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Q1796213 Inglês
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Why the world is becoming more allergic to food
   Inquiries into the deaths of British teenagers after eating buttermilk, sesame and peanut have highlighted the sometimes tragic consequences. Last year, a six-year-old girl in Western Australia died as the result of a dairy allergy.
   The rise in allergies in recent decades has been particularly noticeable in the West. Food allergy now affects about 7% of children in the UK and 9% of those in Australia, for example. Across Europe, 2% of adults have food allergies.
   Life-threatening reactions can be prompted even by traces of the trigger foods, meaning patients and families live with fear and anxiety. The dietary restrictions which follow can become a burden to social and family lives.
   While we can't say for sure why allergy rates are increasing, researchers around the world are working hard to find ways to combat this phenomenon.
   The increase in allergies is not simply the effect of society becoming more aware of them and better at diagnosing them.
   It is thought that allergies and increased sensitivity to foods are probably environmental, and related to Western lifestyles.
   We know there are lower rates of allergies in developing countries. They are also more likely to occur in urban rather than rural areas.
   Factors may include pollution, dietary changes and less exposure to microbes, which change how our immune systems respond.
   Migrants appear to show a higher prevalence of asthma and food allergy in their adopted country compared to their country of origin, further illustrating the importance of environmental factors.
SANTOS, Alexandra. 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em 14 jun. 2021. 
Mark the alternative which better describes the use of the word “rather” in “They are also more likely to occur in urban rather than rural areas”.
Q1796212 Inglês
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Why the world is becoming more allergic to food
   Inquiries into the deaths of British teenagers after eating buttermilk, sesame and peanut have highlighted the sometimes tragic consequences. Last year, a six-year-old girl in Western Australia died as the result of a dairy allergy.
   The rise in allergies in recent decades has been particularly noticeable in the West. Food allergy now affects about 7% of children in the UK and 9% of those in Australia, for example. Across Europe, 2% of adults have food allergies.
   Life-threatening reactions can be prompted even by traces of the trigger foods, meaning patients and families live with fear and anxiety. The dietary restrictions which follow can become a burden to social and family lives.
   While we can't say for sure why allergy rates are increasing, researchers around the world are working hard to find ways to combat this phenomenon.
   The increase in allergies is not simply the effect of society becoming more aware of them and better at diagnosing them.
   It is thought that allergies and increased sensitivity to foods are probably environmental, and related to Western lifestyles.
   We know there are lower rates of allergies in developing countries. They are also more likely to occur in urban rather than rural areas.
   Factors may include pollution, dietary changes and less exposure to microbes, which change how our immune systems respond.
   Migrants appear to show a higher prevalence of asthma and food allergy in their adopted country compared to their country of origin, further illustrating the importance of environmental factors.
SANTOS, Alexandra. 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em 14 jun. 2021. 
Mark the correct alternative according to the text.
Q1796210 Inglês
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What Is the Lexical Approach?
   Linguist Michael Lewis literally wrote the book on the topic. His 1993 work, titled “The Lexical Approach: The State of ELT and a Way Forward,” put together the conceptual foundations for effectively teaching a second language.
   The idea is that grammar comes only second to Lexis, or words. But by “words,” we’re not talking about vocabulary or individual words here. We’re more interested in word “chunks,” or phrases—words that usually go together and are commonly found next to each other in the language.
   There are plenty of them in English: words that come as a set and signal the presence of the other, like Starsky and Hutch, Donkey and Shrek, Batman and Robin. Consider the following phrases:
• by the way
• abstract reasoning
• complete idiot
• best wishes
• make up your mind
• go to great lengths
   These words often go together and native speakers use them next to each other a lot.
   The lexical approach posits that languages are composed of these “chunks” and that the key to fluency in any language is the nuanced use of these phrases—which native speakers spew in daily conversations—without regard for grammatical soundness or word meaning. (If you think about it, native speakers don’t really consciously observe grammar rules every time they speak. They simply talk).
Adaptado de: FLUENTU. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 jun. 2021.
Mark the alternative in which the word “often” from “These words often go together and native speakers use them next to each other a lot” could be better replaced without change the meaning.
Q1796209 Inglês
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What Is the Lexical Approach?
   Linguist Michael Lewis literally wrote the book on the topic. His 1993 work, titled “The Lexical Approach: The State of ELT and a Way Forward,” put together the conceptual foundations for effectively teaching a second language.
   The idea is that grammar comes only second to Lexis, or words. But by “words,” we’re not talking about vocabulary or individual words here. We’re more interested in word “chunks,” or phrases—words that usually go together and are commonly found next to each other in the language.
   There are plenty of them in English: words that come as a set and signal the presence of the other, like Starsky and Hutch, Donkey and Shrek, Batman and Robin. Consider the following phrases:
• by the way
• abstract reasoning
• complete idiot
• best wishes
• make up your mind
• go to great lengths
   These words often go together and native speakers use them next to each other a lot.
   The lexical approach posits that languages are composed of these “chunks” and that the key to fluency in any language is the nuanced use of these phrases—which native speakers spew in daily conversations—without regard for grammatical soundness or word meaning. (If you think about it, native speakers don’t really consciously observe grammar rules every time they speak. They simply talk).
Adaptado de: FLUENTU. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 jun. 2021.
According to the text, mark the alternative which expresses only one chunk.
Q1796208 Inglês
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Bakhtinian Dialogic Concept in Language Learning Process
   The relationship between learning and teaching is so much complex. Some studies carried out on language teaching process confirm that learning a language is one of the most serious concerns for human beings. Recently, scholars have used Bakhtinian concepts in language studies because some of Bakhtin's concepts can act as tools to help the teaching process, for instance Bakhtin's concept of dialogue shows how in the process of teaching, the teacher can have communication with his or her students to transform meaning. Furthermore, Bakhtin's concept of dialogue is used to analyze classroom discourses, whereas, teachers control all the learning and teaching activities in the classroom. A classroom with this kind of positive environment will be based on the dialogic model, in contrast to the traditional, predominantly monologic and teacher-centered classrooms where students mostly work individually with authoritative texts.
Adaptado de: SHIRKHANI, Fatemeh; NESARI, ,Ali
Jamali; FEILINEZHAD, Nabieh. Bakhtinian Dialogic Concept in
Language Learning Process. 2015. Procedia: Social and
Behavioral Sciences. p. 510 – 515.
The text proposes a new model of classroom based on dialogic model from Bakhtin, mark the alternative which better fits the authors idea of making the learning a language process easier by the dialogic method.
Q1796207 Inglês
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Bakhtinian Dialogic Concept in Language Learning Process
   The relationship between learning and teaching is so much complex. Some studies carried out on language teaching process confirm that learning a language is one of the most serious concerns for human beings. Recently, scholars have used Bakhtinian concepts in language studies because some of Bakhtin's concepts can act as tools to help the teaching process, for instance Bakhtin's concept of dialogue shows how in the process of teaching, the teacher can have communication with his or her students to transform meaning. Furthermore, Bakhtin's concept of dialogue is used to analyze classroom discourses, whereas, teachers control all the learning and teaching activities in the classroom. A classroom with this kind of positive environment will be based on the dialogic model, in contrast to the traditional, predominantly monologic and teacher-centered classrooms where students mostly work individually with authoritative texts.
Adaptado de: SHIRKHANI, Fatemeh; NESARI, ,Ali
Jamali; FEILINEZHAD, Nabieh. Bakhtinian Dialogic Concept in
Language Learning Process. 2015. Procedia: Social and
Behavioral Sciences. p. 510 – 515.
Mark the alternative which better translates the underlined word “scholars” to Portuguese in the text context.
Q1796206 Inglês
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Benefits of testing the four skills (reading, listening, writing and speaking)
   When we say that someone “speaks” a language fluently, we usually mean that they have a high level in all four skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing. But, as any teacher knows, learners often have strengths or weaknesses in particular skills, and in some cases can achieve high levels in, for example, reading and writing, while not being able to speak or listen at a comparable level.
   For some purposes – highly specialised jobs, for example – these uneven skills may not matter very much. However, English is such an important skill in the global world, and needed in so many different contexts, that someone without a good ability in all four skills will greatly reduce the opportunities open to them in education and professional life.
   If we want to assess someone’s speaking ability, we must get them to speak. The same applies to all the other skills. We can’t infer ability in one skill (e.g. speaking) from performance in another (e.g. listening), or from using tests of language knowledge, e.g. grammar, vocabulary, as proxies for communicative language ability. Therefore if we want to accurately assess communicative language ability, we need to include tasks which elicit a wide range of skills related to communicative language.
   The Common European Framework of Reference (2001) extends the definition of communicative language ability into five skills, and divides speaking into two skills: spoken production and spoken interaction. This is based on the evidence that these two skills are different, since one involves only monologue-type speech and the other involves being both a speaker and a listener at the same time. A test of communicative language, therefore, needs to include both spoken production and spoken interaction.
Adaptado de: GALACZI, Evelina. 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 mar. 2021.
According to the text, mark the alternative which better explain what means to be fluent.
Q1796205 Inglês
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Benefits of testing the four skills (reading, listening, writing and speaking)
   When we say that someone “speaks” a language fluently, we usually mean that they have a high level in all four skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing. But, as any teacher knows, learners often have strengths or weaknesses in particular skills, and in some cases can achieve high levels in, for example, reading and writing, while not being able to speak or listen at a comparable level.
   For some purposes – highly specialised jobs, for example – these uneven skills may not matter very much. However, English is such an important skill in the global world, and needed in so many different contexts, that someone without a good ability in all four skills will greatly reduce the opportunities open to them in education and professional life.
   If we want to assess someone’s speaking ability, we must get them to speak. The same applies to all the other skills. We can’t infer ability in one skill (e.g. speaking) from performance in another (e.g. listening), or from using tests of language knowledge, e.g. grammar, vocabulary, as proxies for communicative language ability. Therefore if we want to accurately assess communicative language ability, we need to include tasks which elicit a wide range of skills related to communicative language.
   The Common European Framework of Reference (2001) extends the definition of communicative language ability into five skills, and divides speaking into two skills: spoken production and spoken interaction. This is based on the evidence that these two skills are different, since one involves only monologue-type speech and the other involves being both a speaker and a listener at the same time. A test of communicative language, therefore, needs to include both spoken production and spoken interaction.
Adaptado de: GALACZI, Evelina. 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 mar. 2021.
According to the text, mark the alternative which contains all the skills presented by the The Common European Framework of Reference for the definition of communicative language ability.
Q1796204 Inglês
The word “freed” from the title, can be classified as:
Q1794111 Pedagogia
Para Paulo Freire, “a capacidade de penumbrar a realidade, de nos ‘miopizar’, de nos ensurdecer que tem a ideologia faz, por exemplo, a muitos de nós, aceitar docilmente o discurso cinicamente fatalista neoliberal que proclama ser o desemprego no mundo uma desgraça do fim do século. Ou que os sonhos morreram e que o válido hoje é o ‘pragmatismo’ pedagógico, é o treino técnico-científico do educando e não sua formação de que já não se fala. Formação que, incluindo a preparação técnico-científica, vai mais além dela”. Neste sentido, o professor, ao exercer a docência, precisa compreender que ensinar exige:
Q1794108 Pedagogia
As funções executivas, de acordo com Howard Gardner, o criador da teoria das inteligências múltiplas, emergem das inteligências propostas por ele, e são importantes na coordenação das demais inteligências, regulando o comportamento em direção aos objetivos relevantes para o indivíduo. Segundo ele, esta inteligência desenvolve-se gradualmente ao longo da vida dos indivíduos e tem grande importância para que as pessoas adquiram as estratégias necessárias para viver harmoniosamente em sociedade. Assim, de acordo com este autor, as funções executivas emergem da inteligência:
Q1794096 Pedagogia
A respeito da regulamentação da Educação Básica, conforme estabelecida na Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação, é correto afirmar que:
Q1790983 Conhecimentos Gerais
Fake News são notícias falsas publicadas por veículos de comunicação como se fossem informações reais. Esse tipo de texto, em sua maior parte, é feito e divulgado com o objetivo de legitimar um ponto de vista ou prejudicar uma pessoa ou grupo (geralmente figuras públicas). (BRASIL ESCOLA). Ultimamente redes sociais como o Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc, estão sofrendo com a escalada no número de notícias falsas, dentre uma das notícias falsas mais replicadas está:
Q1790982 Atualidades
"Um dos principais motivos para isso é que muitas das atividades em que o público em geral veria o impacto do acordo não estão ocorrendo no momento devido à pandemia, como, por exemplo, viajar de férias pela Europa, se alguém vai ao supermercado e nota que está faltando alguma fruta, legume ou verdura, não saberá se é efeito da pandemia ou do acordo." (BBC).
O texto acima se refere a qual acordo?
Q1790981 Geografia
Entre setembro e outubro de 2020, um grande incêndio destruiu cerca de 30% do Pantanal, cujo território tem 250 mil km2. Desde que é monitorado pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (Inpe), foi o ano mais grave em incêndios. O Pantanal é Patrimônio da Humanidade e Reserva da Biosfera e abriga uma fauna variada, que cada vez é mais ameaçada por incêndios. Nos meses mais críticos de 2020, o número de focos ultrapassou a marca dos 20 mil.
Sobre o pantanal é correto afirmar que:
Q1790980 Conhecimentos Bancários
No final de 2020 entrou em vigor uma nova modalidade de transação monetária no Brasil, nesse novo sistema gratuito é necessário você fornecer seu CPF, número de telefone ou e-mail, esse modelo funciona 24 horas por dia e tem contribuído muito no dia a dia dos brasileiros, o nome dessa nova modalidade é:
Q1790979 Conhecimentos Gerais
Os crimes de ódio, também chamados de crimes motivados pelo preconceito, são crimes cometidos quando o criminoso seleciona intencionalmente a sua vítima em função de esta pertencer a um certo grupo. Sendo assim quando falamos em crime de xenofobia, estamos sobre aversão a:
Q1790977 Matemática

Paulo é caminhoneiro, e precisa percorrer um caminho em linha reta, que seria o caminho mais perto. Existe porém, um outro caminho, mais longo, para que precise abastecer, antes de chegar em seu destino. Considerando que Paulo esteja no ponto A, o ponto B seja a localização do posto de combustível, e o ponto C seja o destino de Paulo. Paulo sabe que ABC formam um triangulo retângulo, com ângulo reto no vértice B, e

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

o ângulo do vértice A é a. Paulo sabe também, que a = 12/16. Sabendo, que todas os comprimentos do exercícios são em quilômetros, qual a distância entre os pontos A e C?

Q1790974 Matemática
Consideremos a definição de um número primo como: “Um número é chamado de primo, quando for maior que zero e tem exatamente dois divisores”. Dessa forma, quantos números primos dividem o número 120?
Q1790966 Português

Para responder à questão, leia atentamente o texto a seguir: 


    Amanhã faz um mês que a Senhora está longe de casa. Primeiros dias, para dizer a verdade, não senti falta, bom chegar tarde, esquecido na conversa de esquina. Não foi ausência por uma semana: o batom ainda no lenço, o prato na mesa por engano, a imagem de relance no espelho.
    Com os dias, Senhora, o leite primeira vez coalhou. A notícia de sua perda veio aos poucos: a pilha de jornais ali no chão, ninguém os guardou debaixo da escada. Toda a casa era um corredor deserto, e até o canário ficou mudo. Para não dar parte de fraco, ah, Senhora, fui beber com os amigos. Uma hora da noite eles se iam e eu ficava só, sem o perdão de sua presença a todas as aflições do dia, como a última luz na varanda. 
    E comecei a sentir falta das pequenas brigas por causa do tempero na salada – o meu jeito de querer bem. Acaso é saudade, Senhora? Às suas violetas, na janela, não lhes poupei água e elas murcham. Não tenho botão na camisa, calço a meia furada. Que fim levou o saca-rolhas? Nenhum de nós sabe, sem a Senhora, conversar com os outros: bocas raivosas mastigando. Venha para casa, Senhora, por favor.    

            (Dalton Trevisan, em Apelo)

Assinale a alternativa que CORRESPONDE à classe de palavras do elemento em destaque no excerto a seguir:
Para não dar parte de fraco, ah, Senhora, fui beber com os amigos. Uma hora da noite eles se iam e eu ficava só, sem o perdão de sua presença a todas as aflições do dia, como a última luz na varanda.
6521: B
6522: C
6523: C
6524: A
6525: D
6526: B
6527: A
6528: D
6529: C
6530: A
6531: C
6532: A
6533: B
6534: A
6535: D
6536: C
6537: C
6538: B
6539: B
6540: D