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Q1918295 Inglês

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Arboviruses is the name of other diseases caused by Aedes aegypti mosquito. 

Q1918294 Inglês

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The government is not taking any precautions to combat the dengue mosquito. 

Q1918292 Inglês

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There are examples of the present simple and present perfect in the following sentence: “The bulletin also informs that 365 municipalities have reported cases, of which 287 had confirmed cases” (lines from 24 to 26).  

Q1918291 Inglês

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It would be grammatically correct and it would not change the meaning of the sentence if the preposition “above” was replaced by the preposition below in the sentence: The numbers of the weekly dengue bulletin, released today, reveal that probable and confirmed cases are below expectations for the epidemiological period
Q1918288 Redação Oficial

No que se refere à correção gramatical dos trechos apresentados e à adequação da linguagem à correspondência oficial, julgue o item. 

Em comprimento à determinação dessa Comissão de Controle e Fiscalização, encaminhamos, anexo, a documentação e as informações referentes ao processo de registro da Empresa ZYX para as devidas providências que se fizerem necessárias para tanto. 

186: C
187: E
188: C
189: E
190: E