Questões de Concurso Comentadas para professor - inglês

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Q2410172 Pedagogia

Durante a Era Vargas (1930 – 1945) houveram diversas transformações no que tange à educação brasileira. Identifique qual alternativa descreve CORRETAMENTE uma das consolidações deste período.

Q2410171 Pedagogia

O "Manifesto dos Pioneiros da Educação Nova" consolidava a visão de um segmento da elite intelectual que, embora com diferentes posições ideológicas, vislumbrava a possibilidade de interferir na organização da sociedade brasileira do ponto de vista da educação. Este movimento tinha como bandeira de luta:

Q2410170 Pedagogia

Dentro dos fundamentos pedagógicos da BNCC encontramos a defesa da educação integral, que é tomada como conceito diretamente relacionado a uma visão de ensino dedicado:

Q2410169 Pedagogia

As competências gerais da Educação Básica estão interrelacionadas e estão presentes no tratamento didático proposto para as três etapas da Educação. Desse modo, assinale a alternativa que descreve CORRETAMENTE uma destas competências em conformidade com a BNCC.

Q2410167 Pedagogia

A Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional define que a classificação em qualquer série ou etapa, exceto a primeira do ensino fundamental poderá ser feita, entre outras modalidades, por promoção que se refere a:

Q2410166 Pedagogia

O construtivismo ocupa uma posição importante dentro das teorias de aprendizagem, baseado na perspectiva de que o aluno constrói seu conhecimento a partir da interação entre sujeitos e o meio. No ensino construtivista:

Q2409893 Inglês

Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 47 a 50.

We commonly observe in second language learners a plethora of errors attributable to the negative transfer of the native language to the target language. There can be interlingual interference at the phonological, syntactic, lexical, and semantic levels of language. For example, one might find a beginner learner who says “I am in New York since January”. Examples of distinctions at the lexical level may be seen in false cognates.

The early stages of second language learning are characterized by a predominance of interference (interlingual transfer), but once learners have begun to acquire parts of the new system, more and more intralingual transfer – generalization within the target language – is manifested. Negative intralingual transfer or overgeneralization is seen in such utterances as “Does John can sing?” or “He goed”.

A number of different categories for description of errors have been identified in research on learner language, among them:

I. The most generalized errors of addition, omission, substitution, and ordering. In English, for example, a definite article can be omitted (I went to movie), or an item substituted (/ lost my road), or a word order confused (I to the store went).

II. Within each category, levels of language can be considered: phonology or orthography, lexicon, grammar, and discourse. Often, of course, it is difficult to distinguish different levels of errors. A word with a faulty pronunciation, for example, might hide a syntactic or lexical error.

III. Errors may also be viewed as either global or local. Global errors hinder communication; they prevent the hearer from comprehending some aspect of the message. Local errors do not prevent the message from being heard, usually because there is only a minor violation of one segment of a sentence.

(BROWN, D. Principles of Language Learning and teaching. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents, 1994. Adaptado)

Leia a charge e compare-a ao texto anterior de Brown.

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Q2409887 Inglês

Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 47 a 50.

We commonly observe in second language learners a plethora of errors attributable to the negative transfer of the native language to the target language. There can be interlingual interference at the phonological, syntactic, lexical, and semantic levels of language. For example, one might find a beginner learner who says “I am in New York since January”. Examples of distinctions at the lexical level may be seen in false cognates.

The early stages of second language learning are characterized by a predominance of interference (interlingual transfer), but once learners have begun to acquire parts of the new system, more and more intralingual transfer – generalization within the target language – is manifested. Negative intralingual transfer or overgeneralization is seen in such utterances as “Does John can sing?” or “He goed”.

A number of different categories for description of errors have been identified in research on learner language, among them:

I. The most generalized errors of addition, omission, substitution, and ordering. In English, for example, a definite article can be omitted (I went to movie), or an item substituted (/ lost my road), or a word order confused (I to the store went).

II. Within each category, levels of language can be considered: phonology or orthography, lexicon, grammar, and discourse. Often, of course, it is difficult to distinguish different levels of errors. A word with a faulty pronunciation, for example, might hide a syntactic or lexical error.

III. Errors may also be viewed as either global or local. Global errors hinder communication; they prevent the hearer from comprehending some aspect of the message. Local errors do not prevent the message from being heard, usually because there is only a minor violation of one segment of a sentence.

(BROWN, D. Principles of Language Learning and teaching. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents, 1994. Adaptado)

When presenting the three categories of errors in language learning, the author states that

Q2409876 Inglês

Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 47 a 50.

We commonly observe in second language learners a plethora of errors attributable to the negative transfer of the native language to the target language. There can be interlingual interference at the phonological, syntactic, lexical, and semantic levels of language. For example, one might find a beginner learner who says “I am in New York since January”. Examples of distinctions at the lexical level may be seen in false cognates.

The early stages of second language learning are characterized by a predominance of interference (interlingual transfer), but once learners have begun to acquire parts of the new system, more and more intralingual transfer – generalization within the target language – is manifested. Negative intralingual transfer or overgeneralization is seen in such utterances as “Does John can sing?” or “He goed”.

A number of different categories for description of errors have been identified in research on learner language, among them:

I. The most generalized errors of addition, omission, substitution, and ordering. In English, for example, a definite article can be omitted (I went to movie), or an item substituted (/ lost my road), or a word order confused (I to the store went).

II. Within each category, levels of language can be considered: phonology or orthography, lexicon, grammar, and discourse. Often, of course, it is difficult to distinguish different levels of errors. A word with a faulty pronunciation, for example, might hide a syntactic or lexical error.

III. Errors may also be viewed as either global or local. Global errors hinder communication; they prevent the hearer from comprehending some aspect of the message. Local errors do not prevent the message from being heard, usually because there is only a minor violation of one segment of a sentence.

(BROWN, D. Principles of Language Learning and teaching. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents, 1994. Adaptado)

Assinale a alternativa em que há um erro decorrente de overgeneralization na construção da pergunta.

Q2409867 Inglês

Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 47 a 50.

We commonly observe in second language learners a plethora of errors attributable to the negative transfer of the native language to the target language. There can be interlingual interference at the phonological, syntactic, lexical, and semantic levels of language. For example, one might find a beginner learner who says “I am in New York since January”. Examples of distinctions at the lexical level may be seen in false cognates.

The early stages of second language learning are characterized by a predominance of interference (interlingual transfer), but once learners have begun to acquire parts of the new system, more and more intralingual transfer – generalization within the target language – is manifested. Negative intralingual transfer or overgeneralization is seen in such utterances as “Does John can sing?” or “He goed”.

A number of different categories for description of errors have been identified in research on learner language, among them:

I. The most generalized errors of addition, omission, substitution, and ordering. In English, for example, a definite article can be omitted (I went to movie), or an item substituted (/ lost my road), or a word order confused (I to the store went).

II. Within each category, levels of language can be considered: phonology or orthography, lexicon, grammar, and discourse. Often, of course, it is difficult to distinguish different levels of errors. A word with a faulty pronunciation, for example, might hide a syntactic or lexical error.

III. Errors may also be viewed as either global or local. Global errors hinder communication; they prevent the hearer from comprehending some aspect of the message. Local errors do not prevent the message from being heard, usually because there is only a minor violation of one segment of a sentence.

(BROWN, D. Principles of Language Learning and teaching. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents, 1994. Adaptado)

As far as noun number is concerned, we can say there is an example of negative transfer from Portuguese into English in:

Q2409862 Inglês

Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 43 a 46.

In 1972 a British linguist, D. A. Wilkins, proposed a functional or communicative definition of language that could serve as a basis for developing communicative syllabuses for language teaching. Wilkins’s contribution was an analysis of the communicative meanings that a language learner needs to understand and express. Rather than describe the core of language through traditional concepts of grammar and vocabulary, Wilkins attempted to demonstrate the systems of meanings that lay behind the communicative uses of language. He described two types of meanings: notional categories (concepts such as time, sequence, quantity, location) and categories of communicative function (requests, denials, offers, complaints).

Proponents of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) see it as an approach that aims to (a) make communicative competence the goal of language teaching and (b) develop procedures for the teaching of language skills that acknowledge the interdependence of language and communication. Its comprehensiveness thus makes it different in scope and status from any of the earlier traditions in language teaching. There is no single text or authority on it, nor any single model that is universally accepted as authoritative. What is essential in all of them is that at least two parties are involved in an interaction of some kind where one party has an intention and the other party expands or reacts to the intention.

(RICHARDS, J.C. & RODGERS,T. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge: CUP, 2001. Adaptado)

In the fragment from the first paragraph “Rather than describe the core of language through traditional concepts of grammar and vocabulary”, the underlined expression means the same as

Q2409850 Inglês

Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 43 a 46.

In 1972 a British linguist, D. A. Wilkins, proposed a functional or communicative definition of language that could serve as a basis for developing communicative syllabuses for language teaching. Wilkins’s contribution was an analysis of the communicative meanings that a language learner needs to understand and express. Rather than describe the core of language through traditional concepts of grammar and vocabulary, Wilkins attempted to demonstrate the systems of meanings that lay behind the communicative uses of language. He described two types of meanings: notional categories (concepts such as time, sequence, quantity, location) and categories of communicative function (requests, denials, offers, complaints).

Proponents of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) see it as an approach that aims to (a) make communicative competence the goal of language teaching and (b) develop procedures for the teaching of language skills that acknowledge the interdependence of language and communication. Its comprehensiveness thus makes it different in scope and status from any of the earlier traditions in language teaching. There is no single text or authority on it, nor any single model that is universally accepted as authoritative. What is essential in all of them is that at least two parties are involved in an interaction of some kind where one party has an intention and the other party expands or reacts to the intention.

(RICHARDS, J.C. & RODGERS,T. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge: CUP, 2001. Adaptado)

In Communicative Language Teaching, errors

Q2409849 Inglês

Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 43 a 46.

In 1972 a British linguist, D. A. Wilkins, proposed a functional or communicative definition of language that could serve as a basis for developing communicative syllabuses for language teaching. Wilkins’s contribution was an analysis of the communicative meanings that a language learner needs to understand and express. Rather than describe the core of language through traditional concepts of grammar and vocabulary, Wilkins attempted to demonstrate the systems of meanings that lay behind the communicative uses of language. He described two types of meanings: notional categories (concepts such as time, sequence, quantity, location) and categories of communicative function (requests, denials, offers, complaints).

Proponents of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) see it as an approach that aims to (a) make communicative competence the goal of language teaching and (b) develop procedures for the teaching of language skills that acknowledge the interdependence of language and communication. Its comprehensiveness thus makes it different in scope and status from any of the earlier traditions in language teaching. There is no single text or authority on it, nor any single model that is universally accepted as authoritative. What is essential in all of them is that at least two parties are involved in an interaction of some kind where one party has an intention and the other party expands or reacts to the intention.

(RICHARDS, J.C. & RODGERS,T. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge: CUP, 2001. Adaptado)

O objetivo do Ensino Comunicativo de Línguas expresso na afirmação “develop procedures for the teaching of the four language skills that acknowledge the interdependence of language and communication” traz a seguinte implicação:

Q2409848 Inglês

Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 43 a 46.

In 1972 a British linguist, D. A. Wilkins, proposed a functional or communicative definition of language that could serve as a basis for developing communicative syllabuses for language teaching. Wilkins’s contribution was an analysis of the communicative meanings that a language learner needs to understand and express. Rather than describe the core of language through traditional concepts of grammar and vocabulary, Wilkins attempted to demonstrate the systems of meanings that lay behind the communicative uses of language. He described two types of meanings: notional categories (concepts such as time, sequence, quantity, location) and categories of communicative function (requests, denials, offers, complaints).

Proponents of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) see it as an approach that aims to (a) make communicative competence the goal of language teaching and (b) develop procedures for the teaching of language skills that acknowledge the interdependence of language and communication. Its comprehensiveness thus makes it different in scope and status from any of the earlier traditions in language teaching. There is no single text or authority on it, nor any single model that is universally accepted as authoritative. What is essential in all of them is that at least two parties are involved in an interaction of some kind where one party has an intention and the other party expands or reacts to the intention.

(RICHARDS, J.C. & RODGERS,T. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge: CUP, 2001. Adaptado)

The comparison between CLT and the earlier structuralist tradition will reveal that

Q2409357 Pedagogia

A Lei n° 13.257, de 8 de maço de 2016, dispõe sobre as políticas públicas para a primeira infância e altera documentos precedentes referentes ao tema. Leia a seguir um excerto do documento.

“Os programas de __________ voltados ao cuidado e educação na primeira infância deverão contar com ________ , apoiados por medidas que assegurem sua permanência e formação continuada.”

Assinale a alternativa que preenche, correta e respectivamente, as lacunas do excerto.

Q2409356 Pedagogia

Em conversa com o diretor de uma escola da rede pública de sua cidade, Sandra anotou uma série de informações sobre o Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE) – recurso que busca para seu filho, um menino de 9 anos com Transtorno do Espectro Autista. Em suas anotações, listou a Resolução n° 4, de 2 de outubro de 2009 (que “institui diretrizes operacionais para o Atendimento Educacional Especializado na Educação Básica, modalidade Educação Especial”), citada pelo diretor.

Assinale a alternativa que, a partir da leitura do documento, resulta correta.

Q2409353 Pedagogia

A Resolução CNE/CEB n° 5, de 17 de dezembro de 2009, fixa as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Educação Infantil. Leia a seguir um excerto do documento.

“É considerada Educação Infantil em tempo parcial, a jornada de, no mínimo, ____________ horas diárias e, em tempo integral, a jornada com duração igual ou superior a __________ horas diárias, compreendendo o tempo total que a criança permanece na instituição.”

Assinale a alternativa que preenche, correta e respectivamente, as lacunas do excerto.

Q2409352 Pedagogia

A Resolução CNE/CEB n° 7, de 14 de dezembro de 2010, que fixa Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Fundamental de 9 (nove) anos, afirma que a educação de qualidade, como um direito fundamental, é, antes de tudo, relevante, pertinente e equitativa. Em relação ao terceiro desses atributos, o referido documento afirma explicitamente que a equidade

Q2409350 Pedagogia

A Resolução CNE/CEB n° 4, de 13 de julho de 2010, que define Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais Gerais para a Educação Básica, diferencia a base nacional comum e a parte diversificada que devem compor o currículo da Educação Básica. De acordo com o que determina o documento, é correto afirmar que

Q2409348 Pedagogia

A Resolução CNE/CEB n° 4, de 13 de julho de 2010, define Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais Gerais para a Educação Básica. Entre as etapas da Educação Básica, são citados a Educação Infantil, o Ensino Fundamental e o Ensino Médio. Entre as modalidades da Educação Básica expressas no documento, estão

2561: A
2562: A
2563: E
2564: A
2565: D
2566: A
2567: E
2568: C
2569: A
2570: D
2571: C
2572: B
2573: D
2574: A
2575: D
2576: E
2577: B
2578: B
2579: E
2580: C