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At its heart, gamification is about taking elements from games and applying them to non-game settings (Deterding, 2011). While many look at modern video games as a key inspiration for gamification, central elements such as points and levels come out of tabletop roleplaying games. While no one has yet succeeded in coming up with an undisputed definition for "game," most would agree that to be considered a game, it must include at least the following aspects:
1. Interactivity: If there is no way for the player to affect change on the system; if there is nothing for the player to actually do, then it ceases to be a game.
2. Rules: A mechanism to constrain the behavior of players in pre-specified ways.
3. Goal(s): One or more objectives that players pursue while interacting with the game.
4. Quantifiable measure of progress (or success): This can be as simple as a binary acknowledgement of completion, or as complex as a set of cricket scores.
5. Definite ending: While some applications commonly referred to as games do not have clear endings (The Sims, for example), most games have a clear endpoint. By this measure of game, it could easily be argued that a formal educational course meets these criteria.
Source: Gamification in the Classroom: Old Wine in New Badges, by Katrin Becker and Scott Nicholson. In: Learning, Education and Games Volume Two: Bringing Games into Educational Contexis. ETC Press, 2006. Available on: hitps:// Gam ification in the Classroom Old Wine in New Badges
Analise as seguintes afirmativas sobre o texto “Essential Game Elements”:
I. É possível inferir do texto que o autor acredita que a maioria das pessoas que estão tentando definir o que é um jogo concordam que jogos contém pelo menos um aspecto dos indicados no texto.
II. É possível dizer que para facilitar a leitura do texto, todos os aspectos de jogos listados no texto deveriam conter substantivos, tornando a lista uma estrutura paralela.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
At its heart, gamification is about taking elements from games and applying them to non-game settings (Deterding, 2011). While many look at modern video games as a key inspiration for gamification, central elements such as points and levels come out of tabletop roleplaying games. While no one has yet succeeded in coming up with an undisputed definition for "game," most would agree that to be considered a game, it must include at least the following aspects:
1. Interactivity: If there is no way for the player to affect change on the system; if there is nothing for the player to actually do, then it ceases to be a game.
2. Rules: A mechanism to constrain the behavior of players in pre-specified ways.
3. Goal(s): One or more objectives that players pursue while interacting with the game.
4. Quantifiable measure of progress (or success): This can be as simple as a binary acknowledgement of completion, or as complex as a set of cricket scores.
5. Definite ending: While some applications commonly referred to as games do not have clear endings (The Sims, for example), most games have a clear endpoint. By this measure of game, it could easily be argued that a formal educational course meets these criteria.
Source: Gamification in the Classroom: Old Wine in New Badges, by Katrin Becker and Scott Nicholson. In: Learning, Education and Games Volume Two: Bringing Games into Educational Contexis. ETC Press, 2006. Available on: hitps:// Gam ification in the Classroom Old Wine in New Badges
Analise as seguintes afirmativas sobre o texto "Essential Game Elements”:
I. Gamification é uma metodologia ativa na qual professores usam jogos modernos em sala de aula para instigar a aprendizagem participativa.
Il. Uma sala de aula em um curso de educação formal que não utiliza gamification possui elementos de games, como os apontados no texto.
llI. Uma sala de aula de língua inglesa pode se beneficiar de gamification na maioria dos elementos, exceto o "final definido” (elemento 5), pois a língua(gem) está mudando constantemente e aprender inglês é uma descoberta constante.
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This morning, the village school opened. I had twenty scholars. But three of the number can read: none write or cipher. Several knit, and a few sew a little. They speak with the broadest accent of the district. At present, they and Ihave a difficulty in understanding each other's language. Some of them are unmannered, rough, intractable, as well as ignorant; but others are docile, have a wish to learn, and evince a disposition that pleases me. I must not forget that these coarsely-clad little peasants are of flesh and blood as good as the scions of gentlest genealogy; and that the germs of native excellence, refinement, intelligence, kind feeling, are as likely to exist in their hearts as in those of the best-born. My duty will be to develop these germs: surely I shall find some happiness in discharging that office. Much enjoyment I do not expect in the life opening before me: yet it will, doubtless, if I regulate my mind, and exert my powers as I ought, yield me enough to live on from day to day.
Source: Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brônte (1847). Available on: Jane%20Eyre.pdf
Examine the following statements about the extract from the novel 'Jane Eyre':
I. In 'I must not forget that these coarsely-clad little peasants are of flesh and blood as good as the scions of gentlest genealogy', the narrator uses the expression in bold to convince herself of the good nature of the students she is describing.
II. In 'the germs of native excellence, refinement, intelligence, kind feeling, are as likely to exist in their hearts as in those of the best-born.', the expression in bold makes a comparison of equality between the positive traits in peasant students and those best-born.
Choose the CORRECT answer:
This morning, the village school opened. I had twenty scholars. But three of the number can read: none write or cipher. Several knit, and a few sew a little. They speak with the broadest accent of the district. At present, they and Ihave a difficulty in understanding each other's language. Some of them are unmannered, rough, intractable, as well as ignorant; but others are docile, have a wish to learn, and evince a disposition that pleases me. I must not forget that these coarsely-clad little peasants are of flesh and blood as good as the scions of gentlest genealogy; and that the germs of native excellence, refinement, intelligence, kind feeling, are as likely to exist in their hearts as in those of the best-born. My duty will be to develop these germs: surely I shall find some happiness in discharging that office. Much enjoyment I do not expect in the life opening before me: yet it will, doubtless, if I regulate my mind, and exert my powers as I ought, yield me enough to live on from day to day.
Source: Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brônte (1847). Available on: Jane%20Eyre.pdf
Examine the following statements about the extract from the novel 'Jane Eyre':
I. In 'They speak with the broadest accent of the district', there is an example of a superlative.
II. In 'none write or cipher', by changing the word 'cipher' to 'do Maths', the meaning of the sentence changes little to none.
III. In 'Much enjoyment I do not expect in the life opening before me”, a more expected order for the sentence would be “I do not expect much enjoyment in the life opening before me”.
Choose the CORRECT answer:
This morning, the village school opened. I had twenty scholars. But three of the number can read: none write or cipher. Several knit, and a few sew a little. They speak with the broadest accent of the district. At present, they and Ihave a difficulty in understanding each other's language. Some of them are unmannered, rough, intractable, as well as ignorant; but others are docile, have a wish to learn, and evince a disposition that pleases me. I must not forget that these coarsely-clad little peasants are of flesh and blood as good as the scions of gentlest genealogy; and that the germs of native excellence, refinement, intelligence, kind feeling, are as likely to exist in their hearts as in those of the best-born. My duty will be to develop these germs: surely I shall find some happiness in discharging that office. Much enjoyment I do not expect in the life opening before me: yet it will, doubtless, if I regulate my mind, and exert my powers as I ought, yield me enough to live on from day to day.
Source: Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brônte (1847). Available on: Jane%20Eyre.pdf
Examine the following statements about the extract from the novel 'Jane Eyre':
I. The narrator is a teacher who has been in a long career teaching villagers.
II. The narrator believes the unmannered and ignorant students have no means of learning since they have difficulty understanding each other's language.
III.The narrator expresses a preference for students with a wish to learn for they have native excellence.
Choose the CORRECT answer:
Why Cheating Increased in the Pandemic and What to Do About It
1 Right now, talking about honesty might feel old-fashioned. The pandemic and its ripple effects of anxiety and stress may seem like a license to prioritize our wants and needs over our oughts and shoulds. In particular, more than a few students and parents I've spoken with in recent months told me that until this crisis is behind us, it should be OK to cheat a little on homework and exams. And nationwide, reports of cheating at college since the advent of the pandemic have skyrocketed.
2 New research shows that, indeed, students who report higher levels of distress, sadness, and other negative emotions tend to adopt more generous attitudes toward plagiarism, which in turn predicts actually committing more plagiarism. In other words, when you're feeling besieged, doing the right thing is even harder than usual.
3 Don't underestimate the influence of stress on every aspect of behavior, including honesty. Decisions to do the right thing are more difficult when you feel like you're struggling.
Source: Adapted from "Why Cheating Increased in the Pandemic and What to Do About It”, by Angela Duckworth, 2022. Disponível em: increased-in-the-pandemic-and-what-to-do-about- it/2022/04
Examine the following statements about the text 'Why Cheating Increased in the Pandemic and What to Do About it", considering numbers 1, 2 and 3 as marks of the paragraphs in the text:
I. In the first paragraph, the author relates the problem of cheating in school settings to the pandemic, evidencing how parents are the main motivators for this change.
Il. In the second paragraph, the author exposes her opinion on plagiarism and confirms students who report high levels of distress are more lenient on cheating.
Ill. In the third paragraph, the author brings her personal experiences to reinforce the connection between negative emotions and honesty, making this an argumentative essay.
Choose the CORRECT answer:
Why Cheating Increased in the Pandemic and What to Do About It
1 Right now, talking about honesty might feel old-fashioned. The pandemic and its ripple effects of anxiety and stress may seem like a license to prioritize our wants and needs over our oughts and shoulds. In particular, more than a few students and parents I've spoken with in recent months told me that until this crisis is behind us, it should be OK to cheat a little on homework and exams. And nationwide, reports of cheating at college since the advent of the pandemic have skyrocketed.
2 New research shows that, indeed, students who report higher levels of distress, sadness, and other negative emotions tend to adopt more generous attitudes toward plagiarism, which in turn predicts actually committing more plagiarism. In other words, when you're feeling besieged, doing the right thing is even harder than usual.
3 Don't underestimate the influence of stress on every aspect of behavior, including honesty. Decisions to do the right thing are more difficult when you feel like you're struggling.
Source: Adapted from "Why Cheating Increased in the Pandemic and What to Do About It”, by Angela Duckworth, 2022. Disponível em: increased-in-the-pandemic-and-what-to-do-about- it/2022/04
Examine the following statements about the text 'Why Cheating Increased in the Pandemic and What to Do About it':
|. By skimming the text, we can verify that the main idea of the text is how negative emotions influence cheating in school settings.
Il. By scanning the text, we can verify that the sentence “when you're feeling besieged, doing the right thing is even harder than usual” is the main idea of the text.
Choose the CORRECT answer:
Recently in South Africa, | was with Sônia Nieto, a distinguished American scholar. A South African-Israeli, whom we had only just met socially, engaged her in conversation about language issues in the US. Taking her for a white, native speaker of English, he expressed the view that Spanish migrants in the US should not speak Spanish but English. If they live in the US, he told us, they should 'melt', no doubt referring to the metaphor of 'America' as the great 'melting pot' where anyone is supposed to be able to achieve the 'American dream' and become successful.
What he did not know is that Dr Nieto identifies herself as a Puerto Rican-American, her husband comes from Spain and members of her family are Spanish-English bilinguals. She is a qualified bilingual educator, who is known internationally for her work in bilingual and multicultural education. It was interesting to see this man come face to face with someone who both challenged: his taken-for-granted view of language as wellas his stereotype of Latinas.
Source: Adapted from 'Doing Critical Literacy: Texts and Actívíties for Students and Teachers, by Hilary Janks, Routledge, 2014.
Examine the following statements about the text 'Whose home language matters':
I. The title of the text refers to the idea that the English language is worthier than the Spanish language.
ll. The situation in the text contains irony since the man's ideas oppose the nature of the person he is speaking to.
Choose the CORRECT answer:
Recently in South Africa, | was with Sônia Nieto, a distinguished American scholar. A South African-Israeli, whom we had only just met socially, engaged her in conversation about language issues in the US. Taking her for a white, native speaker of English, he expressed the view that Spanish migrants in the US should not speak Spanish but English. If they live in the US, he told us, they should 'melt', no doubt referring to the metaphor of 'America' as the great 'melting pot' where anyone is supposed to be able to achieve the 'American dream' and become successful.
What he did not know is that Dr Nieto identifies herself as a Puerto Rican-American, her husband comes from Spain and members of her family are Spanish-English bilinguals. She is a qualified bilingual educator, who is known internationally for her work in bilingual and multicultural education. It was interesting to see this man come face to face with someone who both challenged: his taken-for-granted view of language as wellas his stereotype of Latinas.
Source: Adapted from 'Doing Critical Literacy: Texts and Actívíties for Students and Teachers, by Hilary Janks, Routledge, 2014.
Examine the following statements about the text 'Whose home language matters':?
I. The bilingual education mentioned in the text purposes one should learn two languages perfectly in order to succeed in different linguistic and cultural contexts, which supports the need for studying English from early school years, as it is in Brazil.
II. The Curriculum of Pernambuco agrees with the view of the South African-Israeli man when he says immigrants should "melt", since becoming used to other cultures and languages involves overcoming aspects of both.
Choose the CORRECT answer:
Recently in South Africa, | was with Sônia Nieto, a distinguished American scholar. A South African-Israeli, whom we had only just met socially, engaged her in conversation about language issues in the US. Taking her for a white, native speaker of English, he expressed the view that Spanish migrants in the US should not speak Spanish but English. If they live in the US, he told us, they should 'melt', no doubt referring to the metaphor of 'America' as the great 'melting pot' where anyone is supposed to be able to achieve the 'American dream' and become successful.
What he did not know is that Dr Nieto identifies herself as a Puerto Rican-American, her husband comes from Spain and members of her family are Spanish-English bilinguals. She is a qualified bilingual educator, who is known internationally for her work in bilingual and multicultural education. It was interesting to see this man come face to face with someone who both challenged: his taken-for-granted view of language as wellas his stereotype of Latinas.
Source: Adapted from 'Doing Critical Literacy: Texts and Actívíties for Students and Teachers, by Hilary Janks, Routledge, 2014.
Examine the following stratements about the text ‘Whose home language matters?':
I. In the sentence: 'A South African-Israeli, whom we had only Jjustmet socialy, engaged her in conversation about language issues in the US', the word in bold acts as the subject in the clause it introduces.
II. In the sentence: 'She is a qualified bilingual educator, who is known internationally for her work in bilingual and multicultural education’, the word in bold should be changed to 'whom'.
IlI. In the sentence: 'his taken-for-granted view of language as well as his stereotype of Latinas’, the idiom in bold can be changed to ‘imaginable’ since both have the same meaning.
Choose the CORRECT answer:
Recently in South Africa, | was with Sônia Nieto, a distinguished American scholar. A South African-Israeli, whom we had only just met socially, engaged her in conversation about language issues in the US. Taking her for a white, native speaker of English, he expressed the view that Spanish migrants in the US should not speak Spanish but English. If they live in the US, he told us, they should 'melt', no doubt referring to the metaphor of 'America' as the great 'melting pot' where anyone is supposed to be able to achieve the 'American dream' and become successful.
What he did not know is that Dr Nieto identifies herself as a Puerto Rican-American, her husband comes from Spain and members of her family are Spanish-English bilinguals. She is a qualified bilingual educator, who is known internationally for her work in bilingual and multicultural education. It was interesting to see this man come face to face with someone who both challenged: his taken-for-granted view of language as wellas his stereotype of Latinas.
Source: Adapted from 'Doing Critical Literacy: Texts and Actívíties for Students and Teachers, by Hilary Janks, Routledge, 2014.
Examina the following statements abput the text "Whose home language matters?":
l. The South African-Israeli man expressed his view of the need for migrants to learn English as a requisite to stay in the US because he thought Dr. Nieto was a white woman, not a Latina.
Il Dr. Nieto is likely to agree with the opinion of the South African-Israeli man, considering her studies on bilingual education.
lll. The South African-Israeli man believes Spanish migrants in the US can be more successful if they speak English as a second language.
Choose the CORRECT answer:
Análise as afirmativas a seguir:
l. Ao adotar a perspectiva de multiletramentos e multiculturalidade no ensino de lingua estrangeira, a aprendizagem passa a ser reconhecida na troca de experiências entre pessoas, no choque de conceitos e realidades que desenvolvem a consciência critica.
II. Ao trazer a perspectiva da pluralidade cultural à escola, busca-se combater atitudes discriminatórias nas relações sociais entre pessoas de diferentes paises ao criar novas formas de relação social e interpessoal com interação e respeito ao estrangeiro.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
Considerando-se o ensino e a aprendizagem na perspectiva da pluralidade cultural, analise as afirmativas a seguir:
I. A pluralidade cultural oferece aos alunos oportunidades de reconhecimento de seu valor cultural em comparação com outros paises, valorização das diversas culturas presentes no Brasil e aprendizagem de formas de defesa contra preconceitos.
II. A pluralidade cultural é um fator de declinio da democracia por conta de seus efeitos no tecido social, através da fortificação da cultura individual e dos lagos entre grupos sociais.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
Analise as afirmativas a seguir:
I.O ensino da lingua inglesa na escola deve expor o aluno a informações e experiências oferecidas por diferentes préticas culturais, apresentando-o a outras possibilidades de se agir no mundo.
II. O curriculo escolar de lingua inglesa não é resultado de uma selegdo neutra, e reconhece o poder e influência da economia norte-americana e o papel hegemanico do inglês nas trocas internacionais.
III. O acesso à lingua inglesa através da escola representa ao aluno a possibilidade de se envolver em interações sociais que extrapolam seus limites geográficos e mudam o vínculo com seu espaço social mais imediato.
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Análise as afirmativas a seguir:
I. A função da avaliação é sustentar e orientar a pratica pedagógica essencialmente através da constatago do nivel linguístico alcançado pelo aluno.
II. A avaliação é uma atividade contínua e alimentadora do processo de ensino unicamente, pois dá retorno ao professor do desenvolvimento no percurso de aprendizagem linguistica.
lll. A avaliação da aprendizagem de língua inglesa não envolve outros participantes do processo educacional como pais ou sociedade, uma vez que evidencia resultados da prática pedagógica em sala de aula.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
Analise as afirmativas a seguir:
I. Uma forma de diminuir a assimetria interacional entre professores e alunos é diminuir, em sala de aula, o tempo preenchido pela fala do aluno, dando espago para que ele possa gradativamente se constituir sujeito do discurso.
II. O tempo de fala do professor em sala de aula pouco afeta o ensino da habilidade oral, visto que o aluno está aprendendo a se colocar no mundo pelo uso da lingua estrangeira, portanto, não tem habilidade para construir longos textos orais.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
Considerando-se as práticas no ensino da leitura e escrita em língua inglesa, analise as afirmativas a seguir:
I. No processo de planejamento do ensino da escrita de lingua inglesa, o professor deve incluir atividades no pós-leitura que relacionem a ficha técnica do texto escrito com as ideias expostas pelo autor.
II. No processo do planejamento do ensino da escrita de lingua inglesa, o professor deve deixar clara a situação de comunicação e suas possiveis utilizagbes sociointeracionais, a fim de minimizar dificuldades da escrita com clareza.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
Analise as afirmativas a seguir:
I. Para que um professor possa utilizar metodologias ativas em sua sala de aula, ele não precisa mudar o plano politico-pedagdgico (PPP) de sua escola;
II. O professor pode usar alguma metodologia ativa de ensino em seu plano de ensino desde que ele não desvie das diretrizes escolares.
III. O planejamento de disciplina deve ser flexivel, pois com a interagdo entre estudantes e professor em sala de aula, ambos podem necessitar de outros planos e decisões diferentes daqueles feitos inicialmente.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
Análise as afirmativas a seguir:
I. O curriculo do Ipojuca traga a perspectiva de uma educagdo multicultural, considerando como diversas linguagens, midias e culturas permeiam a sociedade hoje em dia.
II. O curriculo do Ipojuca reconhece que a aprendizagem acontece durante a troca de experiéncias entre pessoas, e o confronto entre diferentes culturas ou perspectivas gera oportunidades para desenvolver um pensamento critico.
III. O curriculo do Ipojuca considera que as oportunidades para aprender inglés e desenvolver o pensamento critico não ocorrem nas escolas publicas do Brasil, pois nenhum aluno está inserido em contextos reais do uso da lingua inglesa.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA:
Analise as afirmativas a seguir:
l. Com base na BNCC/2017 e no curriculo de Pernambuco, o ensino de lingua inglesa visa garantir o desenvolvimento das seguintes competências: identificar pontos de similaridade entre a Lingua Inglesa e outras linguas, fazendo associações em seus aspectos sociais, culturais e identitarios, singularizando lingua, cultura e identidade, especialmente, com relação ao idioma materno.
ll. Com base na BNCC/2017 e no curriculo de Pernambuco, o ensino de lingua inglesa visa garantir o desenvolvimento das seguintes competéncias: utilizar novas tecnologias como forma de interação com novas formas de linguagem e produção de sentidos em praticas de letramento em lingua inglesa, visando a instrumentalização dos estudantes em um mundo globalizado que demanda cada vez mais o uso de artefatos tecnolégicos.
lll. Com base na BNCC/2017 e no curriculo de Pernambuco, o ensino de lingua inglesa visa garantir o desenvolvimento das seguintes competéncias: comunicar-se, na Lingua Inglesa, através das midias digitais, reconhecendo-as como unicas ferramentas de acesso ao conhecimento e ampliação de perspectivas e possibilidades para a compreensao dos valores e interesses de outras culturas.
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