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Q2291635 Inglês

Text I

English Language Learning In Brazil

        According to the BNCC1 , learning English enables students to engage and participate in a globalized and pluralistic world. It allows students to develop a critical mindset and exercise their citizenship rights while expanding the possibilities of interaction and mobility. In this sense, the BNCC outlines three critical implications for the English curriculum. The first is the globalized nature of English, in which the concepts of language, territory and culture are reconsidered since English speakers are no longer found only in countries where English is the official language. The second implication concerns broadening the definition of literacy, bringing the concept of “multi-literacies” to the Brazilian curriculum as students expand their linguistic knowledge, and English becomes a symbolic asset for Brazilians to express themselves in a different language. Finally, the third implication concerns different teaching approaches, which implies embracing the culture and traditions of the language, not only the formal grammatical standards, breaking with aspects related to “correctness”, “accuracy”, and “proficiency”.


        Even in a challenging context, it is clear that Brazil has made significant progress by approving a new and flexible curriculum for upper secondary schools and putting English mandatory in the standard part of the curriculum. However, major efforts are still required to ensure the smooth implementation of this reform, which the pandemic and the difficulties in coordination across the national and subnational levels have already hindered. 

1BNCC: Base Nacional Comum Curricular

Adapted from:

Text I aims at
Q2291634 Inglês

Text I

English Language Learning In Brazil

        According to the BNCC1 , learning English enables students to engage and participate in a globalized and pluralistic world. It allows students to develop a critical mindset and exercise their citizenship rights while expanding the possibilities of interaction and mobility. In this sense, the BNCC outlines three critical implications for the English curriculum. The first is the globalized nature of English, in which the concepts of language, territory and culture are reconsidered since English speakers are no longer found only in countries where English is the official language. The second implication concerns broadening the definition of literacy, bringing the concept of “multi-literacies” to the Brazilian curriculum as students expand their linguistic knowledge, and English becomes a symbolic asset for Brazilians to express themselves in a different language. Finally, the third implication concerns different teaching approaches, which implies embracing the culture and traditions of the language, not only the formal grammatical standards, breaking with aspects related to “correctness”, “accuracy”, and “proficiency”.


        Even in a challenging context, it is clear that Brazil has made significant progress by approving a new and flexible curriculum for upper secondary schools and putting English mandatory in the standard part of the curriculum. However, major efforts are still required to ensure the smooth implementation of this reform, which the pandemic and the difficulties in coordination across the national and subnational levels have already hindered. 

1BNCC: Base Nacional Comum Curricular

Adapted from:

Based on Text I, mark the statements below as true (T) or false (F).

( ) The BNCC suggests that grammatical rules should obliterate cultural aspects.
( ) The text supports the view that English language teaching should be compulsory in secondary schools.
( ) Some factors, including the pandemic, have affected the implementation of the curriculum reform mentioned.

The statements are, respectively,
Q2286504 Inglês
In the comic below we see a dialogue between internal organs, where the pancreas is asked the following questions:

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

The last question is an example of a tag question. In which of the alternatives below the structure of the tag question is INCORRECT?
Q2286503 Inglês
According to José Carlos Libâneo (2013), the planning of the school year involves organizing and coordinating activities to achieve the goals that were previously established, as well as reviewing and adjusting them through the year. He says that planning serves many purposes related to school, teaching, and classroom management. Analyze the statements about the author’s take on these purposes and mark T, if true, or F, if false.

( ) The planning should explain the principles, guidelines, and procedures of teaching that ensure the articulation between the school's tasks and the criteria of the social context.
( ) It should be as detailed as possible, so the school can ensure teachers and students follow the plan exactly as described, no matter the circumstances.
( ) It should decide the objectives, contents and methods, based on the demands posed by social reality and individual conditions of the students.

The correct order of filling the parentheses, from top to bottom, is:
Q2286502 Inglês
Celso Vasconcellos (2011) writes about didactics in class planning and teacher formation. He says that for a student to actually learn something there are six key-elements. Which of the sentences below does NOT represent a key-element to learning?
Q2286501 Inglês

(Available at:
service/ - text especially adapted for this test).

*Bot: a computer program that works automatically, especially one that searches for and finds information on the internet. ( 09/09/23).
In the excerpt from the text “every interaction matters” (l. 42-43), the use of “matters” is: 
Q2286497 Inglês

(Available at:
service/ - text especially adapted for this test).

*Bot: a computer program that works automatically, especially one that searches for and finds information on the internet. ( 09/09/23).
All excerpts from the text listed below have an -ing structure. Mark the INCORRECT justification for its use.
Q2286495 Inglês

(Available at:
service/ - text especially adapted for this test).

*Bot: a computer program that works automatically, especially one that searches for and finds information on the internet. ( 09/09/23).
What are the highlighted words “it” (l. 21), “those” (l. 24), and “which” (l. 31) referring to, respectively?
Q2284303 Inglês
Two Teens Hitchhiked to a Concert. 50 Years Later, They Haven’t Come Home.

(Available at: – text especially adapted for this test).

*Hitchhike (verb): to travel by getting free rides in someone else's vehicle. (In:
The words in bold “thanked” (l. 14), “dropped” (l. 14), “ignored” (l. 19), and “carried” (l. 19) are all simple past regular verbs, but each one of them follows a different spelling rule. Which alternative shows simple past regular verbs that follow the same rules, respectively?
Q2283402 Noções de Informática
Luís utiliza o Windows 10 e costuma salvar muitos arquivos na sua Área de Trabalho. Durante uma análise do que ele havia salvado, ele selecionou um dos documentos e utilizou o comando de teclado Shift+Delete (o sinal “+” significa que as teclas devem ser pressionadas simultaneamente). Ao utilizar esse comando, o arquivo:
Q2283401 Noções de Informática
Júlia é orientadora pedagógica e criou um relatório que deseja compartilhar com seus colegas para que eles possam colaborar com suas informações. Como existem partes do documento, no Word 2016, nas quais ela quer impedir que seus colegas façam alterações, ela utilizou a opção “Restringir Edição” que está localizada na guia “Revisão”, no grupo: 
Q2283400 Noções de Informática
Ariane é professora e utiliza o Excel 2016 para realizar algumas de suas atividades. Considerando as funcionalidades desse programa, Ariane consegue executar as seguintes tarefas:

I. Criar um gráfico de pizza a partir de sua tabela de dados.
II. Girar o texto de uma célula na diagonal ou vertical.
III. Congelar uma parte da planilha para mantê-la visível enquanto percorre o restante da planilha.

Quais estão corretas? 
Q2283399 Pedagogia
A Lei nº 14.533/2023 instituiu a Política Nacional de Educação Digital (PNED). Analise o trecho abaixo, adaptado do PNED:

Art. 2º – O eixo da inclusão digital deverá ser desenvolvido, dentro dos limites orçamentários e no âmbito de competência de cada órgão governamental envolvido, de acordo com algumas estratégias prioritárias, por exemplo, treinamento de ____________________, midiáticas e informacionais, incluídos os grupos de cidadãos mais vulneráveis.

Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna do trecho acima. 
Q2283398 Pedagogia
O Plano Nacional de Educação, aprovado pela Lei nº 13.005/2014, estabelece 20 metas para a Educação Brasileira até o ano de 2024. A meta nº 9 prevê elevar a taxa de alfabetização da população com _________ anos ou mais para _________ até 2015 e, até o final da vigência deste PNE, erradicar o analfabetismo absoluto e reduzir em _________ a taxa de analfabetismo funcional.

Assinale a alternativa que preenche, correta e respectivamente, as lacunas do trecho acima.
Q2283397 Pedagogia
A terceira seção do capítulo sobre a Educação Básica da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional aponta as determinações para o Ensino Fundamental. Sobre o tema, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q2283396 Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência - Lei nº 13.146 de 2015
Segundo a Lei nº 13.146/2015, a pessoa com deficiência tem direito a receber ________________, sobretudo com as finalidades de: proteção e socorro em quaisquer circunstâncias; atendimento em todas as instituições e serviços de atendimento ao público; disponibilização de pontos de parada, estações e terminais acessíveis de transporte coletivo de passageiros e garantia de segurança no embarque e no desembarque.

Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna do trecho acima. 
3241: C
3242: C
3243: A
3244: D
3245: E
3246: C
3247: C
3248: A
3249: D
3250: A
3251: A
3252: A
3253: E
3254: A
3255: D
3256: E
3257: C
3258: B
3259: D
3260: B