Questões de Concurso Comentadas para professor - inglês

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Q1907898 Pedagogia
De acordo com o Plano de Carreira dos Professores, o presente plano também compreende quadro de cargos em comissão e funções gratificadas, específicas da área da educação, destinados às atividades de:

I. Direção.
II. Chefia.
III. Assessoramento.

Quais estão corretas? 
Q1907896 Pedagogia
De acordo com a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, analise as assertivas abaixo, assinalando V, se verdadeiras, ou F, se falsas, verificando se são referência dos currículos dos cursos de formação de docentes.

( ) O Currículo por Competências.
( ) A Base Nacional Comum Curricular.
( ) O Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica.

A ordem correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é: 
Q1907895 Pedagogia
Referente às Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais da Educação Nacional, analise as assertivas abaixo, assinalando V, se verdadeiras, ou F, se falsas, sobre seus objetivos.

( ) Sistematizar os princípios e diretrizes gerais da Educação Básica, traduzindo-os em orientações que contribuam para assegurar a formação básica comum nacional, tendo como foco os sujeitos que dão vida ao currículo e à escola.
( ) Estimular a reflexão crítica e propositiva que deve subsidiar a formulação, execução e avaliação do projeto político-pedagógico da escola de Educação Básica.
( ) Orientar os cursos de formação inicial e continuada de profissionais da Educação Básica e da Educação Superior.

A ordem correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é: 
Q1907452 Pedagogia
Segundo a Lei nº 9.394/96 que estabelece as Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, a Educação Básica:
Q1907451 Pedagogia
Considere a seguinte situação:
Mateus, professor de Língua Inglesa de uma escola da Rede Pública, fez o seguinte registro no diário de classe: "Aula expositiva-dialogada sobre o verbo modal can (presente e passado) utilizando o data-show, pinceis e quadro branco. Ao final da aula, foram aplicados exercícios práticos sobre o tema discutido."
Considerando a organização de um Plano de Aula, NÃO podemos afirmar que:
Q1907450 Pedagogia
A Lei nº 8.069/90 que dispõe sobre o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, no Art. 15, aponta que a criança e o adolescente têm direito à liberdade, ao respeito e à dignidade como pessoas humanas em processo de desenvolvimento e como sujeitos de direitos civis, humanos e sociais garantidos na Constituição e nas leis. O direito à liberdade compreende os seguintes aspectos, EXCETO: 
Q1907449 Pedagogia
Acerca das habilidades e competências de Língua Inglesa de acordo com a Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), julgue as frases abaixo:

I.Descrever relações por meio do uso de apóstrofo (') + s é uma habilidade a ser desenvolvida somente no Ensino Médio.
II.Reconhecer semelhanças e diferenças na pronúncia de palavras da língua inglesa e da língua materna e/ou outras línguas conhecidas é uma habilidade indicada para ser desenvolvida no 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental.
III.Investigar o alcance da língua inglesa no mundo: como língua materna e/ou oficial (primeira ou segunda língua) é uma competência para o Ensino Fundamental.

Está (ão) CORRETA (S) a (s) seguinte (s) proposição (ões): 
Q1907448 Pedagogia
Relacione a coluna 1 com a coluna 2:

Coluna 1 - Categoria
(1)Método Sintético.
(2)Método Analítico.

Coluna 2 - Método
(  )Alfabético.
(  )Fônico.
(  )Silábico.
(  )Palavração.

Após análise, assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA.
Q1907447 Pedagogia
___________ descreveu a zona de desenvolvimento proximal como sendo a distância entre o nível de desenvolvimento real determinado pela resolução independente de problemas e o nível de desenvolvimento potencial determinado pela resolução de problemas sob a orientação de um adulto ou em colaboração com colegas mais capazes.
Assinale a alternativa que preenche a lacuna corretamente:
Q1907446 Pedagogia
A Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), na parte referente à Língua Inglesa, aponta que as práticas de produção de textos propostas no eixo Escrita consideram dois aspectos do ato de escrever, a saber:
Q1907445 Pedagogia
Sobre a recuperação escolar, julgue as sentenças abaixo como VERDADEIRAS ou FALSAS:

1.(  )Todo estudante brasileiro tem direito a fazer os estudos de recuperação.
2.(  )A avaliação diagnóstica é uma forma de recuperação paralela.
3.(  )Os estudos de recuperação envolvem unicamente a aplicação de provas.

A sequência CORRETA é: 
Q1907444 Inglês
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão. 

(1º§)It sits on the "line of contact" - an almost 500km (310 mile) long fissure between Ukrainian government territory and two enclaves that have been held by Russian backed separatists since 2014. Families, communities, and services are divided by this line. The enduring conflict here on the eastern front has already claimed more than 14,000 lives - at least 3,000 of them civilians, according to the United Nations.
(2º§)The self-styled Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) and Luhansk People's Republic (LNR) are recognised by no one - for now, not even the Kremlin - but they are home to about four million people. Larysa is one of them. She was wrapped up against the cold in a bright blue jacket, pink jumper, and matching woolly hat. She preferred not to use her last name.
(3º§)It takes permission and patience to get from Ukrainian government territory to the other side. Larysa knows the drill. "I do this every six months," she said. "I have been for a check-up at a hospital in Dnipro (in central Ukraine) and now I am going home to Donetsk." As she waited for sniffer dogs to check her bag, she wasn't too concerned about the Russian military build-up on Ukraine's borders.
(4º§)"We have been bombed, and we have been through a lot," she said."I don't believe there will be an invasion, or if there is, it won't be a big one. That's my view as someone with intuition. I watch TV and what politicians say. I think all of this is just to keep us on our toes and stop us from getting too relaxed."
(5º§)Perhaps. But Western leaders have long feared that President Vladimir Putin would fake a crisis in the Russian-backed rebel areas - or the appearance of one - to use as an excuse to invade. The seeds were sewn on Friday when rebel leaders announced that women and children would be evacuated over the border to Russia because Ukraine was planning to attack. Ukraine denied that and most civilians in those areas appear to have stayed put.
(6º§)"We, the people, do not want any war to happen. We want to live, love... We want to love everybody and give them a hug," said Larysa, eyes smiling above her mask. With that she boarded a bus to take her through no man's land to a checkpoint on the other side.

Regarding the Luhansk People's Republic (LNR), choose the CORRECT alternative. 
Q1907443 Inglês
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão. 

(1º§)It sits on the "line of contact" - an almost 500km (310 mile) long fissure between Ukrainian government territory and two enclaves that have been held by Russian backed separatists since 2014. Families, communities, and services are divided by this line. The enduring conflict here on the eastern front has already claimed more than 14,000 lives - at least 3,000 of them civilians, according to the United Nations.
(2º§)The self-styled Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) and Luhansk People's Republic (LNR) are recognised by no one - for now, not even the Kremlin - but they are home to about four million people. Larysa is one of them. She was wrapped up against the cold in a bright blue jacket, pink jumper, and matching woolly hat. She preferred not to use her last name.
(3º§)It takes permission and patience to get from Ukrainian government territory to the other side. Larysa knows the drill. "I do this every six months," she said. "I have been for a check-up at a hospital in Dnipro (in central Ukraine) and now I am going home to Donetsk." As she waited for sniffer dogs to check her bag, she wasn't too concerned about the Russian military build-up on Ukraine's borders.
(4º§)"We have been bombed, and we have been through a lot," she said."I don't believe there will be an invasion, or if there is, it won't be a big one. That's my view as someone with intuition. I watch TV and what politicians say. I think all of this is just to keep us on our toes and stop us from getting too relaxed."
(5º§)Perhaps. But Western leaders have long feared that President Vladimir Putin would fake a crisis in the Russian-backed rebel areas - or the appearance of one - to use as an excuse to invade. The seeds were sewn on Friday when rebel leaders announced that women and children would be evacuated over the border to Russia because Ukraine was planning to attack. Ukraine denied that and most civilians in those areas appear to have stayed put.
(6º§)"We, the people, do not want any war to happen. We want to live, love... We want to love everybody and give them a hug," said Larysa, eyes smiling above her mask. With that she boarded a bus to take her through no man's land to a checkpoint on the other side.

Which one could be better for the title of the text?
Q1907442 Inglês
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão. 

(1º§)It sits on the "line of contact" - an almost 500km (310 mile) long fissure between Ukrainian government territory and two enclaves that have been held by Russian backed separatists since 2014. Families, communities, and services are divided by this line. The enduring conflict here on the eastern front has already claimed more than 14,000 lives - at least 3,000 of them civilians, according to the United Nations.
(2º§)The self-styled Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) and Luhansk People's Republic (LNR) are recognised by no one - for now, not even the Kremlin - but they are home to about four million people. Larysa is one of them. She was wrapped up against the cold in a bright blue jacket, pink jumper, and matching woolly hat. She preferred not to use her last name.
(3º§)It takes permission and patience to get from Ukrainian government territory to the other side. Larysa knows the drill. "I do this every six months," she said. "I have been for a check-up at a hospital in Dnipro (in central Ukraine) and now I am going home to Donetsk." As she waited for sniffer dogs to check her bag, she wasn't too concerned about the Russian military build-up on Ukraine's borders.
(4º§)"We have been bombed, and we have been through a lot," she said."I don't believe there will be an invasion, or if there is, it won't be a big one. That's my view as someone with intuition. I watch TV and what politicians say. I think all of this is just to keep us on our toes and stop us from getting too relaxed."
(5º§)Perhaps. But Western leaders have long feared that President Vladimir Putin would fake a crisis in the Russian-backed rebel areas - or the appearance of one - to use as an excuse to invade. The seeds were sewn on Friday when rebel leaders announced that women and children would be evacuated over the border to Russia because Ukraine was planning to attack. Ukraine denied that and most civilians in those areas appear to have stayed put.
(6º§)"We, the people, do not want any war to happen. We want to live, love... We want to love everybody and give them a hug," said Larysa, eyes smiling above her mask. With that she boarded a bus to take her through no man's land to a checkpoint on the other side.

(2º§) "She was wrapped up against the cold in a bright blue jacke [...]."
The best translation for the above sentence is: 
Q1907441 Inglês
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão. 

(1º§)It sits on the "line of contact" - an almost 500km (310 mile) long fissure between Ukrainian government territory and two enclaves that have been held by Russian backed separatists since 2014. Families, communities, and services are divided by this line. The enduring conflict here on the eastern front has already claimed more than 14,000 lives - at least 3,000 of them civilians, according to the United Nations.
(2º§)The self-styled Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) and Luhansk People's Republic (LNR) are recognised by no one - for now, not even the Kremlin - but they are home to about four million people. Larysa is one of them. She was wrapped up against the cold in a bright blue jacket, pink jumper, and matching woolly hat. She preferred not to use her last name.
(3º§)It takes permission and patience to get from Ukrainian government territory to the other side. Larysa knows the drill. "I do this every six months," she said. "I have been for a check-up at a hospital in Dnipro (in central Ukraine) and now I am going home to Donetsk." As she waited for sniffer dogs to check her bag, she wasn't too concerned about the Russian military build-up on Ukraine's borders.
(4º§)"We have been bombed, and we have been through a lot," she said."I don't believe there will be an invasion, or if there is, it won't be a big one. That's my view as someone with intuition. I watch TV and what politicians say. I think all of this is just to keep us on our toes and stop us from getting too relaxed."
(5º§)Perhaps. But Western leaders have long feared that President Vladimir Putin would fake a crisis in the Russian-backed rebel areas - or the appearance of one - to use as an excuse to invade. The seeds were sewn on Friday when rebel leaders announced that women and children would be evacuated over the border to Russia because Ukraine was planning to attack. Ukraine denied that and most civilians in those areas appear to have stayed put.
(6º§)"We, the people, do not want any war to happen. We want to live, love... We want to love everybody and give them a hug," said Larysa, eyes smiling above her mask. With that she boarded a bus to take her through no man's land to a checkpoint on the other side.

Consider the sentence below from the text and the following assertives:

(3º§) "As she waited for sniffer dogs to check her bag, she wasn't too concerned about the Russian military build-up on Ukraine's borders."

I.The word "sniffer dogs" could be translated as "cães farejadores".
II.The word "waited" is a verb.
III.The word "concerned" could be replaced by "aid".

Which one(s) is(are) CORRECT?
Q1907440 Inglês
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão. 

(1º§)It sits on the "line of contact" - an almost 500km (310 mile) long fissure between Ukrainian government territory and two enclaves that have been held by Russian backed separatists since 2014. Families, communities, and services are divided by this line. The enduring conflict here on the eastern front has already claimed more than 14,000 lives - at least 3,000 of them civilians, according to the United Nations.
(2º§)The self-styled Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) and Luhansk People's Republic (LNR) are recognised by no one - for now, not even the Kremlin - but they are home to about four million people. Larysa is one of them. She was wrapped up against the cold in a bright blue jacket, pink jumper, and matching woolly hat. She preferred not to use her last name.
(3º§)It takes permission and patience to get from Ukrainian government territory to the other side. Larysa knows the drill. "I do this every six months," she said. "I have been for a check-up at a hospital in Dnipro (in central Ukraine) and now I am going home to Donetsk." As she waited for sniffer dogs to check her bag, she wasn't too concerned about the Russian military build-up on Ukraine's borders.
(4º§)"We have been bombed, and we have been through a lot," she said."I don't believe there will be an invasion, or if there is, it won't be a big one. That's my view as someone with intuition. I watch TV and what politicians say. I think all of this is just to keep us on our toes and stop us from getting too relaxed."
(5º§)Perhaps. But Western leaders have long feared that President Vladimir Putin would fake a crisis in the Russian-backed rebel areas - or the appearance of one - to use as an excuse to invade. The seeds were sewn on Friday when rebel leaders announced that women and children would be evacuated over the border to Russia because Ukraine was planning to attack. Ukraine denied that and most civilians in those areas appear to have stayed put.
(6º§)"We, the people, do not want any war to happen. We want to live, love... We want to love everybody and give them a hug," said Larysa, eyes smiling above her mask. With that she boarded a bus to take her through no man's land to a checkpoint on the other side.

According to the text, the Ukrainian people:
Q1907439 Inglês
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão. 

(1º§)It sits on the "line of contact" - an almost 500km (310 mile) long fissure between Ukrainian government territory and two enclaves that have been held by Russian backed separatists since 2014. Families, communities, and services are divided by this line. The enduring conflict here on the eastern front has already claimed more than 14,000 lives - at least 3,000 of them civilians, according to the United Nations.
(2º§)The self-styled Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) and Luhansk People's Republic (LNR) are recognised by no one - for now, not even the Kremlin - but they are home to about four million people. Larysa is one of them. She was wrapped up against the cold in a bright blue jacket, pink jumper, and matching woolly hat. She preferred not to use her last name.
(3º§)It takes permission and patience to get from Ukrainian government territory to the other side. Larysa knows the drill. "I do this every six months," she said. "I have been for a check-up at a hospital in Dnipro (in central Ukraine) and now I am going home to Donetsk." As she waited for sniffer dogs to check her bag, she wasn't too concerned about the Russian military build-up on Ukraine's borders.
(4º§)"We have been bombed, and we have been through a lot," she said."I don't believe there will be an invasion, or if there is, it won't be a big one. That's my view as someone with intuition. I watch TV and what politicians say. I think all of this is just to keep us on our toes and stop us from getting too relaxed."
(5º§)Perhaps. But Western leaders have long feared that President Vladimir Putin would fake a crisis in the Russian-backed rebel areas - or the appearance of one - to use as an excuse to invade. The seeds were sewn on Friday when rebel leaders announced that women and children would be evacuated over the border to Russia because Ukraine was planning to attack. Ukraine denied that and most civilians in those areas appear to have stayed put.
(6º§)"We, the people, do not want any war to happen. We want to live, love... We want to love everybody and give them a hug," said Larysa, eyes smiling above her mask. With that she boarded a bus to take her through no man's land to a checkpoint on the other side.

"It takes permission and patience to get from Ukrainian government territory" [...]
Which verb tense the sentence above is?
Q1896602 Pedagogia

A Educação Básica de qualidade é um direito assegurado pela Constituição Federal e pelo Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente.

A educação deve proporcionar o desenvolvimento humano:

1. Na sua plenitude.

2. De maneira linear.

3. Em condições de liberdade e dignidade.

4. Respeitando e valorizando as diferenças.

Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas.

Q1896601 Pedagogia

De acordo com a Resolução CNE/CP nº 2, de 22/12/2017 – Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC 2018), os currículos devem incluir a abordagem, de forma transversal e integradora, de temas exigidos por legislação e normas específicas, e temas contemporâneos relevantes para o desenvolvimento da cidadania, que afetam a vida humana em escala local, regional e global, observando-se a obrigatoriedade de temas tais como:

1. O processo de envelhecimento e o respeito e valorização do idoso.

2. Os deveres morais das crianças.

3. A educação para o trânsito e a educação digital.

4. A educação ambiental, alimentar, nutricional e em direitos humanos.

5. O tratamento adequado da temática da diversidade cultural, étnica, linguística e epistêmica, na perspectiva do desenvolvimento de práticas educativas ancoradas no interculturalismo e no respeito ao caráter pluriétnico e plurilíngue da sociedade brasileira.

Assinale a alternativa que indica todas as afirmativas corretas

6021: E
6022: C
6023: A
6024: D
6025: B
6026: B
6027: B
6028: B
6029: A
6030: A
6031: B
6032: D
6033: C
6034: A
6035: D
6036: A
6037: B
6038: A
6039: C
6040: D