Questões de Concurso Comentadas para professor - inglês

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Q2204106 Pedagogia
A organização dos conteúdos que serão trabalhados em cada ano do Ensino Fundamental do município tem como referência a Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC).
Em relação aos elementos estruturantes deste documento, é correto afirmar que
Q2204104 Pedagogia
A correta compreensão acerca dos diversos períodos percorridos pelos sujeitos da aprendizagem ao longo da sua vida é um requisito do processo educacional. Em cada um desses períodos, esforços e atenções educacionais específicos são necessários.
Segundo o RCMJG, a infância é 
Q2204103 Pedagogia
A prática pedagógica é determinada por diversos fatores, como os objetivos e as finalidades eleitos pelos seus atores e a sua compreensão sobre a relação de ensino-aprendizagem.
As seguintes afirmativas acerca da concepção de prática pedagógica defendida pelo RCMJG estão corretas, à exceção de uma. Assinale-a.
Q2204102 Pedagogia
A concepção de educação defendida pelo Referencial Curricular Municipal de Jaboatão dos Guararapes (RCMJG) está preocupada com a construção de relações dialógicas que façam da escola um espaço de emancipação e autonomia.
Segundo este documento, a dimensão dialógica é uma forma de 
Q2204100 Português
Assinale a frase em que a preposição DE é uma exigência de um termo anterior (valor gramatical). 
Q2204095 Português
Assinale a frase que mostra uma comparação sem que seja explicada.
Q2204094 Português
“Diz-se que o macarrão era apenas um canudinho de massa que os chineses usavam para tomar bebidas. Marco Polo não entendeu o uso, ensinou seus compatriotas a cozinhar e a comer o macarrão e transformou-o em sucesso culinário definitivo”. (Millôr Fernandes)
Sobre esse pequeno texto, assinale a afirmativa adequada.
Q2204093 Português
Analise a seguinte frase:
“No trançado da história, o que interessa, afinal, é o resultado”. (Millôr Fernandes)
O modo de reescrever essa frase que modifica o seu sentido original, é: 
Q2204092 Português
Assinale a frase que aparece inteiramente realizada em linguagem formal.
Q2203806 Noções de Informática
Uma função avançada do Microsoft Excel que permite analisar grandes conjuntos de dados de forma eficiente, é a(o):
Marque a alternativa CORRETA.
Q2201498 Inglês

Text 2 – Computers

(Text adapted from History of Computing. Retrieved from 303/lectures/history.html)

When you hear the term computers, it’s difficult to imagine different devices from a laptop or a small desktop. Believe it or not, they weren’t always like they are today. They used to be very large and heavy, sometimes as big as an entire room. Some technology professors historically define computers, as “a device that can help with computations”. The word computation involves counting, calculating, adding, subtracting, etc. The modern definition of a computer is a little wider, because in our day and age, computers store, compile, analyze and compute an enormous amount of information. Ancient computers were very interesting. Actually, the first computer may have been located in Great Britain, at Stonehenge. It is a man-made circle of large stones. Citizens used it to measure the weather and forecast the change of seasons. Some specialists say that another ancient computer is the abacus. It was used by the early Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians to count and calculate. Even though they are no longer in use, certainly, these early devices are fascinating. Computers are embedded in our history and some people say that we are completely dependent of them. No matter the complexity of the task, easy or difficult, some people can’t do anything without them. Do you contest or share this opinion? 

Observe the expression: “They used to be very large and heavy”, then read the statements and mark the alternative in which the highlighted expression is correctly explained.
I. The expression is equivalent to affirming that an action was practiced in the past and, currently, is no longer practiced.
II. The expression is equivalent to affirming that an action was practiced in the past and, currently, continues to be practiced.
III. The expression is equivalent to affirming that an action was practiced only once in the past and, currently, it is still practiced.
Q2201497 Inglês

Text 2 – Computers

(Text adapted from History of Computing. Retrieved from 303/lectures/history.html)

When you hear the term computers, it’s difficult to imagine different devices from a laptop or a small desktop. Believe it or not, they weren’t always like they are today. They used to be very large and heavy, sometimes as big as an entire room. Some technology professors historically define computers, as “a device that can help with computations”. The word computation involves counting, calculating, adding, subtracting, etc. The modern definition of a computer is a little wider, because in our day and age, computers store, compile, analyze and compute an enormous amount of information. Ancient computers were very interesting. Actually, the first computer may have been located in Great Britain, at Stonehenge. It is a man-made circle of large stones. Citizens used it to measure the weather and forecast the change of seasons. Some specialists say that another ancient computer is the abacus. It was used by the early Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians to count and calculate. Even though they are no longer in use, certainly, these early devices are fascinating. Computers are embedded in our history and some people say that we are completely dependent of them. No matter the complexity of the task, easy or difficult, some people can’t do anything without them. Do you contest or share this opinion? 

The formation-ing in "Computing involves counting a lot of data" is correct. Check the alternative that explains the -ing formation of 'counting'. 
Q2201496 Inglês

Text 2 – Computers

(Text adapted from History of Computing. Retrieved from 303/lectures/history.html)

When you hear the term computers, it’s difficult to imagine different devices from a laptop or a small desktop. Believe it or not, they weren’t always like they are today. They used to be very large and heavy, sometimes as big as an entire room. Some technology professors historically define computers, as “a device that can help with computations”. The word computation involves counting, calculating, adding, subtracting, etc. The modern definition of a computer is a little wider, because in our day and age, computers store, compile, analyze and compute an enormous amount of information. Ancient computers were very interesting. Actually, the first computer may have been located in Great Britain, at Stonehenge. It is a man-made circle of large stones. Citizens used it to measure the weather and forecast the change of seasons. Some specialists say that another ancient computer is the abacus. It was used by the early Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians to count and calculate. Even though they are no longer in use, certainly, these early devices are fascinating. Computers are embedded in our history and some people say that we are completely dependent of them. No matter the complexity of the task, easy or difficult, some people can’t do anything without them. Do you contest or share this opinion? 

Based ONLY on the information available in the text, identify the modern historical definition of the term “computer”.
Q2201495 Inglês

Text 2 – Computers

(Text adapted from History of Computing. Retrieved from 303/lectures/history.html)

When you hear the term computers, it’s difficult to imagine different devices from a laptop or a small desktop. Believe it or not, they weren’t always like they are today. They used to be very large and heavy, sometimes as big as an entire room. Some technology professors historically define computers, as “a device that can help with computations”. The word computation involves counting, calculating, adding, subtracting, etc. The modern definition of a computer is a little wider, because in our day and age, computers store, compile, analyze and compute an enormous amount of information. Ancient computers were very interesting. Actually, the first computer may have been located in Great Britain, at Stonehenge. It is a man-made circle of large stones. Citizens used it to measure the weather and forecast the change of seasons. Some specialists say that another ancient computer is the abacus. It was used by the early Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians to count and calculate. Even though they are no longer in use, certainly, these early devices are fascinating. Computers are embedded in our history and some people say that we are completely dependent of them. No matter the complexity of the task, easy or difficult, some people can’t do anything without them. Do you contest or share this opinion? 

The word “located”, highlighted in the text, has a meaning equivalent to one of the following alternatives, check it.
Q2201494 Inglês

Text 2 – Computers

(Text adapted from History of Computing. Retrieved from 303/lectures/history.html)

When you hear the term computers, it’s difficult to imagine different devices from a laptop or a small desktop. Believe it or not, they weren’t always like they are today. They used to be very large and heavy, sometimes as big as an entire room. Some technology professors historically define computers, as “a device that can help with computations”. The word computation involves counting, calculating, adding, subtracting, etc. The modern definition of a computer is a little wider, because in our day and age, computers store, compile, analyze and compute an enormous amount of information. Ancient computers were very interesting. Actually, the first computer may have been located in Great Britain, at Stonehenge. It is a man-made circle of large stones. Citizens used it to measure the weather and forecast the change of seasons. Some specialists say that another ancient computer is the abacus. It was used by the early Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians to count and calculate. Even though they are no longer in use, certainly, these early devices are fascinating. Computers are embedded in our history and some people say that we are completely dependent of them. No matter the complexity of the task, easy or difficult, some people can’t do anything without them. Do you contest or share this opinion? 

It is stated that comprehension of a text consists of analyzing what is actually written, that is, collecting data from the text. It is also understood that interpretation consists in knowing what is inferred (concluded) from what is written. Therefore, read the statements and choose the ONLY alternative that is CORRECT regarding Stonehenge.
Q2201493 Inglês

Alliteration” is one of the Figures of Speech. Read the alternatives and tick the alliterative one. 

I. The given text was awfully delicious to read.

II. You’re not wrong.

III. The teaching text took theorical troubles. 

Q2201492 Inglês

Read the sentences from the text given and tick the alternative with the passive voice structure.

I. This realization can be used to your advantage as a teacher.

II. It exposes them to different ways of thinking.

III. They are being given appropriate materials and practice for their own needs.

Q2201491 Inglês
In the text given we can find pronouns. They are used as a cohesive device. Tick the alternative that DOES NOT have a pronoun.
Q2201490 Inglês
Read the definition of subordinate clause and choose the correct alternative as an example of it. “Subordination is a non-symmetrical relation, holding between two clauses in such a way that one is a constituent or part of the other” (QUIRK AND GREENBAUM, 1976, p. 309). The device of subordination enables to organize various clauses, for instance, the first clause is called “main” or “principal” clause, and the second clause is a dependent clause or a subordinate one. 
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