 Pedagogia
Maurício, coordenador pedagógico de uma escola pública municipal da capital paulista, tem se baseado em obras de diversos autores para coordenar o processo de desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional dos professores no âmbito da escola, em que atua. Entre essas obras, consta a de Tardif (2002), em que o autor relaciona “saberes docentes e formação profissional” e aponta “a necessidade de repensar” a “visão disciplinar e aplicacionista da formação profissional”. Segundo afirma Tardif, ele procura mostrar como o conhecimento do trabalho dos professores e o fato de levar em consideração os seus saberes cotidianos permite
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