Questões de Concurso Comentadas para professor - inglês

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Q1674423 Inglês

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A rare plant has reappeared after more than a century in hiding.

The pinkish-flowered plant, known as grass-poly, was found growing on the banks of an old farmland pond in Norfolk.

The mystery species "came back from the dead" after seeds submerged in the mud were disturbed during work to restore the pond.

The seeds of the plant remained buried in the mud, like a "time capsule". When willows were pulled out to restore the pond, this disturbed the soil and let in light, allowing the seeds to germinate.

 "There's no oxygen, it's very dark, and it's perfect for preserving seeds," says Prof Sayer, who is part of UCL's Pond Restoration Research Group. The discovery shows plants believed extinct can be brought "back to life" with good conservation, he added.


Fonte: adaptado de

O plural de oxygen é:
Q1674422 Inglês

Leia o texto abaixo para responder a questão.

A rare plant has reappeared after more than a century in hiding.

The pinkish-flowered plant, known as grass-poly, was found growing on the banks of an old farmland pond in Norfolk.

The mystery species "came back from the dead" after seeds submerged in the mud were disturbed during work to restore the pond.

The seeds of the plant remained buried in the mud, like a "time capsule". When willows were pulled out to restore the pond, this disturbed the soil and let in light, allowing the seeds to germinate.

 "There's no oxygen, it's very dark, and it's perfect for preserving seeds," says Prof Sayer, who is part of UCL's Pond Restoration Research Group. The discovery shows plants believed extinct can be brought "back to life" with good conservation, he added.


Fonte: adaptado de

A planta é conhecida como:
Q1674421 Inglês

Leia o texto abaixo para responder a questão.

A rare plant has reappeared after more than a century in hiding.

The pinkish-flowered plant, known as grass-poly, was found growing on the banks of an old farmland pond in Norfolk.

The mystery species "came back from the dead" after seeds submerged in the mud were disturbed during work to restore the pond.

The seeds of the plant remained buried in the mud, like a "time capsule". When willows were pulled out to restore the pond, this disturbed the soil and let in light, allowing the seeds to germinate.

 "There's no oxygen, it's very dark, and it's perfect for preserving seeds," says Prof Sayer, who is part of UCL's Pond Restoration Research Group. The discovery shows plants believed extinct can be brought "back to life" with good conservation, he added.


Fonte: adaptado de

A palavra mud, em “remained buried in the mud” significa:
Q1674420 Inglês

Leia o texto abaixo para responder a questão.

A rare plant has reappeared after more than a century in hiding.

The pinkish-flowered plant, known as grass-poly, was found growing on the banks of an old farmland pond in Norfolk.

The mystery species "came back from the dead" after seeds submerged in the mud were disturbed during work to restore the pond.

The seeds of the plant remained buried in the mud, like a "time capsule". When willows were pulled out to restore the pond, this disturbed the soil and let in light, allowing the seeds to germinate.

 "There's no oxygen, it's very dark, and it's perfect for preserving seeds," says Prof Sayer, who is part of UCL's Pond Restoration Research Group. The discovery shows plants believed extinct can be brought "back to life" with good conservation, he added.


Fonte: adaptado de

A frase “There's no oxygen, it's very dark, and it's perfect for preserving seeds” significa que:
Q1674419 Inglês

Leia o texto abaixo para responder a questão.

A rare plant has reappeared after more than a century in hiding.

The pinkish-flowered plant, known as grass-poly, was found growing on the banks of an old farmland pond in Norfolk.

The mystery species "came back from the dead" after seeds submerged in the mud were disturbed during work to restore the pond.

The seeds of the plant remained buried in the mud, like a "time capsule". When willows were pulled out to restore the pond, this disturbed the soil and let in light, allowing the seeds to germinate.

 "There's no oxygen, it's very dark, and it's perfect for preserving seeds," says Prof Sayer, who is part of UCL's Pond Restoration Research Group. The discovery shows plants believed extinct can be brought "back to life" with good conservation, he added.


Fonte: adaptado de

No texto, a palavra mystery, em “mystery species” é um:
Q1674418 Inglês

Leia o texto abaixo para responder a questão.

A rare plant has reappeared after more than a century in hiding.

The pinkish-flowered plant, known as grass-poly, was found growing on the banks of an old farmland pond in Norfolk.

The mystery species "came back from the dead" after seeds submerged in the mud were disturbed during work to restore the pond.

The seeds of the plant remained buried in the mud, like a "time capsule". When willows were pulled out to restore the pond, this disturbed the soil and let in light, allowing the seeds to germinate.

 "There's no oxygen, it's very dark, and it's perfect for preserving seeds," says Prof Sayer, who is part of UCL's Pond Restoration Research Group. The discovery shows plants believed extinct can be brought "back to life" with good conservation, he added.


Fonte: adaptado de

Segundo o texto, a planta possui uma flor de cor:
Q1674417 Inglês

Leia o texto abaixo para responder a questão.

A rare plant has reappeared after more than a century in hiding.

The pinkish-flowered plant, known as grass-poly, was found growing on the banks of an old farmland pond in Norfolk.

The mystery species "came back from the dead" after seeds submerged in the mud were disturbed during work to restore the pond.

The seeds of the plant remained buried in the mud, like a "time capsule". When willows were pulled out to restore the pond, this disturbed the soil and let in light, allowing the seeds to germinate.

 "There's no oxygen, it's very dark, and it's perfect for preserving seeds," says Prof Sayer, who is part of UCL's Pond Restoration Research Group. The discovery shows plants believed extinct can be brought "back to life" with good conservation, he added.


Fonte: adaptado de

De acordo com o texto:
Q1672871 Noções de Informática

De acordo com o Mouse, marque “V” para verdadeiro e “F” para falso.

( ) Normalmente possui dois botões;

( ) O botão esquerdo, sendo o botão principal;

( ) O botão direito também é chamado de botão auxiliar;

( ) Possui roda deslizante, chamada Scroll.

Assinale a alternativa correta.

Q1672868 Noções de Informática

São exemplos de Hardware:

I. Monitor

II. Mouse

III. Teclado.

IV. Fone de ouvido.

V. Impressora.

Assinale a alternativa correta.

Q1672865 Matemática
Em um pote de balas, há balas de cereja e hortelã. Sabe-se que a razão entre as balas de cereja e de hortelã é de 5/4. Se P é a quantidade total de balas que tem no pote (balas de cereja mais balas de hortelã). Uma possível quantidade P no pote pode ser:
Q1672864 Matemática
Em uma sala de aula há 48 cadeiras 1/6 nunca são ocupadas. Quando todos os alunos estão na sala as meninas são 3/5. Qual a porcentagem de meninos que frequenta essa sala de aula?
Q1672863 Matemática
Em uma indústria, a produção de peças automotivas é baseada no número de máquinas e quantidade de horas trabalhada. Supondo que em uma indústria tenha 3 máquinas idênticas que operam 12 horas por dia e que apresente uma produção de 12528 peças. Se a indústria pretende adquirir mais duas dessas máquinas e trabalhar 10 horas por dia de quanto será a produção?
Q1672862 Matemática
De um porto, parte um cruzeiro para Ilha Bela a cada 3 dias, outro cruzeiro para Búzios a cada 4 dias e outro cruzeiro para Natal a cada 5 dias. Se hoje sairão os três cruzeiros um para cada cidade, quantos dias irão demorar até saírem juntos novamente?
Q1671881 Pedagogia
No que se refere ao documento “Recursos Pedagógicos Acessíveis e Comunicação Aumentativa e Alternativa (Fascículo VI), analise os itens a seguir e, ao final, assinale a alternativa correta:
I – A tecnologia Assistiva é uma área de conhecimento e de atuação que desenvolve serviços, recursos e estratégias que auxiliam na resolução de dificuldades funcionais das pessoas com deficiência na realização de suas tarefas. II – Os recursos tecnológicos podem ser de baixa ou de alta tecnologia. III – Recursos de alta tecnologia são os adquiridos após a avaliação das necessidades do aluno, sob a indicação do professor de AEE.
Q1671880 Pedagogia
De acordo com o documento “Base Nacional Comum”, analise os itens a seguir e, ao final, assinale a alternativa correta:
I – A Educação Infantil é o início e o fundamento do processo educacional. II – A entrada na creche ou na pré-escola significa sempre a primeira separação das crianças dos seus vínculos afetivos familiares para se incorporarem a uma situação de socialização estruturada. III – Nas últimas décadas tem-se consolidado a concepção que vincula educar e punir.
Q1671877 Pedagogia

De acordo com o artigo 11 da LDB, os Municípios incumbir-se-ão:

I – baixar normas complementares para o seu sistema de ensino.

II – autorizar, credenciar e supervisionar os estabelecimentos do seu sistema de ensino.

III – exercer ação redistributiva em relação às suas escolas.

Q1671875 Pedagogia
De acordo com o documento “Base Nacional Comum”, mais precisamente sobre as competências gerais da educação básica, analise os itens a seguir e, ao final, assinale a alternativa correta:
I – Valorizar as diversas manifestações artísticas e culturais. II – Valorizar os conhecimentos historicamente construídos. III – Exercitar a ociosidade intelectual.
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