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INSTRUÇÃO: Leia a crônica de Fernando Sabino para responder à questão.
A última crônica
A caminho de casa, entro num botequim da Gávea para tomar um café junto ao balcão. Na realidade estou adiando o momento de escrever. [...] Eu pretendia apenas recolher da vida diária algo de seu disperso conteúdo humano, fruto da convivência, que a faz mais digna de ser vivida. Visava ao circunstancial, ao episódico. [...] Lanço então um último olhar fora de mim, onde vivem os assuntos que merecem uma crônica.
Ao fundo do botequim um casal de pretos acaba de sentar-se, numa das últimas mesas de mármore ao longo da parede de espelhos. A compostura da humildade, na contenção de gestos e palavras, deixa-se acrescentar pela presença de uma negrinha de seus três anos, laço na cabeça, toda arrumadinha no vestido pobre, que se instalou também à mesa: mal ousa balançar as perninhas curtas ou correr os olhos grandes de curiosidade ao redor. Três seres esquivos que compõem em torno à mesa a instituição tradicional da família, célula da sociedade. Vejo, porém, que se preparam para algo mais que matar a fome.
Passo a observá-los. O pai, depois de contar o dinheiro que discretamente retirou do bolso, aborda o garçom, inclinando-se para trás na cadeira, e aponta no balcão um pedaço de bolo sob a redoma. A mãe limita-se a ficar olhando imóvel, vagamente ansiosa, como se aguardasse a aprovação do garçom. Este ouve, concentrado, o pedido do homem e depois se afasta para atendê-lo. A mulher suspira, olhando para os lados, a reassegurar-se da naturalidade de sua presença ali. A meu lado o garçom encaminha a ordem do freguês. O homem atrás do balcão apanha a porção do bolo com a mão, larga-o no pratinho – um bolo simples, amarelo-escuro, apenas uma pequena fatia triangular.
A negrinha, contida na sua expectativa, olha a garrafa de Coca-Cola e o pratinho que o garçom deixou à sua frente. Por que não começa a comer? Vejo que os três, pai, mãe e filha, obedecem em torno à mesa um discreto ritual. A mãe remexe na bolsa de plástico preto e brilhante, retira qualquer coisa. O pai se mune de uma caixa de fósforos, e espera. A filha aguarda também, atenta como um animalzinho. Ninguém mais os observa além de mim.
[...] Imediatamente põe-se a bater palmas, muito compenetrada, cantando num balbucio, a que os pais se juntam, discretos: “Parabéns pra você, parabéns pra você…”
[...] O pai corre os olhos pelo botequim, satisfeito, como a se convencer intimamente do sucesso da celebração. Dá comigo de súbito, a observá-lo, nossos olhos se encontram, ele se perturba, constrangido – vacila, ameaça abaixar a cabeça, mas acaba sustentando o olhar e enfim se abre num sorriso.
Assim eu quereria minha última crônica: que fosse pura como esse sorriso.
Fernando Sabino. In: Para gostar de ler. São Paulo: Ática,
1979-1980 (adaptado)
Releia o trecho a seguir.
“Eu pretendia apenas recolher da vida diária algo de seu disperso conteúdo humano, fruto da convivência, que a faz mais digna de ser vivida.”
O pronome possessivo “seu” e o pronome oblíquo “a”, nessa passagem, funcionam como recurso coesivo ao
INSTRUÇÃO: Leia a crônica de Fernando Sabino para responder à questão.
A última crônica
A caminho de casa, entro num botequim da Gávea para tomar um café junto ao balcão. Na realidade estou adiando o momento de escrever. [...] Eu pretendia apenas recolher da vida diária algo de seu disperso conteúdo humano, fruto da convivência, que a faz mais digna de ser vivida. Visava ao circunstancial, ao episódico. [...] Lanço então um último olhar fora de mim, onde vivem os assuntos que merecem uma crônica.
Ao fundo do botequim um casal de pretos acaba de sentar-se, numa das últimas mesas de mármore ao longo da parede de espelhos. A compostura da humildade, na contenção de gestos e palavras, deixa-se acrescentar pela presença de uma negrinha de seus três anos, laço na cabeça, toda arrumadinha no vestido pobre, que se instalou também à mesa: mal ousa balançar as perninhas curtas ou correr os olhos grandes de curiosidade ao redor. Três seres esquivos que compõem em torno à mesa a instituição tradicional da família, célula da sociedade. Vejo, porém, que se preparam para algo mais que matar a fome.
Passo a observá-los. O pai, depois de contar o dinheiro que discretamente retirou do bolso, aborda o garçom, inclinando-se para trás na cadeira, e aponta no balcão um pedaço de bolo sob a redoma. A mãe limita-se a ficar olhando imóvel, vagamente ansiosa, como se aguardasse a aprovação do garçom. Este ouve, concentrado, o pedido do homem e depois se afasta para atendê-lo. A mulher suspira, olhando para os lados, a reassegurar-se da naturalidade de sua presença ali. A meu lado o garçom encaminha a ordem do freguês. O homem atrás do balcão apanha a porção do bolo com a mão, larga-o no pratinho – um bolo simples, amarelo-escuro, apenas uma pequena fatia triangular.
A negrinha, contida na sua expectativa, olha a garrafa de Coca-Cola e o pratinho que o garçom deixou à sua frente. Por que não começa a comer? Vejo que os três, pai, mãe e filha, obedecem em torno à mesa um discreto ritual. A mãe remexe na bolsa de plástico preto e brilhante, retira qualquer coisa. O pai se mune de uma caixa de fósforos, e espera. A filha aguarda também, atenta como um animalzinho. Ninguém mais os observa além de mim.
[...] Imediatamente põe-se a bater palmas, muito compenetrada, cantando num balbucio, a que os pais se juntam, discretos: “Parabéns pra você, parabéns pra você…”
[...] O pai corre os olhos pelo botequim, satisfeito, como a se convencer intimamente do sucesso da celebração. Dá comigo de súbito, a observá-lo, nossos olhos se encontram, ele se perturba, constrangido – vacila, ameaça abaixar a cabeça, mas acaba sustentando o olhar e enfim se abre num sorriso.
Assim eu quereria minha última crônica: que fosse pura como esse sorriso.
Fernando Sabino. In: Para gostar de ler. São Paulo: Ática,
1979-1980 (adaptado)
O uso do presente do indicativo e a maneira como o narrador apresenta as ações possibilitam ao leitor, principalmente,
INSTRUÇÃO: Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.
Emergência alimentar
Responsável pela alimentação básica, agricultura familiar deve ser valorizada
Por Nathalie Beghin
13 abr. 2022
Na última semana de março, o Datafolha revelou resultados assustadores de uma pesquisa que perguntou à população brasileira se achava que a comida dentro de casa era considerada suficiente para os seus moradores.
Como é possível que, em uma das economias mais ricas do mundo, uma em cada quatro pessoas responda que a alimentação domiciliar está muito aquém do necessário? E mais: entre os mais pobres, 35% avaliaram que não há comida suficiente. A pesquisa também explicitou as enormes desigualdades regionais, pois é no Nordeste que a situação de insegurança alimentar e nutricional é pior. Urge a implementação de medidas emergenciais.
As causas que explicam a deterioração do quadro alimentar e nutricional no Brasil são muitas. Temos um modelo agroalimentar que, infelizmente, pouco valoriza a agricultura familiar, principal responsável por nossa alimentação básica. As energias estão direcionadas para a agropecuária de grande porte, voltada à exportação. Assim, cresce a produção de soja e milho em detrimento da de arroz, feijão e mandioca, entre outras. Os trabalhadores do campo são expulsos de suas propriedades, engrossando as periferias empobrecidas das cidades, com enormes dificuldades para se alimentar.
Outro fator agravante é o da inflação, e, especificamente, da inflação alimentar, que penaliza os empobrecidos. O efeito da elevação dos preços é mais severo sobre os mais pobres. De acordo com o IBGE, os gastos com alimentação representam cerca de 20% da renda dos brasileiros. Se analisado entre as famílias que vivem com 1 a 5 salários-mínimos, o peso da alimentação chega a um quarto de seus rendimentos. Daí que a combinação da queda da renda com o aumento dos preços dos alimentos resulta em falta de comida dentro de casa.
Essa situação agrava as desigualdades raciais, pois é a população negra a mais afetada pela fome. Agrava também as desigualdades regionais, pois o Nordeste é o mais penalizado. E piora as desigualdades geracionais: de acordo com o Unicef, 61% das crianças e dos adolescentes vivem na pobreza, sendo, portanto, mais impactados pela carestia alimentar.
A fome tem pressa, não pode esperar. Urge implementar desde já uma ação emergencial de combate à fome. Urge, ainda, retomar a política nacional de segurança alimentar e nutricional para enfrentar as causas estruturais da fome no Brasil.
Disponível em:
Acesso em: 20 abr. 2022 (adaptado)
“O levantamento do Datafolha revela que, entre os desempregados, 38% disseram que não tiveram comida suficiente.”
No período composto transcrito do texto, os verbos destacados são
INSTRUÇÃO: Leia o texto a seguir para responder à questão.
Emergência alimentar
Responsável pela alimentação básica, agricultura familiar deve ser valorizada
Por Nathalie Beghin
13 abr. 2022
Na última semana de março, o Datafolha revelou resultados assustadores de uma pesquisa que perguntou à população brasileira se achava que a comida dentro de casa era considerada suficiente para os seus moradores.
Como é possível que, em uma das economias mais ricas do mundo, uma em cada quatro pessoas responda que a alimentação domiciliar está muito aquém do necessário? E mais: entre os mais pobres, 35% avaliaram que não há comida suficiente. A pesquisa também explicitou as enormes desigualdades regionais, pois é no Nordeste que a situação de insegurança alimentar e nutricional é pior. Urge a implementação de medidas emergenciais.
As causas que explicam a deterioração do quadro alimentar e nutricional no Brasil são muitas. Temos um modelo agroalimentar que, infelizmente, pouco valoriza a agricultura familiar, principal responsável por nossa alimentação básica. As energias estão direcionadas para a agropecuária de grande porte, voltada à exportação. Assim, cresce a produção de soja e milho em detrimento da de arroz, feijão e mandioca, entre outras. Os trabalhadores do campo são expulsos de suas propriedades, engrossando as periferias empobrecidas das cidades, com enormes dificuldades para se alimentar.
Outro fator agravante é o da inflação, e, especificamente, da inflação alimentar, que penaliza os empobrecidos. O efeito da elevação dos preços é mais severo sobre os mais pobres. De acordo com o IBGE, os gastos com alimentação representam cerca de 20% da renda dos brasileiros. Se analisado entre as famílias que vivem com 1 a 5 salários-mínimos, o peso da alimentação chega a um quarto de seus rendimentos. Daí que a combinação da queda da renda com o aumento dos preços dos alimentos resulta em falta de comida dentro de casa.
Essa situação agrava as desigualdades raciais, pois é a população negra a mais afetada pela fome. Agrava também as desigualdades regionais, pois o Nordeste é o mais penalizado. E piora as desigualdades geracionais: de acordo com o Unicef, 61% das crianças e dos adolescentes vivem na pobreza, sendo, portanto, mais impactados pela carestia alimentar.
A fome tem pressa, não pode esperar. Urge implementar desde já uma ação emergencial de combate à fome. Urge, ainda, retomar a política nacional de segurança alimentar e nutricional para enfrentar as causas estruturais da fome no Brasil.
Disponível em:
Acesso em: 20 abr. 2022 (adaptado)
A conjunção destacada poderia ser substituída, sem prejuízo de sentido, por
Marque a alternativa CORRETA que substitui respectivamente o X e o Y no texto acima.
Read the sentences below.
I.The Novel was written by a Danish author.
II.The chest was full of flowers.
Considering the context of each sentence, mark the
alternative that presents the translation of the words
in bold.
1.(__)Scanning é uma técnica de leitura rápida com objetivo de fazer uma espécie de "varredura" do texto a partir de uma leitura de cima para baixo.
2.(__)Skimming é uma estratégia de leitura lenta e focada na qual o texto é analisado com cuidado e por inteiro.
3.(__)A leitura scanning é muito útil para textos em formato de listas, planilhas e colunas de jornais.
A sequência CORRETA é:
"I X the exam if I Y hard."
Mark the CORRECT alternative that corresponds to X and Y respectively.
A: We X have any food.
B: I know. I Y buy some when the movie is over.
Choose the CORRECT alternative that corresponds to X and Y respectively.
"[...] Montgomery plays Marilyn as an overly grateful and naive woman-child, saying please and thank you to the very men who dismiss and debase her. 'Let's drop the goo-goo routine, you can't be as dumb as you look', the studio head known as Mr R (an avatar for 20th Century Fox boss Darryl F Zanuck) tells her just before he sexually assaults her. However there is, at least, an element of bratty joyfulness to this Marilyn as she enjoys her success, and the film ends without putting her (and us) through her sorrowful demise."
Fonte: -is-the-worlds-most-misunderstood-icon Choose the alternative that does have a synonym to the word "sorrowful".
"The complex houses married and single soldiers and their families."
Choose the option that best explains the sentence.
Em relação às classes gramaticais presentes na frase, tem-se:
Social media influencers
It is estimated that about 40 per cent of the world’s population use social media, and many of these billions of social media users look up to influencers to help them decide what to buy and what trends to follow.
So what is an influencer and how do we become one?
An influencer is a person who can influence the decisions of their followers because of their relationship with their audience and their knowledge and expertise in a particular area, e.g. fashion, travel or technology.
Influencers often have a large following of people who pay close attention to their views. They have the power to persuade people to buy things, and influencers are now seen by many companies as a direct way to customers’ hearts. Brands are now asking powerful influencers to market their products. With some influencers charging up to $25,000 for one social media post, it is no surprise that more and more people are keen to become influencers too. If you are one of them, then here are five tips on how to do it.
1. Choose your niche
What is the area that you know most about? What do you feel most excited talking about? Find the specific area that you’re most interested in and develop it.
2. Choose your medium and write an interesting bio
Most influencers these days are bloggers and micro-bloggers. Decide which medium – such as your own online blog, Instagram or Snapchat – is the best way to connect with your followers and chat about your niche area. When you have done that, write an attention-grabbing bio that describes you and your speciality area in an interesting and unique way. Make sure that people who read your bio will want to follow you.
3. Post regularly and consistently
Many influencers post daily on their social media accounts. The more you post, the more likely people will follow you. Also, ensure that your posts are consistent and possibly follow a theme.
4. Tell an interesting story
Whether it is a photo or a comment that you are posting, use it to tell a story that will catch the attention of your followers and help them connect with you.
5. Make sure people can easily find your content
Publicise your posts on a variety of social media, use hashtags and catchy titles and make sure that they can be easily found. There is no point writing the most exciting blogposts or posting the most attractive photographs if no one is going to see them.
Most importantly, if you want to become a social media influencer, you need to have patience. Keep posting and your following will gradually increase. Good luck!
Fonte: (Acesso em 17/10/2022
às 13h20)
Social media influencers
It is estimated that about 40 per cent of the world’s population use social media, and many of these billions of social media users look up to influencers to help them decide what to buy and what trends to follow.
So what is an influencer and how do we become one?
An influencer is a person who can influence the decisions of their followers because of their relationship with their audience and their knowledge and expertise in a particular area, e.g. fashion, travel or technology.
Influencers often have a large following of people who pay close attention to their views. They have the power to persuade people to buy things, and influencers are now seen by many companies as a direct way to customers’ hearts. Brands are now asking powerful influencers to market their products. With some influencers charging up to $25,000 for one social media post, it is no surprise that more and more people are keen to become influencers too. If you are one of them, then here are five tips on how to do it.
1. Choose your niche
What is the area that you know most about? What do you feel most excited talking about? Find the specific area that you’re most interested in and develop it.
2. Choose your medium and write an interesting bio
Most influencers these days are bloggers and micro-bloggers. Decide which medium – such as your own online blog, Instagram or Snapchat – is the best way to connect with your followers and chat about your niche area. When you have done that, write an attention-grabbing bio that describes you and your speciality area in an interesting and unique way. Make sure that people who read your bio will want to follow you.
3. Post regularly and consistently
Many influencers post daily on their social media accounts. The more you post, the more likely people will follow you. Also, ensure that your posts are consistent and possibly follow a theme.
4. Tell an interesting story
Whether it is a photo or a comment that you are posting, use it to tell a story that will catch the attention of your followers and help them connect with you.
5. Make sure people can easily find your content
Publicise your posts on a variety of social media, use hashtags and catchy titles and make sure that they can be easily found. There is no point writing the most exciting blogposts or posting the most attractive photographs if no one is going to see them.
Most importantly, if you want to become a social media influencer, you need to have patience. Keep posting and your following will gradually increase. Good luck!
Fonte: (Acesso em 17/10/2022
às 13h20)
1. An influencer has to know about a specific topic. 2. Influencers pay up to $25.000,00 to post about a company’s product. 3. An influencer should have a random bio.
Social media influencers
It is estimated that about 40 per cent of the world’s population use social media, and many of these billions of social media users look up to influencers to help them decide what to buy and what trends to follow.
So what is an influencer and how do we become one?
An influencer is a person who can influence the decisions of their followers because of their relationship with their audience and their knowledge and expertise in a particular area, e.g. fashion, travel or technology.
Influencers often have a large following of people who pay close attention to their views. They have the power to persuade people to buy things, and influencers are now seen by many companies as a direct way to customers’ hearts. Brands are now asking powerful influencers to market their products. With some influencers charging up to $25,000 for one social media post, it is no surprise that more and more people are keen to become influencers too. If you are one of them, then here are five tips on how to do it.
1. Choose your niche
What is the area that you know most about? What do you feel most excited talking about? Find the specific area that you’re most interested in and develop it.
2. Choose your medium and write an interesting bio
Most influencers these days are bloggers and micro-bloggers. Decide which medium – such as your own online blog, Instagram or Snapchat – is the best way to connect with your followers and chat about your niche area. When you have done that, write an attention-grabbing bio that describes you and your speciality area in an interesting and unique way. Make sure that people who read your bio will want to follow you.
3. Post regularly and consistently
Many influencers post daily on their social media accounts. The more you post, the more likely people will follow you. Also, ensure that your posts are consistent and possibly follow a theme.
4. Tell an interesting story
Whether it is a photo or a comment that you are posting, use it to tell a story that will catch the attention of your followers and help them connect with you.
5. Make sure people can easily find your content
Publicise your posts on a variety of social media, use hashtags and catchy titles and make sure that they can be easily found. There is no point writing the most exciting blogposts or posting the most attractive photographs if no one is going to see them.
Most importantly, if you want to become a social media influencer, you need to have patience. Keep posting and your following will gradually increase. Good luck!
Fonte: (Acesso em 17/10/2022
às 13h20)
Social media influencers
It is estimated that about 40 per cent of the world’s population use social media, and many of these billions of social media users look up to influencers to help them decide what to buy and what trends to follow.
So what is an influencer and how do we become one?
An influencer is a person who can influence the decisions of their followers because of their relationship with their audience and their knowledge and expertise in a particular area, e.g. fashion, travel or technology.
Influencers often have a large following of people who pay close attention to their views. They have the power to persuade people to buy things, and influencers are now seen by many companies as a direct way to customers’ hearts. Brands are now asking powerful influencers to market their products. With some influencers charging up to $25,000 for one social media post, it is no surprise that more and more people are keen to become influencers too. If you are one of them, then here are five tips on how to do it.
1. Choose your niche
What is the area that you know most about? What do you feel most excited talking about? Find the specific area that you’re most interested in and develop it.
2. Choose your medium and write an interesting bio
Most influencers these days are bloggers and micro-bloggers. Decide which medium – such as your own online blog, Instagram or Snapchat – is the best way to connect with your followers and chat about your niche area. When you have done that, write an attention-grabbing bio that describes you and your speciality area in an interesting and unique way. Make sure that people who read your bio will want to follow you.
3. Post regularly and consistently
Many influencers post daily on their social media accounts. The more you post, the more likely people will follow you. Also, ensure that your posts are consistent and possibly follow a theme.
4. Tell an interesting story
Whether it is a photo or a comment that you are posting, use it to tell a story that will catch the attention of your followers and help them connect with you.
5. Make sure people can easily find your content
Publicise your posts on a variety of social media, use hashtags and catchy titles and make sure that they can be easily found. There is no point writing the most exciting blogposts or posting the most attractive photographs if no one is going to see them.
Most importantly, if you want to become a social media influencer, you need to have patience. Keep posting and your following will gradually increase. Good luck!
Fonte: (Acesso em 17/10/2022
às 13h20)
Social media influencers
It is estimated that about 40 per cent of the world’s population use social media, and many of these billions of social media users look up to influencers to help them decide what to buy and what trends to follow.
So what is an influencer and how do we become one?
An influencer is a person who can influence the decisions of their followers because of their relationship with their audience and their knowledge and expertise in a particular area, e.g. fashion, travel or technology.
Influencers often have a large following of people who pay close attention to their views. They have the power to persuade people to buy things, and influencers are now seen by many companies as a direct way to customers’ hearts. Brands are now asking powerful influencers to market their products. With some influencers charging up to $25,000 for one social media post, it is no surprise that more and more people are keen to become influencers too. If you are one of them, then here are five tips on how to do it.
1. Choose your niche
What is the area that you know most about? What do you feel most excited talking about? Find the specific area that you’re most interested in and develop it.
2. Choose your medium and write an interesting bio
Most influencers these days are bloggers and micro-bloggers. Decide which medium – such as your own online blog, Instagram or Snapchat – is the best way to connect with your followers and chat about your niche area. When you have done that, write an attention-grabbing bio that describes you and your speciality area in an interesting and unique way. Make sure that people who read your bio will want to follow you.
3. Post regularly and consistently
Many influencers post daily on their social media accounts. The more you post, the more likely people will follow you. Also, ensure that your posts are consistent and possibly follow a theme.
4. Tell an interesting story
Whether it is a photo or a comment that you are posting, use it to tell a story that will catch the attention of your followers and help them connect with you.
5. Make sure people can easily find your content
Publicise your posts on a variety of social media, use hashtags and catchy titles and make sure that they can be easily found. There is no point writing the most exciting blogposts or posting the most attractive photographs if no one is going to see them.
Most importantly, if you want to become a social media influencer, you need to have patience. Keep posting and your following will gradually increase. Good luck!
Fonte: (Acesso em 17/10/2022
às 13h20)
Social media influencers
It is estimated that about 40 per cent of the world’s population use social media, and many of these billions of social media users look up to influencers to help them decide what to buy and what trends to follow.
So what is an influencer and how do we become one?
An influencer is a person who can influence the decisions of their followers because of their relationship with their audience and their knowledge and expertise in a particular area, e.g. fashion, travel or technology.
Influencers often have a large following of people who pay close attention to their views. They have the power to persuade people to buy things, and influencers are now seen by many companies as a direct way to customers’ hearts. Brands are now asking powerful influencers to market their products. With some influencers charging up to $25,000 for one social media post, it is no surprise that more and more people are keen to become influencers too. If you are one of them, then here are five tips on how to do it.
1. Choose your niche
What is the area that you know most about? What do you feel most excited talking about? Find the specific area that you’re most interested in and develop it.
2. Choose your medium and write an interesting bio
Most influencers these days are bloggers and micro-bloggers. Decide which medium – such as your own online blog, Instagram or Snapchat – is the best way to connect with your followers and chat about your niche area. When you have done that, write an attention-grabbing bio that describes you and your speciality area in an interesting and unique way. Make sure that people who read your bio will want to follow you.
3. Post regularly and consistently
Many influencers post daily on their social media accounts. The more you post, the more likely people will follow you. Also, ensure that your posts are consistent and possibly follow a theme.
4. Tell an interesting story
Whether it is a photo or a comment that you are posting, use it to tell a story that will catch the attention of your followers and help them connect with you.
5. Make sure people can easily find your content
Publicise your posts on a variety of social media, use hashtags and catchy titles and make sure that they can be easily found. There is no point writing the most exciting blogposts or posting the most attractive photographs if no one is going to see them.
Most importantly, if you want to become a social media influencer, you need to have patience. Keep posting and your following will gradually increase. Good luck!
Fonte: (Acesso em 17/10/2022
às 13h20)